My game keeps crashing and can't figure out why

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  • Hey, my game keeps crashing and I really tried but can't figure out why. Here is the stdoubt.txt:

    Hope anyone can help me out here.
    It says a problem with my graphic card, I have a 1080TI - Worked fine the last year.

  • Hi, first you could check if you are using the latest game version (31994), as Urban Games made some fixes for those problems (see here LINK: Release Notes). Making sure to run the latest driver for your grafic card makes sense too.

    There was an big update for the game that implemented a new graphic interface (vulkan). Your system currently is using this api but its not running stable on all systems (see here: LINK: Troubleshooting (German).

    When it works with your system vulkan can bring better performance, but if you still have problems you can go to the graphic settings (Transportfever 2 graphic settings) and switch back to OpenGL.

  • Thanks! I'll try to check to see if everything is updated and see if that fixes the problem.
