Cargo type definitions location

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  • In TpF1 the game cargo types were defined in game.config.cargotypes but that is no longer present in TpF2. I see the cargo types are defined in \res\config\cargo_types\ but how do I enumerate them in my mod? Previously it was as simple as

    for i=1,#game.config.cargotypes do

    but I'm not sure what to do in TpF2?

  • You can't in TPF2. Its now like the other gameresources like vehicles where you have to register a modifier function where can apply changes. I have it not open currently but i think it was named "loadCargoType". Just search for the definition of all the possible modifiers of the game.


  • Perhaps an example might help?

    Previously I was doing something like this:

    for i=1,#game.config.cargotypes do
    	if (game.config.cargotypes[i].id == "MIXED_FODDER") then
    		-- MIXED_FODDER cargo type has been defined, do something about it

    Now how would I do a similar thing in TpF2?

  • Lua
        function(fileName, data)
            -- write your code here
            return data

    und die Parameter die die Rückruffunktion bekommt:

  • OpenSource: thank you, that helps. But I'm still having problems with lua scoping issues.

    I'm currently trying to get the list of defined cargo types:

    definedCargoTypes = {}
    addModifier("loadCargoType", function(fileName, data)
    	table.insert(definedCargoTypes, data)
    	return data
    -- definedCargoTypes is empty here

    And it does indeed loop through the cargo types, add them into definedCargoTypes (if I check the value inside the anonymous function the table gets one entry longer each time), but when I want to do something with it on the next line beyond the addModifier call, the table is empty. What am I doing wrong?

  • Different Lua States

    definedCargoTypes = {}
    print("before addModifier", definedCargoTypes , os.clock())
    addModifier("loadCargoType", function(fileName, data)
     print("in addModifier", definedCargoTypes , os.clock())
     table.insert(definedCargoTypes, data)
     return data
    print("after addModifier", definedCargoTypes , os.clock())
    -- definedCargoTypes is empty here

    Lua; states, threads, libraries and memory layout:
