Where to find blueprints?

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  • First of all: There is no just-go-to-this-site-and-hit-enter - solution. There are some general blueprint sites but they mostly carry stuff you could find somewhere else with google.

    So it's mainly dependent on what train from which region you are looking for. Even when using goolge or bing you can get great results if you know the right keywords (for example DSB litra tegningen gives good results for danish trains.) When searching for a foreign train try to find out it's original name. When in picture search mode you can refine your search by selcting black and white pictures. Also using keywords for model trains might help (for example Roco or Brawa)

    Also give bing a try. Not everything made by Microsoft is bad ;) It sometimes give great results when Google won't.

    If wanted we can collect some useful sites here. I do have a small collection for example for the nordic DLC.

    Some blueprints, you won't be able to find in the Internet because simply no one put them up and they where quite rare ;)
    For my VT 137 Type Stettin I had to go to a special library and scan them myself from a very rare book.

    Btw, when craeating new (english) topics you can add a language tag. So you can easily filter them by tag/language ;)

  • Here some tips to find blueprints using google (or bing)

    - append 'blueprint' or a translation of it after the model name
    - append 'pdf' after the model name to find prospecs or datasheets from searched train
    - change the search location to the locationen where the train is/was used (you can change the location in settings -> search settings -> location)
    - use google page of the countroy where the train is used
    - use general keywords (like s-tog, steam locomotive, tram) instead of model name
    - find out if the train is used in an other country and find out the model number (change language of the wikipedia article often helps)
    - use different search engines (google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo)
