Beiträge von melectro

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    Ahhh, mit volle Freude ging ich zur nächster Stadt und habe dort auch die Kreuzung beim Bahnhof ausgetauscht und dann hat es wieder passiert. Nun konnte ich diese konstruktion wiederholen mit Ausgangspunkt von ein savegame.
    Einige screen shots kan das erklären.

    zwei alte Strassen Anschlüsse werden benutzt

    An die markierte Strassen werden das Problem nach dem Anschluss auftreten.

    Meine Lösung: Die Kreuzung löschen und zurück setzen. Anscheinend habe ich es vergessen in meiner Antwort oben (vor 1 Stunde).

    Ich Bitte um Hilfe, ich versuche mein bestes aber es wird nichts.

    Die edges und nodes habe ich manuell editiert und so lange Ich die "runways" nicht aktivieren lässt (Zeilennummer 141 -153 im mdl Datei), kann ich mein Hafen im Spiel fixieren. Aber wenn ich die "runways" aktiviere, bekomme ich ein error "Die Docks befinden sich außerhalb befahrbarem Wasser". Nirgends kann ich dann den Hafen platzieren.

    Ich habe nodes absichtlich gelegt um einen Bogen anzuzeigen. Als start (beispiel) benutze ich die vanilla "Passenger Harbor"

    RUNWAY aktiv

    RUNWAY nicht aktiv
    (e = edges im quell code mit X,Y)


    Ich versuche es in Deutsch zu fragen. Ich arbeite mit die Stena Hafen anlage und komme nicht weiter. Ich habe Probleme mit der anfahrt der Fähre. Es heißt laneUtil und runway.

    Kan jemand mir erklären was die verschieden Ziffern bedeutet? Ich glaube ich habe einzelne im griff, aber bin nicht ganz sicher.
    Wie funktioniert runway und was ist "nodes" und "edges"?

    Ich kann es nicht ausprobieren solange ich nicht weiß wie ich es richtig eingebe in Blender und Blender unterstützt jetzt nicht SHIP beim export. Ich habe LKW anlagen (train fever) geöffnet (import) aber es ist nicht einfach zu vergleichen mit Schiffe in Transport Fever?

    Gebe es irgendwo ein anderes Werkzeug (windows Programm) um die strecken zu machen?

    As the export isn't the best, all edges still uses the laneutil helper in the mdl to correct them

    • I've been working all the weekend to try different settings in Blender to get the start and end points of the Bezier curves exported, but I can't get it out from Blender. I find the only way is to manually enter the coordinates in the mdl file, but this has to be repeated every time I make any change in Blender with a following export, this seems not to be the right solution.

      * What are you doing when you need to create a new station with lanes?
      * Do you use Blender?
      * What is the laneutil helper?

    • I'm also struggling with the mesh. The terminal is always turned 180° (outside-in). All of you will probably answer turn it 180° with the rotation function in Blender by looking from above, and yes I have done that, but nothing happens in the game! The old .msh file is deleted before the export, else that export will not rewrite the file if the flag "overwrite" is off. Is there someone with an idea?

      I have found the error for the second issue and it was placed inside the con file,

      transf = transf.rotZYXTransl(transf.degToRad(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),, 30.0, .1))--  transf = transf.rotZYXTransl(transf.degToRad(180.0, 0.0, 0.0),, 30.0, .1))  (version with error)

    I'm so stuck in the first export problem that I will soon loose the motivation to continue. The Stena Ferry can't arrive to the UG harbour as it is to big and I'm drained of ideas.

    I have now changed the code as you wrote. I have also discovered that the TNP code inside my mdl file is sometimes not appearing as it should. To get it back, I restarted Blender a couple of times until the export of TNP was working.
    At first I thought this was a new effect, but I found that same thing is also happening with the original code. As long as TNP code is visual in the exported mdl file, I don't have to restart Blender. :huh:

    With the updated plugin, I still get no laneList nor terminals.

    • Do I have to use a specific curve in Blender?
    • How to connect two separate curves? Is it just to place the end points close enough (same XYZ coordinates)?
    • Is it possible to get a small zipped sample file in Blender format (.blend)?

    transportNetworkProvider = {
    			laneLists = {
    			terminals = {

    I have been working on the Stena Line Ferry and this huge vessel needs a harbour.

    The Ferry doesn't fit in the UG Harbor. That's why I now also have started to construct the Stena terminal.

    The first thing I wish to understand is how the paths are made in Blender. I have found the TNP (Transport Network Provider) object and added one into my Blender project, please see the screen shot below.
    In the TNP I have placed two curves just for testing and then I can export the project with the plugin from Merk.
    The result can be seen on row 92-98, the content is empty ?( .

    I have been searching for tutorial, but I'm not a lucky person. I have also tested to import the UG harbour but this is failing as the plugin is (for now) only made for Train Fever. I hope someone can give me some help on how to setup a simple Ship paths inside blender.

    After a long trip to China I'm back in business and my work is continuing.
    Now I have implemented two lods with reduced number of tris. I would appreciate to get comment from pro modders that can condemn or approve my work in following question.

    The Stena Ferry has got totally 42k tris, and a summary of the objects can be seen in the list below
    I have manually counted the sum for the lods and this is what I got:

    Lod 0, 0-300m575615813436081
    Lod 1, 300-800m313080864877
    Lod 2, 800 - 2500m72217861038

    Am I working on the right path or is this to "heavy" for some computers? Do I have to reduce some parts even more?

    Is it possible to make an animation on a ramp located in the harbour like "open doors" event and it should be triggered by a signal when a ship has arrived to the harbour? The same signal should then activate the "door closing" event when the ship is ready to depart.
    Normally this triggering is done on the vehicle (in my case the Stena Ferry), but can this be made for a static mod?

    Here is a small sample of my work, done today. There is still a huge part to create, for instance turning the lod 180° outside the harbour before arrival.

    Right know I have discovered that the Bounding box parameter do not have any effect on the ship position in the harbour when I manually edit the values.

    boundingInfo = {
    bbMax = { 55.0, 13.0, 31.0, },
    bbMin = { -100.0, -13.0, -5.0, },

    Both 13.0 meters are changed to +-18.0 but the ship is still smashing on the same place into the harbour....

    More to come....

    Progress report:

    I'm continuing with animations and I have now a working door opening in Blender. The Delta rotation is configured to turn around the y axis, but in the game and model viewer

    • the loading ramp is turning around the X axis
    • and the fence on the loading ramp turns around the Z axis!

    These both meshes are configured in one animation. I have tested two calls, open_all_doors and open left_door, it makes no difference on door opening.
    For information I have a second animation that is working 100% and it is a forever turning radar animation in Z axis.

    Please help, I'm so confused.

    Cut from the mdl. file

    events = {
    close_doors_left = {
    [14] = {
    forward = false,
    name = "Fence_rampAction",
    [21] = {
    forward = false,
    name = "LastrampAction",
    forever = {
    [18] = {
    forward = true,
    name = "FrontMast",
    [30] = {
    forward = false,
    name = "RadarsmallAction",
    open_doors_left = {
    [14] = {
    forward = true,
    name = "Fence_rampAction",
    [21] = {
    forward = true,
    name = "LastrampAction",

    Cut from one of the faulty msh files:

    Fence_rampAction = {
    params = {
    keyframes = {
    rot = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, },
    time = 0.0,
    transl = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, },
    }, {
    rot = { 0.0, -90.0, 0.0, },
    time = 14400.0,
    transl = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, },
    origin = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, },
    type = "KEYFRAME",

    Hello again

    After a couples of hours I have fixed almost all texture errors, but there is one place that will not make the change to the better. These darker/brighter areas are also showing through the texture in the game.

    An area is filled with slightly darker faces. I have tried to delete only the faces and secondly also the edges to fill this area with one ngon, seen in image 1. The ngon has one color but after triangulating faces the sub faces do not have the same color any longer.

    It seems that Blender is copying the color of the nearby face (outside the ngon). I have also tried to refill these areas but they will always be filled with the same color as before.

    How can these solid face colors be forced into the same intensity?
    (This is probably what WiZz4Rd wrote, but I don't find the way in Blender.)

    image 1, ngon/ image 2, triangulated faces

    You have guessed very good. The ferry has 59 000 tris and the lifeboat 3500 tris. As the ferry will travel mostly on the sea (alone) and not in a city center I think this huge object will probably work on even slower computers, though I have a pretty powerful system.
    In the mdl file I will use the parameter visible (from /to) to reduce the load for the graphic card. At far distance I will disable the smaller details and that can be done easily with the configuration I have right now.

    But still there is a "bad" color on some parts of the ship. The biggest visible area is seen on the lifeboat as shown in the first image. Do you have an idea to solve this?

    Ich starte hier ein Thema mit dem Inhalt meiner Arbeit, (die Fähre Stena Line). Ich werde weiterhin in English schreiben, aber Sie können gern in Deutsch antworten. Ich verstehe beide sprachen, aber ich finde English is einfacher im Schrift.

    I've been modelling for a couple of months with the Stena Ferry. While working I'm also learning, and yes I'm a newbie with Blender. My intension is to create a one mission campaign with a map of the west coast of Sweden including north of Denmark. The map is almost finished, and on this map there will be a fishing boat to collect fish and a passenger ferry to be used between Denmark and Sweden.

    So let's get to work...

    I have often got trouble with surfaces in Blender. When I need to insert new faces or make changes on the mesh I get different colours on the faces. These colors are showing through the texture when the object is visible in the game, please note *1 in Blender screen shot below.

    • Can someone explain how I can get a specific color and fix these details? (Texture painting in Blender is not working)

    I got the comment from (MaikC) that this mod should be sufficient with 2-3 lods. I have more then 10 lods (children) to get this ferry and here are some of them: Ships hull, loading ramp (animation), radar (animation), 4 pcs lifeboat (linked obj), speedboat, 10 pcs life boat cranes (linked), chimney, window.

    • What is the limitation (amount of lod) for good practice to use in one object?
    • What is the best selection between,

      • many lods with small sized texture maps or,
      • few lods with big texture map?

    In my project I have selected the image size of 4096 x 2048 for the ship hull and it is almost to small. The other details are using 512 x 512 up to 1024 x 1024.
