Beiträge von Enzojz

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    I'll try it with a house. Is stop ne exit to ner Open Cut Station which is located in the middle of the city, since it is unfortunately all flat and the trick with the steeper terrain is so difficult to implement.

    @EAT1963 Which tunnel exits do not cause this ugly rocky edge above? TheThe

    Open cut station, track design patterns and flying junctions are three mods that work great together.

    The trick is to update the construtions after all is done, to unify the terrain. before this you can detach the tracks from the things, then no tracks.

    and built with track design patterns planner to easy the paramtering

    There's one thing that a mod can do but can't done by hand in this game: open a hole on the map.

    it would be great if the new game supports runtime text generation.

    I don't want another Skyline, Cities in motion was good, skyline is not fun.


    I remembered you mentioned once in this topic, but I can't refind it out.
    Which GUI lib you use for common api?

    I see you have updated the steam version, that's great it seems the track error injected by some mod tracks are now away.

    If it is a private letter sent to me by ordinary players, I can smile and ignore it. Because everyone has their own understanding and perception of things. There is no need to tangled.

    But the one who sent me this private message is another MOD author on the forum. I also subscribed and praised his mod. So I was shocked.
    It's normal to make more mods for your country and region, but it's unacceptable to attack other MOD authors.

    I would f**k him back, no tolerance, in Chinese way, like this: 凸(-_-メ)

    Well, I am Chinese, I speak and write both well in English and French, which are both allowed languages in this forum, but I don't understand German at all, I can guess some, I have German friends over internet since 15 years ago when even I was a high school student and I tried to learn German at that time even for my first two years of university, but I really doesn't understand German in general sense, I can only guess some words based on phonetic relation with English words.

    I often receive messages written in German, both in private and public. I don't understand why, some people by default thinks everyone should speak German.

    The domain name of this forum is, NOT, I don't know why lot's of guys here doesn't pay to this attention and hold the respect to other for this fact. Ironically this the official community of Tpf to the world.

    Hey guys. I would be, for all the euphoria and anticipation, careful with the targeted release (see anno 1800) I believe date more in Q2/2020...
    Nevertheless I have the feeling. that all estimated Modder now at once those things out go (to my delight), like TPF tomorrow dies... Was intention perhaps???
    No modders TPF 2 would not appear likely before 2022... Because I can take a few ideas but as a developer... All kidding aside. Without all these beautiful mods that have been published here, there would be no TPF 2. respect, you're so co-developer. And anyone who has developed a mod, should get the game for free. Modular stations, zeppelins (in future also birds and helicopters), new product chains, etc., there would not be without this community. So all tack you a well deserved Medal and we wait for everybody. : thumbsup:

    I have stopped mod for TPF for two basis:

    1. The limitation on the modding mecanism is quite visible, that make further effort (something like underground station) very costy
    2. The TPF2 has been annoced, regarding the duration to make a new infrastructure mod, I stop and watch what I can do with TPF2.
    3. Profession reason, my enterprise have got an important R&D project to me with the national railway company, so I need to put my effort deal with the real life railway :D

    I think with so much objects in the trailer video, they have changed completely the core architecture to something like ECS, which handles millions objects easily and can be easily parallelized

    Don't cross your bridges before you come to them !
    Wtf you are talking about ? I mean... is this somehow your problem if UG has a copyright of those CR logos ? I would say UG wouldn't be so stupid to make use of any models and logos without permission. In the past there wasn't any sign of it and I don't know why there should be a copyright problem right now. Anyway it's nothing what YOU have to worry about.

    Have just talk to Tom and confirmed these logos should be checked, they don't want any real life logos in the game.
    So "Wtf" I am talking about is a very serious detail that may lead the game to trouble.

    As a modder i would feel honored instead of discouraged when they included my work in the game.
    I agree with you that asking would have been the right way to approach this but considering the fact that UG didn't want to reveal anything about the new project (game), i do understand UG that they didn't ask. We, as a community, should be really happy that they took the modders ideas and include them in the game!

    I think you are a young modder. You work for free for happiness, they use your work to earn money, you feel honored, I feel discouraged.

    Usage conter payment would be more fair trade.

    If the mod and the loco in the game look the same, one reason might also be, that both are quite similar to the original ;-)

    To be honest, this is nitpicking and does not lead to any resolve. But I am absolutely sure that UG did not "steal" any mod content. They increased their team on both the programming and 3D modelling front and definitely have the capacity to create their own 3D models. Also, graphics and design employees most likely already worked on the new titel shortly after the launch auf TPF, as no new models or graphics where introduced with the following patches.

    I hope they do work on their own efforts. But when you don't have blueprints the mod for the same thing can't be the same, this is analyzable, based on distribution of vertices and "minor bugs".

    I was a 3D + 2D modder for an formula one game about 15 years ago, I know very clearly how to find out models copied from others. I stopped modding for that game because of mod stolen.

    And for copyright issue, I don't know if UG have asked CR for usage of these two logos, obviously no other logos of a living company appears in this game, and no declaration about the copyright of CR logos in the website.

    From my analyse the graphics engine is not a new one but comes with an improved shader (quiet like NEP) and some more illimitation support (likely because it's a must have if they want to have day-night cycle) But the strange thing is these reflections only appears in screenshots but not in the trailer.

    And with a changing shadow length, quiet sure about night day cycle.

    I don't think that means a time table is in hint.

    From the view of a modder I am quiet discouraged by some things revealed in this announcement, from the two Chinese loco/emu I see clearly logo of CR I don't know if UG has got the authorization to use it, since no other vehicles are done in the same way. and I have asked the author of CR400AF in TPF, she was never asked by UG about the use of her mod but this one in the trailer looks in anyways a similar one. I can see some similarity about this from other mods like "Sexy rocks" and NEP..well, maybe I have though too much.

    I had (what sound about) the same problem yesterday, as @TheoG57. Switching on AltGr+L showed me that it wanted to connect both stations on 1 entrance, thus resulting in the error message "couldn't connect stations properly" (or something similar in English, as I play on Dutch language). I was able to recreate the error to make a screenshot.

    Anyway, I'm not sure why, could be that the stations are to close to each other, could also be some other mod interfering with this one. As workaround I place the station first, place the entrance next, connect and repeat. That way they seem to connect properly.

    What if you put the part on the right closer? There's an implicit max length condition about terminal connections (tom told me before the introducing of the assertion), once any two terminals are not interconnected in x meters, the assertion will fail. However, this x is not known.

    I've started the exercise, but progress slowly, currently to get programmable meshes working.
    I start with an engine called Xenko, which based on .net core and .net standard, and a unity-like engine.
    The advantage of this engine is every part of it is supplied as NuGet component and it supports the latest version of .net, I can build the game directly in vs, so seamlessly between the underlaying algorithm part and the game part, and easily I can mix f# and c# parts in this way.