Beiträge von N0neGiv3N

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    This is the first Music Video that I've constructed featuring a friend as well.

    Hip-hop related to fighting Bosses as though life was a Videogame. Hope someone out there can relate!

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    This was a good laugh!

    In all seriousness, I believe I know what you're referring to.

    Third Rail Tracks (Either the Vienna Fever Third Rail Tracks, or Madhatter's Third Rail Tracks) seem to flip-flop their third rail position when you use these tracks in module stations. Since module tracks can only be laid in one direction I have no solution to this and have decided to live with it. If you do find a solution, I'll be sure to check back on the forum.


    unfortunately no. With Build ID: 11973933 FreeStyle Station does not run.

    PS: I already have a mod artist in mind who could solve the problem. But I don't want to say who I mean, maybe he'll figure it out himself... ;-) hahaha

    That appears to be a self-induced issue with transferring a steam workshop mod to the local mod folder.

    Try renaming the mod folder for this mod from "2363493916_lollo_freestyle_train_station_1" to just "2363493916_1" OR "lollo_freestyle_train_station_1".

    If you were to download that mod on steam it would not have that extremely long name causing this issue like MaikC is alluding to. Please try it and see for yourself. Take Care.

    Times have changed and it's no longer about the i5, i7, and i9 tiers alone.

    The individual clock speed plays an important factor. For instance, that 7700HQ will tell you what you need to know. Should aim for a CPU that has 12000 for that number. Here is a guide to understand the nomenclature.

    That GPU is about the same as mine (1060 GTX), it will not be doing you any favors with that 4GB of VRAM. This game drinks VRAM like Kool-Aid, getting a card with at least 12GB - 16GB VRAM should be the minimum. Again times have changed and it's not just about getting the highest second number (a 4090 RTX is not necessarily the best just because it's the highest one NVIDIA sells at the moment).

    16GB RAM is okay, getting two sticks of 16GB RAM (32GB) and you won't have to look at RAM again really.

    Storage space is good enough.

    If your friend is giving this to you as a gift then that's a nice friend, unfortunately, it will not play this game to the best of its ability. Stick to Low Textures in the settings and you should be able to play. Do you want to be making gigantic maps? Absolutely not, but you can still have a great time in Freeplay either playing the game legit or as a virtual model railroad. Tips for playing can only be given once we know what type of player you are. Do you want to follow in-game objectives, or do you just want to build whatever designs come to mind?

    In your situation, before you even start to give your performance a fighting chance you want the Population Factor and Town Tuning Mods. They are without a shadow of a doubt your only fighting chance for keeping a decent performance

    Hope this was helpful.

    You are only able to change the texture ( if i remember correctly in the tracks / streets lua?) of the tunnel wall.

    How would someone go about changing the textures of the tunnel wall?

    I have some track mods and some of them have a better texture for tunnel walls than default that i'd like to apply to the other tracks.

    Figured out the answer. You must edit the Tunnel Wall line in the .LUA file of the track mod. If you set it to null you can get rid of tunnel walls and use assets like Randomx7 suggested. You can also set it to the name of other tunnel textures from other track mods you may have downloaded. Really useful!

    I have that sometimes too, mainly when taking rides, much less often and for a shorter period of time when scrolling over it in the normal view. When taking rides, this can look like the screenshot.

    This occurs particularly frequently in a certain self-built city. There are always only a few frames, what is visible in the city often looks like enlarged parts of the houses from LMG's Medieval Houses package. But because this only occurs for a short time, I can't identify every artifact.

    I don't have many screenshots of it; the effect doesn't occur in sparsely built-up areas. Occurs since I updated to 35716

    That's exactly what happens to me. I notice it happens around objects that I built by scratch using either the Building Blocks Mod or Joe Fried Pieces.

    Get a high clock speed CPU and a 4000 series GPU with at least 12GB VRAM. You should be in business after that for this game and the eventual sequel, but you will still need to heed Oberhausener68's warning.

    Start your new map without generating many cities. If possible, try to plop street grids instead and place housing assets. This will give you the look of a city but without the burden of sims. You can manually add sims later with visitor magnets. Another magnet can be used for car traffic too. Keep these magnets at a minimum and you will be able to enjoy a mega map without much slowdown. It is time-consuming but it is worth it in the long run.

    Don't worry about the specs too much. For people that don't follow these steps they will always stutter and lag even when a NVIDIA 6000 series comes along in a decade or so.

    I've returned with more Right of Way! ^^

    This is Venola Junction which is located on the west side of the island. It serves the West Shore Line at all times ( Both Local and Express variants ). It also functions as a terminal for Trinity Line East.

    This station contains 4 tracks {From the picture; the Tracks are: 1 [ ] 3 | 4 [ ] 2 }.

    Local service stops on the outer tracks with Express service stopping on the middle tracks. The Trinity Line East only stops on the Track 2 side as the junction only has one track connection to that right of way. The approach to the Trinity Line can be viewed in the upper right of this picture.

    Additional rail cars are periodically stored on the layup tracks on the southern end of the station. Those stub tracks are labeled 5 and 6 respectively .

    Venola Junction also has a Control Point (CP) included which provides the elevated structure a nodehouse, substation, and Wayside Relay Cabinets. CP has two means of power; primary power from the power lines and a backup source from Solar Energy.

    Venola Junction and it's accompanied Control Point (CP Venola)

    As soon as you are completed with this I will begin to replace all my pre-existing third rail trackage with this one instead. This will allow a much more diverse amount of tracks that can have Third rail power.

    Thanks JAG!

    This is the creation of one of my stations on the approach to Essex (Wayne) Bridge.

    It is a station inside of a mountain side that supports a significant portion of the community of Essex. The first picture is how the station looked from the mouth of the mountain before any beautiful construction was done (revenue service was established). The second picture is the milestone of final completion!

    Making Essex(Wayne) Bridge: THE BEFORE  Part 1 Making Essex(Wayne) Bridge: Completed!