Hello everyone! I really need help!

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  • Code
    At least someone knows - is it possible to add more than 1 rule to production or not??? such as:
    local stockListConfig = {
    rule1 = { input = { {4,2,0,1,0,0},{5,1,3,2,0,0}, }, output = { PAPER = 1, PASSENGERS = 2 }, capacity = 100 },
    rule2 = { input = { {5,4,0,2,0,0},{8,6,4,5,0,0}, }, output = { CARTONS = 1, PASSENGERS = 4 }, capacity = 100 },
    rule3 = { input = { {5,2,0,2,1,1},{8,1,3,5,1,1}, }, output = { STICKER = 1, PASSENGERS = 4 }, capacity = 100 },
    answer at least something - yes it is possible, but we don’t know how or not, it’s not possible at all ...
  • I am afraid that this is not possible. A while ago, I have tried the same with a different (shelved) project but have been advised that one factory can only run one recipe. Various attempts at circumventing this have all failed.

    A request for this would probably best be directed at UG, as it will require a deep(er) change of the system. There would need to be a decision logic selecting one of the prescribed recipes depending on supply and demand, or possibly a balance between them if running all of them at once would be desired. Looking at Your code here, this even seems harder than I initially thought. Here´s why:

    My attempt was to build a farm that either produces "nothing -> 1 grain" (as in the vanilla game) or, with fertiliser provided, "fertiliser -> 3 grain and 1 straw" for further processing down a new production chain. This would require picking the active recipe based on raw material and nothing else: if fertiliser is available, run the enhanced recipe; if not, fall back on the basic level. Your code would additionally require balancing factory output between these 3 recipes depending on raw materials provided and city demand/transport route capacity available.

    And this is probably stuff for another possibly upcoming update and not easily implemented...

  • Code
    thanks at least for such an answer, now I won’t rack my brains with attempts to implement this, although in TP1 1 additional rule (though it was necessary to install a mod) could be added. What can you say about windows? 
    Is there a chance to increase them? I have already broken everything in the interface, but the windows do not change.