[TFGM] Train Fever Game Manager

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • - 1302
    Version 1.1

    * Temporarily removed the repair option.
    It was only checking the legacy format. Needs to be rewritten.
    * Added a tag preview in tag manager.
    * Added a colour editor to the tag manager.
    Now you can set your own colors on the tags.
    * Create and Add new tags directly from the Mod's information panel.
    * Auto naming when exporting tags by languages.
    Edit manually to break auto naming and clear the name to enable it again.
    * Added auto named tag file exported (selected languages).
    * Added more links under the help menu.
    * Added progress bar when scanning for modules.
    * Added confirmation dialog after tag export.
    * Added an auto clear option to the log window (auto clears when TF starts)
    * Added Select all to log window.
    * Added Find dialog to log window.
    * More intelligent mod import from non standard formats.
    * Better Lua error messages.

    * Fixed a bug where search with empty strings always returned match.
    * Fixed a bug where tags sometimes where exported under the wrong file name.
    * Fixed the group on status view mode.
    * Fixed a bug where all flags (mod's info page) was shown if a mod didn't have any strings defined at all.
    * Fixed a potential crash when TFGM closed after TF had been closed manually.

  • When TFGM download updates it uses SSL (HTTPS). Some Windows installations you need to have one or more DLLs for the SSL part. These DLLs are bundled in the TFGM archive, just in case, and can be downloaded separat on the TFGM page here on Train-Fever.net

    You can always upgrade TFGM manually by downloading it from here
    Train Fever Game Manager
    ..and then just replace all the old TFGM files with the Archive content.

    I remember that I released a few versions quickly in a row due to crashes I found.
    Let me know If you find more problems after you have updated to the latest version.

  • New version - 1307

    * Added path to an external Lua editor for editing configuration files.
    * Added a Mod configuration option to toolbar and popup menu.
    * Fixed a division by 0 error in the tag color class.
    * Fixed a bug where the info.lua files was case sensitive.
    * Fixed some tag description formatting issues (missing spaces)
    * Fix. Selected modules stays selected after enable/disable etc...
    * Fixed Steam profile link not working from Translator author cards

  • Release Release - 1308

    * Added a vehicle browser.
    * Fixed the tag export filename not including the right path.
    * Fixed the empty tag list if no tag had been selected in mod view.
    * Lua engine now loads external script references.
    * Targa images now use alpha mask.

    The vehicle browser currently only shows all installed (vanilla, dlc and mods) vehicles and their data.
    It scans your TF installation at startup, so be a bit patient ;)

  • So i encountered a problem
    I wanted to install serveral mods but TFGM doesnt recognices the mods corectly and it seems that it has to do with the info.lua
    If i drag the mod into the manager it only recognizes the name of the archive but not the creator, version, name, desription etc etc.

    Here one from a working mod

    and here one from a not recognizable mod

    i dont find anything wrong here but as soon as i delete the file and ther is only a .ini present it works

  • Release - 1312

    * Added a timeline view in the vehicle browser.
    - Mouse wheel, scroll up/down in list.
    - SHIFT + Mouse Wheel, scroll horizontal along time axel.
    - CTRL + Mouse Wheel, zoom in/out time
    For now, the item at the top is always scrolled into view when scrolling up/down.
    The vehicle type is looked up in the tag manager to get the color.

    * Added some more vehicle info in the Vehicle manager.
    * Added a progress indication when loading vehicles into the vehicle manager.
    * Added default images for each vehicle type (when an image is missing).
    * Added a new standard tag: Car

    * Fix. On close, progress window showed old information from previous usage.
    * Fix. Added some missing hint messages.
    * Fix, A missing UTF8 conversion when scanning vehicles.

  • Hey Gwinda it would be cool if we could edit the loading speed of our vehicles :D

    As you have noticed, the vehicle manager is a great platform with a lot of potential. This is only the beginning of what I have in mind ;)


    So i encountered a problem
    I wanted to install serveral mods but TFGM doesnt recognices the mods corectly and it seems that it has to do with the info.lua
    If i drag the mod into the manager it only recognizes the name of the archive but not the creator, version, name, desription etc etc.

    Can you send me the link to the mod you had problems with?
