addModifier to set Emission to -1, not working?

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  • Hallo,

    it seems that the Emission values cannot be changed to -1 by using a script solution such as :

    addModifier("loadModel", function (fileName, data)
    if string.find (fileName, "res/models/model/vehicle/train/type") ~=nil then -- find models which filename starts by type, in that folder
    data.metadata.emission.idleEmission = -1

    In game the emission is set to -1 instead of being calculated automatically.
    I can't find a mod that already changed that and I spent hours testing it to death :S

    Do you guys know a solution?

  • In game the emission is set to -1 instead of being calculated automatically.

    Think you understand something wrong, the value -1 means emission, price etc = "automatically calculated " If you set it to 0 or any other (positive) value it will be not automatically calculated. Not sure about <-1

  • Necro:

    I think this is somehow related - with latest beta batch starting with build 33172 a lot of menu entries, fake vehicles and assets produce this kind of log messages in stdout.txt:

    File vehicle/waggon/fad_167_ak_fake1.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -0.61, allowed range [0.0, 100.0]
    File vehicle/waggon/drehgestelle_kaleut/dg_ba_y25_uni_2.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0]
    File vehicle/asset/PZL44-Deko.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0]