Saved game is not able to open/launch

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  • I tried to open the game I saved with the Nordic DLC last night, but it says that several mods are missing to start the game.
    I looked at the built in modmanager and realized that several of the mods I started with last night were no longer activated.

    It would be very helpful if You could get some indication to what mods are actually missing since I use quite a lot of mods when playing.
    Is it possible to get this indication or is it a question for the developers?

  • Sorry, but we are completely unable to tell you what mods you've got installed.
    Click on the plus icon and look if there are any mods not activated, that's the only thing i can think about.

  • I tried to open the modlist and that is how I found out that several mods that I started with are no longer activated.
    Among the available but not activated mods none are highlighted in red, but the start option is greyed out, so I can´t even try to start the saved game.
    I deleted the save and started over on a new game with the Nordic DLC and that seems to work, so hopefully it was just some temporary problem.

  • I have this problem sometimes with upgraded mods, even when they are active, TF refuse to regonize them. {e.g. today with Gwinda's signals}.
    Don't delete and reinstall, simply copy the files from the package into the old folder and let everything overwrite..}
    I really wish the error messages or better the whole error system would be a little bit more user friendly.
