Beiträge von Blackdragonbird

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    Hi, any advice in the best way to learn LUA and in how to learn how to mod the game?

    Books, videos, courses, documentation?

    I found this mod in the workshop:…6&searchtext=paint+ya+car

    I spoke with the creator but didn't get any response from him.

    I want to learn to make some modifications and create a version of this mod with the following modification.

    1 - Instead of choosing what types of vehicles the mode can paint, it could paint any vehicle type, but only in lines that I choose to be managed by the mod;

    Any advice will be very appreciated. :)

    Unfortunately, nothing is currently planned in this direction.

    A pity.

    Anyways, I looked around the mod files and created a little version of it to my own use. Looks good in the desert, the excessively bright and blue atmosphere was caused by the fog shader, deleted it and the lightning looks more warm.

    But I'm struggling to 'skin' the tracks. Simply moving the models, track configuration files, mesh and textures with the same names as the 2 vanilla tracks from your mod folder to my mod folder, gave me a lot of placeholder boxes. Deleting these files from my personal mod folder allowed the vanilla tracks to load the textures for the rails and sleepers.

    Any tip in how to proceed to make the 2 vanilla tracks load your improved models for it? Specially the high speed track, I want that cool looking sleepers. :love:

    Some screenshots:

    Modded 01

    Vanilla 01

    Modded 02

    Vanilla 02

    Modded 03

    Vanilla 03

    Hi. Any plan to create versions specific for each biome? This one is compatible with the USA and Asian maps, but, it makes the sun too white/blue and excessively bright, like pumping my display brightness to 100%.

    Maybe some little version with only the skybox and lightning, without the tracks and other assets would be very cool.

    Exactly. The process to upgrade lines is very tiresome if you don't want to cause unnecessary fluctuations in the cargo delivery. It's why I asked if someone knew any calculator, but seems that everyone do what we do. Use a generic calculator and babysit the line, adding and removing vehicles until it in the correct ratio. Now imagine doing it to 100+ lines in a megalomaniac map that is only 60% connected right now. It takes literally hours to to do the math and update every line, and then some 4-5 in-game years to get all of them in the correct ration again.||

    I did this calculator on excel only to make it faster in comparison to using a generic calculator:

    TF2 Vehicle

    It's the exact same generic formula you showed. I want to add to it the power ratio, to try to make it more precise, to try to emulate the ability the vehicle has to reach its max speed again. It would give us a better approach of the recommended number of new vehicles than using only the max speed and cargo capacity alone.


    There are any kind of calculator to help with the upgrade of lines?

    Currently, I'm using a formula to help upgrade the rate of lines and/or upgrade the old vehicles/wagons to new ones. But is very basic and lacking, to some lines it gives me nearly exact number of vehicles/wagons needed, to others, there are bigger differences. Basically any line that needs to handle traffic congestion and/or intersections always require tweaks later. Makes sense, because faster vehicles are more sensitive to decelerations.

    Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to include the power ratio of the vehicles in the formula in a way it works. Right now, I'm using only a basic speed*cargo rule to figure out the "cargo potential" of the vehicles.

    A more accurate calculator will be very welcome, especially now, with the need to split the delivery of the industries between multiple cities that will arrive in the next big patch.



    Can anyone help me in figuring out why this train is not waiting for full load?

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    The station is configured to full load all, and the waiting time to infinity. But for some reason it only full load the iron ore sometimes and leave the station, even having coal still to load. Sometimes manually flipping it back to the station makes it load the remaining coal. Also the engine has an even number of wagons.

    I use this same configuration in a European map without issues with ships and some trains, but in this American map is not working properly.:/

    Hi guys,

    I returned to play the game and the work in my mod to change the industry production chains. Looks like is impossible to mod the UI to show the "Rules" in a way that allow all the changes I made in industries chains to show correctly.

    There's any place where I can make a suggestion to the developer's? Seems like only them can make changes on it.


    One more question:

    There's any way to make industries have more than one output rule? Example, farms output 1 grain from nothing, but, if i wanted to create a second rule that would output more if the farm received some kind of "fertilizer", it is possible?

    Also is possible to mod the UI to make it show numbers in the icons in the rule segment, instead of 1 icon for every input/output needed?

    Another question. What to do to make the cargo appear in the industry stock?

    So far I added sand and marble to my game, but, none of them show in the stocks in the industry, only in stations and vehicles:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    In the documentation there's a section about stocks, and edges where cargo can be pilled, but I can't make sense of that. None of the vanilla game files have anything about edges or something like it.:/


    I'm messing around trying to create a custom version of mods that change the production chain of the game. I was trying to edit the Industry Expanded mod for personal use, but, I got lost in all code, and resolved to start from scratch learning as I progress.

    I have a question about his part of the code inside the industry.con files:

    order = 1002,
            placementParams = {
                buildOrder = 1,
                initWeight = 1,
                tags = { "INPUT_GRAIN" },
                distanceWeights = {
                    INPUT_FOOD = 1,
                    INPUT_GRAIN = -2,

    Order seems to be the order that that industry is put in some list. But buildOrder and initWeight I have o idea. initWeight I had the impression that it was the number of that industry necessary to feed the next industry in the production chain, but I'm no sure, and buildOrder is a total mystery to me.

    Also the negative input variable. In some of the industries from the mod the value was -1, but in all default industries of the game this value is -2, what it affects exactly?:/

    Yeah, What I'm looking is a way to change the simulation to make it slow down, it don't need to be tied to the in-game calendar scale. A mod that can give half expense/revenue plus double production/consumption rate to be loaded in a game were the calendar scale is x/2 would do.

    Like I said, the way it is now, if you use x/2 date scale, your vehicles can do 2x travels in the same in-game calendar time, basically doubling your revenue for a in-game year, making the game much easier than it is already.

    But seems that the simulation variables to allow some kind of modification are not easy to reach or maybe they are not reachable.

    Thanks for the information.:)

    They still work like TF1 them? But now the show of date is "unbound" in some way?

    It means that if we find a way to change the simulation speed scale it maybe work like TF1?

    Thanks for the clarification. Seems that they hardcoded it them, because the old value that changed the simulation time in TF1 is gone from all game files. ;(


    A mod like it exists? I'm looking in steam workshop but can't find anything like it.

    A mod like it can be done or this mechanic is hard coded?

    I like to play with slow time, in TF1 I always played with time/2 scale, the whole economy was rescaled to keep balance, revenue and expenses were halved, and production and needs were doubled. In Tf2 if you put time in x/2 you double your money gain what makes the game even less challenging.

    I tried to look in the game files but my understanding of lua is very basic. I was not even able to find the old value that we were able to edit to rescale time in TF1 anymore.?(

    Hi, I'm trying to build a bridge over a previous placed rail line and I'm getting this.

    I looked around for mods to allow me do disable or hide the pillars, I found some, like this one but all of them add new bridges without the pillars instead of editing the logic in the game to hide or turn the pillars invisible, basically, if for some reason I need to remove these mods one day my saves will be broken.

    A mod like this is doable? This mod already exists but my google fu was too weak to find it? What do you guys say?:/

    Thanks. :)