Calculator for line upgrade?

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  • Hi,

    There are any kind of calculator to help with the upgrade of lines?

    Currently, I'm using a formula to help upgrade the rate of lines and/or upgrade the old vehicles/wagons to new ones. But is very basic and lacking, to some lines it gives me nearly exact number of vehicles/wagons needed, to others, there are bigger differences. Basically any line that needs to handle traffic congestion and/or intersections always require tweaks later. Makes sense, because faster vehicles are more sensitive to decelerations.

    Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to include the power ratio of the vehicles in the formula in a way it works. Right now, I'm using only a basic speed*cargo rule to figure out the "cargo potential" of the vehicles.

    A more accurate calculator will be very welcome, especially now, with the need to split the delivery of the industries between multiple cities that will arrive in the next big patch.


  • This would be very difficult to calculate, since you would also need to take into account slopes and their gradients on the route of the line. The steeper the slopes, the more important the power of the vehicle. Similar for sharp turns.

    When I create a new cargo line and want to reach a certain rate, I send out a few vehicles, wait a bit (the ingame rate calculation often gets corrected after a while), then look at the rate and calculate/estimate how many more are needed. For example, if I send out 5 vehicles, get a rate of 27 and want a rate of 400, I need (400/27)*5 = ~74 vehicles in total.

    When I upgrade a line to different vehicles, I sell a few first, then upgrade and look how many more I can sell to get back to the target rate. There you can also make some calculations, for example if you have a rate of 654 with 74 vehicles but want a rate of 400: 400*(74/654) = 45,... vehicles.

    The process of removing vehicles is a bit tiresome, especially if you don't want to lose any cargo or want to keep the vehicles evenly spread out. Let me know if there's a mod for that...

  • Exactly. The process to upgrade lines is very tiresome if you don't want to cause unnecessary fluctuations in the cargo delivery. It's why I asked if someone knew any calculator, but seems that everyone do what we do. Use a generic calculator and babysit the line, adding and removing vehicles until it in the correct ratio. Now imagine doing it to 100+ lines in a megalomaniac map that is only 60% connected right now. It takes literally hours to to do the math and update every line, and then some 4-5 in-game years to get all of them in the correct ration again.||

    I did this calculator on excel only to make it faster in comparison to using a generic calculator:

    TF2 Vehicle

    It's the exact same generic formula you showed. I want to add to it the power ratio, to try to make it more precise, to try to emulate the ability the vehicle has to reach its max speed again. It would give us a better approach of the recommended number of new vehicles than using only the max speed and cargo capacity alone.
