Entries containing the tag „Karte“

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. The community is free for you to share and inform yourself about the game. We cultivate a friendly and objective interaction with each other and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Registration and use is of course free for you.


We wish you a lot of fun and hope for active participation.

The Team of the Transport-Fever Community

Filebase Entries

Title Reactions Views Downloads

Essen und Umgebung

Manni2805 - -
1,587 235

Overlay Essen und Umgebung

Manni2805 - -
1,137 273

Mein-Rhain Gebiet

Carbonunit -
2,831 245

Heightmap - Hamburg von Neumünster bis Buchholz i.d.N.

camyono -
2,652 545

Maettu's Schönbaukarte Staffel 5

maettu - -
3,949 961

Das Noseltal - Flusstal mit vielen Windungen

Carbonunit -
4,700 559


Mega_2002 - -
4,592 735

(fiktiv) Städtischer See

ItzFocus -
3,630 376


chrisorg -
9,085 971

Balkan map-Megalomaniac map

FevermanCZ - -
7,020 1,747

Mod Test Karte

EMP - -
4,865 888

Wien nach der Semmeringbahn

RailScapes218 - -
10,020 843

Kartenvorlage | Map Template

Relozu - -
14,495 2,132

Côte Bleue

chrisorg -
6,249 922


chrisorg - -
4,518 621


chrisorg - -
3,422 547

Berge Flüsse Bäche See

Ribase - -
12,837 2,946

Region Stuttgart (viele Städte) TpF2

Cosmic -
8,472 1,365

Karte Königsfels - Gesellschaftsfähiges TPF2

JoeFried - -
9,636 920


meandone -
25,820 7,754