creating vehicle inside a script

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  • Here is my next strange question....

    I have a harbour that now works like an industry (note it isn't built as an industry, it is built from the harbour menu). It processes input and makes an output. If the output is the same as the input of another nearby industry. The cargo is to be transported even if it is a very short distance, due to the game. To solve this short transport distance of the processed output harbour cargo to the nearby industry without forcing the player to make a short line,

    I am now thinking (if possible) to make a construction which has two invisible stations and a script created invisible vehicle that moves the cargo inside the area of the harbour, This will have the effect when the script created vehicle unloads the cargo at the internal station 2, it will be same as if the player have built a short line manually externally.

    So, can a script create a line between two stations and "buy" a vehicle and put it into this line automatically?

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von melectro ()
