Disasters, Crashes, Wrecks.

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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  • I was wondering if this is something that could be modified into the game.

    it would be an interesting dynamic. Trains do run into each other from time to time. Signals can fail, showing green instead of at danger from perhaps froze signals, switches etc. Trains break down. The old a train gets it should have a higher chance for brake failure, or perhaps the engine could catch fire, trains throttle stuck throwing it off the tracks from speeding. Trains hitting a car that fails to stop at a crossing.

    No it shouldn't happen left and right, just something to chance.

    The accident would affect your economically. The locomotive loss track damage, car loss, environmental(tanker car spill), even loss of life( im not asking for this game to be graphic in any which way towards a human body) would be substantial in Real life, but ingame could take a minor to medium chunk of change to fix.

    Any thoughts? And I'm not asking about persons who dont care for disasters in tycoon games, I'm just wondering if it was a possibility of being modded in.

  • Not good Idea.
    Why every game must have violance, death, crashes and wrecks?
    Trainfever is a peacefull economy gameplay with model-train parts.

    shuffle events can break the game-balance completly.

    Ich bin nur dafür verantwortlich was ich schreibe, nicht was andere verstehen "wollen"!

    System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit ; AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 GHz ; 8 GB DDR3 Ram ; GeForce GTX 660 @ 3 GB GDDR5 Ram (Treiber: 431.36)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Jey_Bee ()

  • Moin zusammen/Hello again,

    entschuldigt mein schlechtes Englisch/Sorry for bad Englisch.

    Nimm die Bildzeitung, roll sie zusammen und presse sie, dann hast du genug Blut.
    Take the Bildzeitung (German SUN), roll it and press it, you have enough Blood.

    Mfg Sebastian

    Gyrfalcon – Gerfalke zu deutsch. Aha. WTF ist ein Gerfalke? Ich kenn nur Vogel, wenns fliegt isses Vogel. Wenns nicht fliegt, müss’mer mal genauer gucken, eventuell ne Kurve machen.WiSim Welt https://www.wisim-welt.de man könnte ja mal vorbeischauen.
    Der tägliche Adminwahnsinn ->Forentrollfalle aus Keksen

  • I have to agree to many violent games have given People a twisted view of reality.
    Train crashes are not a good idea very much in bad taste in my eye's.
    In a way they have added brake downs & failures , this may not be simulated visualy but every item in the game as a life span
    & once ist reached that Limit the chances of higher running costs due to brake downs & higher mantianance are simulated within the game engine.
    So in way it is . without all the pain of having to replace damaged sections of track or locating derailed Trains.
    So its nice to be able to Play such a game without it been turned into Boom Bang Crash , that is better left to GTA or COD.

  • I like that idea. I had loads of fun, when i accidently found out (huge minus in budget), that one of my main hubs was blocked nearly completely. A small oversight of the idiot dispatcher (me) was enough to create a snowballing clusterf*ck. I had to pause the game and really think of how to unfubar this mess. :D It was like a jigsaw puzzle, just with trains. Random events (optional of course) could really spice up the game.

    Mir gefällt die Idee. Ich hatte sehr viel Spass, als ich durch Zufall (grosses Minus auf dem Konto) herausfand, daß einer meiner Bahnknoten fast komplett dicht war(das kann Euch "Ein Gleis pro Zug"-Warmduschern natürlich nicht passieren :D ). Ein kleiner Schusseligkeitsfehler von mir hat ausgereicht, um ein Chaos anzurichten. Ich muste das Spiel pausieren und tatsächlich darüber nachdenken, wie ich aus diesem Schlamassel wieder rauskomme.
    Es war wie ein Kreuzworträtsel, nur mit Zügen. Zufällige Ereignisse (natürlich optional) könnten dem Spiel noch etwas extra Pfiff geben.

  • Personally, I really have plenty of things to do while playing, it isn't boring at all.

    The problem with changing the game adding random events is that it heavily affects your income. And this is because of the two different time scales being used. The one time scale is realtime. People movement and line circle time is measured as real time. The second scale is the calendar, with every day barely lasting two or three seconds. So if a bus needs 6 minutes to complete a full circle on his line, this also needed 6 months of calendar time, costing 6 times the monthly cost. If anything happens to this bus, I'd need to be informed at once, and then the next question is which kind of problem occurred, and what does it affect.

    A broken bus that needs to be replaced will probably loose all it's passengers. This not only means 100% loss on fares, but it will also mean not generating profit on the train these people were supposed to board, and the next bus, too. Also it'll affect the circulation time of that line, possibly leading to passengers switching to their own cars, creating more traffic jam, delaying bus and tram, ... At the very least the replacement bus cannot be bought as the same type because they went out of production, so there will be an imbalance because the newer bus usually is faster, it will drive closely behind the slower bus, barely catch any passengers, and constantly lose money.

    The same applies to industries. These adjust their production very slowly upwards, but very fast downwards. Any incidents would greatly affect the production lines, and income.

    I do like the idea in general (I think one of the traffic tycoon games ages ago had similar things if you shortened the maintenance budget), but I think it does not belong into the current Train Fever game.

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