Entries containing the tag „stadler“

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. The community is free for you to share and inform yourself about the game. We cultivate a friendly and objective interaction with each other and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Registration and use is of course free for you.


We wish you a lot of fun and hope for active participation.

The Team of the Transport-Fever Community

Filebase Entries

Title Reactions Views Downloads

STADLER - RSZero BEMU 2 - (Projekt) - Oberleitung oder Batteriebetrieb

Kokoloko - -
8,263 1,259

Thurbo GTW 2/6 & 2/8

Grisu118 - -
9,961 2,812

Trenitalia ETR 625 (fictional Stadler SMILE repaint)

Sir Ludicrous - -
11,305 1,896

DB ICE Lite (fictional Stadler SMILE repaint)

Sir Ludicrous - -
26,885 5,163

Stadler SMILE TEE 2.0 Repaint Pack (fictional)

Sir Ludicrous - -
7,628 1,663

Baureihe 650 / Ostdeutsche Repaints - Teil 2

RVT - -
8,897 1,841

Stadler Kiss2 - bwegt

BlanKi - -
20,010 6,171

Eurodual BR 159 Add-On

Harrybo - -
23,155 8,546

Stadler Kiss (zweite Generation)

Seamon - -
54,454 23,225

Ee 922 und Eem 923 (Stadler Butler)

Seamon - -
10,961 4,364

Stadler SMILE

Seamon - -
25,043 9,207

Be 2/6 BTI/ASm/Golden Pass/ZSSK Schmalspur-GTW

Mark_86 - -
18,190 4,196

Stadler Variobahn München + Nachtversion

Marcolino26 - -
14,418 6,042

Stadler KISS (erste Generation)

Seamon - -
34,036 10,775

Stadler Tango BLT

Gotthard - -
12,956 6,211

Stadler Tango Appenzeller Bahnen

Gotthard - -
14,009 6,435

Stadler Variobahn München [Update]

Marcolino26 - -
17,736 18,724

Stadler Kiss der Westbahn

Seamon - -
22,011 14,787

Stadler RegioShuttle RS1 Rurtalbahn

Babobernd - -
11,753 9,955

Stadler Flirt 3 Abellio

Babobernd - -
13,218 14,547