Wheels turn on the Y-axis instead of the X-axis

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  • Gutentag!

    Ich komme aus die Nierderlanden und ich spreche nicht so gut Deutch, aber ich möchte pobieren. Ich habe ein Problem, was auch ist diskutiert ins dieze post. Ich habe ein zug gemacht, oder die raden drehen ins dein falsh richtung (Y und nicht X).

    Ich gehe weiter in Englisch :)


    I'm having the exact same problem as discussed in this forum thread. I'm not able to get the wheels to turn on the other axis. Even though a solution was given I'm still struggling to apply it.

    I've attached an image of my blender model. My train is also available for download on Steam!

    Can someone please help me? What information do you need?



  • If You look at the parts orientation, You´ll see that it has been turned by 90.5° about the X axis, 7.98° Y and 180° Z. Declaring a part with such an orientation a wheel will result in a quite wobbly rotation about, as You say, the global (to the model) Y axis.

    To amend this, You´ll need to "apply" rotation, in other words, tell Blender that the part in its current orientation is the properly oriented one. In 2.79, there is a menu accessible in Object mode: Object - Apply - Rotation and Scale. This solves the issue blender-wise in one click.

    However, if You adjust the parts orientation, You´ll need to mind the transformation matrix in the .mdl as well. You´ll likely have quite weird figures in the line referring to the wheel now; with the amended part, it should read {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate, 1}. Then it ought to work.

  • Thanks, Dh-106 and MaikC!

    To admit, I'm struggling to find out how to properly configure the wheels. I don't understand the mechanisms of a train, so terms as "bogie" and "axles" are new to me. Even reading the Transport Fever wiki page on "fake bogies" doesn't let me understand it, unfortunately.

    In addition, you shouldn't use wheels on a train, as they would steer them in the curves. It would be correct to connect both wheels for one axle.

    So, may I ask, how do I create an axle? Can you show me an example maybe? That would help out a lot! Anyway, thanks for pointing me towards the right configuration!

    However, if You adjust the parts orientation, You´ll need to mind the transformation matrix in the .mdl as well. You´ll likely have quite weird figures in the line referring to the wheel now; with the amended part, it should read {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate, 1}. Then it ought to work.

    I'm currently at this step. It's quite confusing to me, so I didn't dive in to it yet. I may need to change the Blender model first regarding MaikC's feedback. If this is the case I'll preferably update the Blender model first. Thanks for helping me so far!

  • These are issues that all of us faced during construction of our respective first models - no need to throw in the towel :)

    Axle and wheels are simply matters of declaration in the .mdl. Let me expand: When You open a vehicle .mdl, about halfway down, You´ll find lines reading "wheels = { (list of meshes)}" and "axles = { (other list of meshes)}". If You declare a part a wheel, it will spin at an appropriate speed when the vehicle is travelling on the ground and it will be used to define the vehicles position on the ground as well. The same goes for an axle. The difference between these two is that a "wheel" will be deflected for steering while an "axle" will remain rigidly mounted to the models body. So for a truck, the forward wheels will be "wheels" in the game, the rear wheels will be an "axle".

    Now, a train is a little different. It does not "steer" per se, so its wheels will all be "axles" to the game.

    If You just adjust the wheels in Blender and then re-export the entire model, You´ll avoid the issue with the transformation matrix as the entire model will be reset. On occasion, You will want to export only an individual part though, leaving other adjustments You may have made to the .mdl intact, and this is when You will need to mind the matrices as well.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von DH-106 ()
