Posts by nsicng

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    Can you add the Plan D Benelux stuurstandrijtuig. I am searching for them al long time on Transport Fever. but never could find one.

    i'm probably not the best person to ask for this - the creator in THIS THREAD has recently made a new model for the Plan D and could choose to add a stuurstand variant model. i've only been doing basic modelling so far. it's a very cool coach but it would be quite messy if i tried to build this entire head shape out of an existing Plan D by Oppie.

    EDIT: i don't remember making this but i do have a mockup of an ICM-based Benelux stuurstand in my design folder from a year ago. i could have a go at putting this one in the game for funsies.

    long time no update, so here's the news:

    i'm currently adding different versions of DD-IRM/VIRM and of Plan V. especially the latter is a longer-term activity as there are several different construction series, and these were each extensively modified during their lifespan. i really want them all to accurately reflect every period, so just the research alone has taken entire days....there are different variants almost for every decade so for Plan V this will mean implementing at least 8 or 9 variants. some have modernised interiors and some will have entirely different doors and windows - the newest one is a 2000s variant with increased traction and altered seating nicknamed "Turbo-V".

    adding all these variants has to be done sequentially, so i'm finishing the DD-IRM first before moving to VIRM and VIRMm, and with Plan V i'm working backwards from the Turbo-V.

    ICR-B stock has been added in all original variants, and the SNCB/NMBS HLE11 locomotive has been adjusted to match. for historical accuracy, there is a baggage-kitchen coach and 1st class passengers have the option of sitting in six-seat compartments. ICRm-B stock and ICR+ will follow in due time. there is also a fleet of ICR apparently going to MÁV-START in 2025....i will be adding this livery as soon as we know more.

    for the 1970-1990 period, i'm detailing the Plan E carriages with various advertising options and adding detail to the locomotives of the series 1100-1200-1300. a new Plan K coach has been added which can be used in InterCity trains for the period 1968-1984. also planned for a future version is a fully realised 1400 series locomotive. this class was designed by NS in 1965-66, and then cancelled during pre-production.


    taking a small step away from actual reality, the lore requires a later production variant of the SM'90 unit. this type will have been built in large numbers between ca. 1997 and 2002, it's more modern and carries a minimalist livery matching with the DM'90.

    Thanks for the updates, liking them!

    Which train is the NS Stadler-Werkspoor ICNG? I know its not in the pack, but just out of curiosity ^^

    the Stadler ICNG is a strongly modified version of Seamon's SBB Giruno model. it has a different interior and changed scripts and i'd have to ask permission to release it. there are a few issues it has that i would like to fix first however.

    good to hear, then i won't put much more effort into the 1100 and Plan E beyond what's changed recently, and update my mod as-is. just to be clear, is this Plan E passenger coaches only you're planning or also the matching restaurant, post and bicycle coaches of Plan E and Plan L? these are currently nonexistent and i have been intending to create them soon as well.

    happy travels creating further new mods in 2025 by the way!

    interesting...i just spent 3 days last week putting this together. do you have a roadmap anywhere so it's possible to know which vehicles are and aren't being worked on by someone?

    You should be careful as to what you measure against what...

    The 3D model of the ICR is extremely outdated and pretty low quality by 2024 transport fever standards.

    I would say its much more likely that the ICR coaches are off and not the locomotive

    That's not entirely true. i have reviewed and tweaked Oppie's models where needed and made's definitely true that the models are low quality, but this has made it all the easier for me to confirm that they're consistently scaled. the Oppie models are still being detailed and upgraded by me; it simply takes a while to get a satisfactory result for each since there's so many. for example, the exact height and width on the NS 1600, ICR and Plan W coaches have all been modified slightly to conform to reality. They weren't quite matching initially, but now that it's done, i'm looking at adding further texture detail and features like high detail interiors, weathering, lights and animations.

    In contrast, Giuseppe, your models are obviously MUCH more detailed and the texture work is a world apart. they really look great! And yet, there are still visible inaccuracies. it's totally forgivable, but I'm confident in saying that there are very very few, if any, NS models that are 100% accurate. a few examples are NS VIRM and NS Plan U, where the VIRM has windows in the wrong places and a misproportioned front end. the Plan U is improvised from a Plan V model and contains many inaccuracies. I'm in the process of fixing them both now, and they will look far better than they have before.

    that's great, i've really been in need of an NS mainline diesel locomotive for the 1970-1990 period. only the DB BR 218 is a possible alternative, but it was never suitable to have been put in NS colours.

    by the way; i've finally had some time to look at the 1500 model in-game today. it looks great, we're very lucky to finally have it!
    I did notice however that the scaling is slightly off however; although the 1500 should be narrower than the intercity coaches it was typically used with, this model is currently too low and narrow, the top of the 1500's roof (without pantographs) should line up with the top of the roofs on the ICR coaches. the height difference in the game is about 20-30 centimeters, so quite a lot. maybe this is something you could look at in an update.

    Oh wow, what an unexpectedly wonderful weekend for the Dutch Fever scene! we'd been waiting a long time for the 1500 series, it's wonderful to have it now. if you'd like, let me know about any future plans you might have because I'm still planning on doing various older EMUs like Mat '34, Mat '36, Mat ' would not make sense to put all these together if you're already busy with it.

    a new version of the modpack is available, and additionally i have released separate skins for NMBS/SNCB I11 and SKPL SD85.…iledetails/?id=2923996017…iledetails/?id=3364415357…iledetails/?id=3364872390

    Plan V, DM'90 and ICMm multiple units have received improved detailing and Plan E coaches are now available in their 1970-1989 variant with the dark+light blue colours (steam locomotive not included ;))

    ah, this topic has not been kept up to date for a while, my apologies.

    assorted double deckers have been added to the pack in the latest version, and i'm currently working on more ICR variants. additionally, i'm seeing what can be improved on the ICNG model and will be adding it soon.

    for the DM'90, some details have been tweaked and there is a new SKPL variant representing this unit's new life in Poland.

    other projects include redesigning & detailing the GTW units used for slower regional services on lines without electrification. these are ex-Arriva stock, and i'll release the STADLER GTW and FLIRT models separately in a blank variant when i'm satisfied with their new appearance.

    i'm also very very interested in this - how does writing API scripts work? and does commonAPI work by itself or have other dependencies when enabled in a save? i've had it installed but without any use for it so far.

    Is the NS 1500 series a repaint of the Skoda 109e? Looks very cool man!

    It is indeed, for personal lore reasons - hundreds of electric locomotives were still needed for NS passenger and freight duties by the end of 2010. Dozens of these were technically obsolete and falling apart, but due to economic circumstances it was too expensive to replace them all outright. Instead it was decided to order 50 high-speed (200km/h) multi-system locomotives for passenger services initially and postpone further orders until the mid-2010s. No suitable offers came forward initially, but then the Škoda locomotive factory in Czechoslovakia saw its chance and offered a variant of its 109E which proved quite attractive to NS. Fifty were soon ordered, with some small modifications, and delivered between 2013-16. Improving finances and a large government bailout meant another large order could already be placed in 2013 for the first of possibly hundreds of TRAXX locomotives.

    Defect NS SNG

    Because of your post i've now gone ahead and added the yellow-front SNG to the pack early, as well as applying some fixes to SLT.
    DDM / DD-AR / DDZ should be next week or soon after.

    feel free to ask for any specific photographic references! there are thankfully many hundreds of high-quality pictures on sites like and, and i have a few books here which might contain detailed schematics or design drawings for Mat '46 and other NS rolling stock.

    are you also considering the differences in construction between the Bk and the ABDk coaches? they're very different inside and out.

    Bk ^

    ABDk (24 1st class seats and baggage compartment) ^>

    wow! they're stunning, i guess this will make my Mat'36/'46 kitbash obsolete. do you have a patreon or another way for people to support your creative efforts?

    Die mod "No Town Development" von VacuumTube verhindert, dass die KI weitere Häuser baut.

    Die mod "Town Building Filter (Level)" von VacuumTube kannst Du durch setzten auf Level2 dazu bewegen nur kleine Häuser zu bauen. Achtung: Das kann aber auch zu einer flächenmäßig größeren Ausdehnung führen!

    Die mod "Town tuning " von @lollus hat sehr viele Parameter zum Beschleunigen bzw. Verlangsamen des Wachstums. Einfach mal damit rumspielen.

    Vielleicht ist dies derzeit der beste Weg, dies zu tun, da die Simulation normalerweise sowieso darauf bedacht ist, unrealistisch hohe Gebäude in relativ kleinen Städten zu errichten. Wenn die Simulation nur auf Level 1 und 2 bauen kann, ist es nur ein kleiner Aufwand, manuell höhere Gebäude hinzuzufügen. So mache ich es auch. Daher ist es möglich, die angestrebte Zielgröße der Stads (Eure Dörfer) auf einen sehr, sehr niedrigen Wert festzulegen.