Game not starting

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  • Hey Everyone!

    It's been a while since I last played the game, I really wanted to get back to it, but my game fails to start. Everytime I try to start the game, it crashes even before any screen pops up. I just click start in steam, the games seems to startup regarding to steam, but a few seconds later it seems to have stopped already, without even showing a window or something.

    Things I tried:

    • Verify Steam game Files
    • Remove all mod & workshop items
    • Disable AV
    • Run as admin/compatibility mode
    • Fully removed the game and all content
    • Removed all Userdate
    • Started with a clean settings.lua file
    • Changed VULKAN to OPENGL (but this automaticly changes back to VULKAN)
    • Reinstall Nvidia Drivers (531.61)
    • Cleaned all previous drivers from the PC
    • Changed language from NL to EN
    • Disabled Steam Cloud Sync

    I'm using an AMD Ryzen 7 3700x, 32GB RAM & Nvidia 2060 Super, via steam.


    Anyone any ideas?

    Thanks so much!

  • Never used anything from nvidia to change settings, I only download the driver, and don't install anything of the additional programs.

    Well it is the complete stdout... There is nothing more in the file. I just tried again to start it, and this is the latest stdout:

    I click on launch in steam, an empty tile appears in the taskbalk, and disappears less than a second later.... There is nothing more in the stdout.

    Thanks for looking into this! :)
