Object's going from 3D to 2D

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  • Hi all,

    i'm wondering if there is anything that can be done to stop objects going into 2D? example - if i use the "BloodyRules Bushes 1.2" mod, when close up the bushes are in 3D but when i zoom out the object turns to 2d and then vanishes. Is there a setting on my nvidia control panel i can adjust to stop this from happening ? i tried the closer render distance mod and it didn't help.

  • Halligal is right, but I'll give some more information:

    LOD means Level of detail.

    When an object is far away, you can't see much of it in the game. Therefore Models in the game contain more simplistic versions that are displayed when further away from camera.

    If this wouldn't happen, the game would have to load every little detail (like cables, pipes or grass blades) even kilometres (miles) away, where you're definitely won't be able to see them.

    Deactivating this function is possible in theory via changing the script of those models, but it is really not recommended, since you will have severe performance problems when doing that.

  • If you make a mod and then create the lods, you should do so so that you don't see the transitions.

    If it does: Bad job, the author should do a update.

    Btw, the mod "closer render distance" does not change anything about this problem.
