Beiträge von melectro

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Das Problem hat sich offenbar gelungen, sich aufzulösen. Es dauerte eine Reihe von Transport hin und her, bevor alle voll geladen wurde und dann sind die letzten drei Wagen auf Stein verändert.

    Allerdings ist es etwas irreführend zu insgesamt kapazität Stein nur 12 sind, wenn es tatsächlich 24 sind

    Ich habe eine Schwedische version von Windows 10. TransportFever startet nach neu installation mit Russisches text. Es ist unmöglig in die menus nach suchen um die sprache richtig einstellen zu können.

    Die Idee beim Video herstellen, die ich für den Benutzer hatte um eine Entkopplung von Schienenfahrzeugen einzugeben, ist die Wahl mit zusätzlichen schrift in dieses Bild zu erhalten.

    * Wagen und Loks trennen
    * Wagen mit Loks anschliessen

    (Leider ich spiele TF in Schwedish)

    Als DT5 und andrer schrieb. Mein Film ist nur ein beispiel, wie es in der realen Welt aussehen könnte. Train Fever kann eine sehr gute simulation ausführen und ich finde das Train Fever ist ein super gutes Program. Aber da gibt es auch kleine verbesserungs möglichkeiten, zum beispiel rangieren. Dieser art von richtungswechsel pass gut zum Bahnhof in Göteborg (Schweden). Ich hoffe die entwicklung in Transport Fever wird noch besser.

    Hello Falcen81

    I've tested your version 1.6 and can just say, You found a solution and published a fix. Even if the error could be in TF it self, you solved and answered nicely on my question!

    Attached you find my post card for you, with the best view of the wide tunnel and no stalagmites !


    My tunnel was started on the main road outside the city (no crossing at any side). Please see attached pictures of a test.
    It seem that this occur on the widest tunnel and on 4 lane roads.


    Dear Falcen81

    I'm using your mod very often, thank you for this great fix, but sometime I'm getting a mesh fault at the entrance of the tunnels, please see the attached picture. I have today reinstalled the mod and of course downloaded the online version to make sure I got the latest version.
    They occur sometimes on both sides, one side or do not occur at all. I have no idea what is triggering this fault.
    For information, I've tested to create tunnels on flat and slope terrains by building a straight road and "sink" it with the N key.


    Ich habe mich seit längre Zeit über die Tunnels im Spel geärgert. Bald ist das vergessen.
    Ich habe einen wunsch, können Sie eine version ohne die seiten stützen machen ? Ich habe viele enge Gebieten in der Stadt.

    Thank you!
    I have seen the bad tunnels in the game and now you have done how they should have been looking like!
    I have a wish, can you make an alternative version with no left and right sides? I have a lot of places narrow to other streets and objects.

    Thank you for the tip of deselect and reselect the mods at loading the saved game. I sadly follow the instruction inside TF to deinstall the failing mods. Anyway now the mods are working. I presiate your work and I will do some testing if you like, after I can see a new update of TFMM, ofcourse.

    best regards

    Mean while looking for a solution, it would have been nice if TFMM got an extra column with date and time. In this case I could sort and get all the involved mods in the top of the list.

    This is very strange. So obviously for you, some mod folders are accessed when starting TFMM - (I don't know why) - and somehow this causes TF to no longer recognize the mods. However, the mod folders are still there with the same name - only the access date is different.
    In order to further find the bug:
    1. Is this screenshot showing the "Train Fever/mods/" folder or the "Train Fever/TFMM/libray/" folder?
    2. Could you take a look inside one of the mod folders and check which of the files are changed? The folder date should reflect the date of the latest change to a file inside this folder. I want to check which file is changed and maybe we can guess why this causes TF to not recognize the mod anymore.

    1) It is the mod folder in TrainFever, I:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Train Fever\mods

    2) After comparing a backup of the mod folders I selected one, modulare Wartungshalle
    I found that the folder for this mod when working has only the first sub folder "res", but after the TFMM has been started, it now got the res and "info.lua"

    I checked all the files in all sub folders and there are none that has been changed. It seem that TFMM creates this info.lua file.


    I have now installed v1.0.170 of TFMM. I can see that the start button is now gone, but the same troubble is still confusing me.

    1 First I reinstalled all mods (20:14)
    2 I ran TF for a minute and saved it.
    3 Checked the folders and nothing was changed. See screen shot below "Before TFMM"
    4 Started TFMM (at 20:24) (there is a window poping up at start of TFMM, but it's automatically closed very quick, I can't see the text)
    5 I closed TFMM (exit)
    6 I can now see that all the folders got a new time 20:24, see screen shot "AFTER start of TFMM". My conclusion TFMM 1.0.170 (and earlier versions) does something with the folders
    7 Starting TF and error occurs, same mods are now missing....again

    8 I can start TFMM again and Close it after the mods are declared missing in TF. The folders are not updated, as long as I don't save the game in TF.
    Please note the mod folders are not changed when saveing game in TF !


    Before TFMM

    After start of TFMM

    Here it is, how it looks in TF, I'm using Swedish version