Beiträge von jimbob1977uk

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    What was the error message exactly? You can also attach the mdl (as zip)

    I don't have access to the message, I thought I took a screenshot but cant find it, the whole model is driving me nuts to be honest, I've tried to add some directional tail lights (that show wrongly as in direction of travel rather than away) & brakepipes (that are supposed to show as hanging when not connected, & connected when connected) neither of which is working correctly, also crew models should not show on the loco when it is pushing a train that has a driving trailer car leading, but it does as do the tail lights when the loco is leading.
    I can share a link to the whole mod if you want to have a look over it for me?

    attempting to use the layout you suggested (but modified to refect the real filenames obviously) crewModels = {"characters/maikc_epoche3_rail_driver.mdl", "characters/era_b_driver_rail.mdl" }, caused assertion error crashes for some reason.
    but not specifying the names at all worked, but...I also end up with those characters driving other trains they are not included with, have I missed something, or does a custom crewmember change all global crew for types of rail vehicle?


    Could anyone tell me how to make a rail loco show different crew models, ie in the case of a steam engine, a driver model & a fireman/stoker model, I have attempted this by listing the crew model .mdl's in the

      crewModels = { },

    section of the vehicles .mdl, but loading in game causes a crash

    Hi, does anyone know if it is possible for a station platform (building) module to call another mod (obviously with the original mod creator's permission), as dependency, to include that mod in the station platform (building) module?

    You can use Filter set to CUSTOM (except CommonAPI2 LINE_DESTINATION*) and use the regex as static text, or use some regex processing to store data in the name and show it.

    CommonAPI2 does in fact adds a infrastructure to bind data to line entities.

    Hi sorry about the previous post.

    i assumed that some adaptation of the code used to make the "LINE_DESCRIPTION" one to work could be used.

    Could you please explain how to use & what is regex.

    You may take a look at the wiki, according to it it is only for constructions, not vehicles:…modding:resourcetypes:mdl

    Yeah, I read that,

    Label List

    In Transport Fever 2, vehicles and constructions may display some dynamic text labels. These are defined in a labelList block in the model metadata which contains a labels list:

      ..  labelList = {    labels = {      {        type = "LINE_NAME",        transf = { 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -5.8043 , 0.1814, 2.808 , 1, },        size = { 0.366, 0.210 },        color = {247 / 255, 147 / 255, 33 /255},        fitting = "CUT",        alignment = "CENTER",        filter = "NUMBER",        renderMode = "EMISSIVE",        childId = "RootNode",      },      ...    },  },  ..

    There are many different properties which can be used to define the labels.

    To set the position of the label, use the transf property pointing to the coordinates where the lower left corner of the label should be. The label will be placed aligned to the X and Z axis. The coordinates are relative to the mesh that is referenced in childID by name.

    The size contains a pair of two values. The first for the size in x direction, the second for the size in y direction, both relative to the transf. Negative values will result in no text visible. The y direction is used for the fontsize too. To use the label with more than one line of text, set nLines to a value larger than 1. Values below 1 are ignored.

    Coloring the text is possible by using the color attribute. It receives a vector with three values, one for each color in the range between 0 and 1. The transparency of the text is set by alpha. Value 0 is invisible, value 1 is opaque, values greater than 1 might lead to artifacts. With the alphaMode, it is possible to define how the alphablending is done. Possible values are either “CUTOUT”, “BLEND” or “NONE”. In Front of opaque textures, this might be irrelevant, but on transparent faces like glass panes it might be more relevant. To get emissive text (like with LCD destination displays), set the renderMode to “EMISSIVE”, otherwise set it to “STD”.

    The horizontal alignment of the text can be set in alignment with the values “LEFT”, “CENTER” and “RIGHT”. For the vertical alignment, set verticalAlignment either to “BOTTOM”, “CENTER” or “TOP”.

    To adjust the behavior of text that is longer than the label, set fitting either to:

    • “NONE” to let it overflow.
    • “CUT” to cut excessive text.
    • “SCALE” to scale down until it fits in the horizontal size.

    The type property contains one of the following keys:

    • “NONE” is applicable to all models and shows nothing.
    • “LINE_NAME” is applicable to vehicles and shows the name of the line that the vehicle is currently on.
    • “NEXT_STOP” is applicable to vehicles and shows the name of the next stop of the vehicle.
    • “NAME” is applicable to any model and shows the name of the entity (vehicle, construction, …).
    • “COMPANY_NAME” is applicable to any model and shows the name of the company.
    • “STATION_NAME” is applicable to any station model and shows the station name.
    • “CUSTOM” shows some custom content based on a labelText property in the construction.

    If it does only work for constructions, then that is a pity, I was sure someone would have worked it out if it was possible.

    I'm hoping one of you guys will know, I'm trying to use the Type = "CUSTOM" for a vehicle (bus) destination blind, as below

    labels = {


    alignment = "CENTER",

    alpha = 3,

    alphaMode = "CUTOUT",

    childId = "20_body_1",

    color = { 0.8862743973732, 0.88627451658249, 0.19115723669529, },

    filter = "NONE",

    fitting = "SCALE",

    nLines = 1,

    params = { },

    renderMode = "EMISSIVE",

    size = { 0.85000002384186, 0.15999999642372, },

    transf = { -4.3711388286738e-08, 1, 0, 0, 4.3711388286738e-08, 1.9106854651647e-15, 1, 0, 1, 4.3711388286738e-08, -4.3711388286738e-08, 0, 4.7600002288818, -0.73000001907349, 2.5099999904633, 1, },

    type = "CUSTOM",

    verticalAlignment = "BOTTOM",


    The issue I have is where & what string is needed to make my "CUSTOM" show "LIMITED STOP" for example?

    Many thanks


    I'm loving all these wonderful Dutch mods, to use on the great Dutch maps that have been released.

    A couple of things though;

    Is anyone creating NS 1500 \ BR EM2/Class 77?

    Is anyone creating GVB trams & metro vehicles?

    Is there any chance of all the existing vehicles being made as assets too?

    Many thanks, & keep up the great work!