Swedish trains for Transport Fever 2

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • I hope you dont mind I am using your thread.
    I was working on swedish freight cars from 1950 to 1980....

    now I am working on mapping and LODs, which will take a while ;)

    Sorry if its kindoff offtopic but what happend too these? They looked super poromising but i havent heard anything about them in a long time

  • Sorry if its kindoff offtopic but what happend too these? They looked super poromising but i havent heard anything about them in a long time

    No I Said Hello Anton Any Update Sneak peek of The X50 X51 X52 X53 X55 and Öresundståg X31

  • errrm... tawan ...

    The message of GIB wasn't aimed to you in any way, he just wanted to know if there are any updates on the Goods wagons Licaon posted here a while ago.

    GIB I'm not in frequent contact with Licaon, but last time we chatted the issue was that she still searched for someone to bring them into the game. At the moment they're just plain 3D-Models without functionality. Idon't think anything about that has changed since then.

    Meine Projekte und ausführliche Modding-Berichte hier im Forum:

    Feluno bastelt

  • errrm... tawan ...

    The message of GIB wasn't aimed to you in any way, he just wanted to know if there are any updates on the Goods wagons Licaon posted here a while ago.

    GIB I'm not in frequent contact with Licaon, but last time we chatted the issue was that she still searched for someone to bring them into the game. At the moment they're just plain 3D-Models without functionality. Idon't think anything about that has changed since then.

    No Goods Wagon I Said X50 X51 X52 X53 X55 and Öresundståg X31

  • errrm... tawan ...

    The message of GIB wasn't aimed to you in any way, he just wanted to know if there are any updates on the Goods wagons Licaon posted here a while ago.

    GIB I'm not in frequent contact with Licaon, but last time we chatted the issue was that she still searched for someone to bring them into the game. At the moment they're just plain 3D-Models without functionality. Idon't think anything about that has changed since then.

    Alright thanks for the answere! Hope someone does it some day i wish i could myself but i have 0 knowlage of how to mod in transportfever. And sorry Tawan for the confusion!

  • Sorry if its kindoff offtopic but what happend too these? They looked super poromising but i havent heard anything about them in a long time

    well they are kinda in the same state
    I lack of skill to bring them into TPF2 completely on my own and since that post nobody had interest to help me

    MfG, die Licaon

  • tawan Also I should add that generally, in this Forum, continually asking for updates is considered rude, as it can cause a build-up of perceived pressure for the affected modders.

    I don't know if this is the case for AntonT specifically, but in general I'd ask you to please refrain from this behaviour. Both personally and in the interest of the modding community on this page.

    We all have realized by now that you'd really like the Regina and Øresundståg trains, but they will take the time they need, and continually asking for news doesn't help in the slightest.

    Meine Projekte und ausführliche Modding-Berichte hier im Forum:

    Feluno bastelt

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Feluno ()

  • tawan Also I should add that generally, in this Forum, continually asking for updates is considered rude, as it can cause a build-up of perceived pressure for the affected modders.

    I don't know if this is the case for AntonT specifically, but in general I'd ask you to please refrain from this behaviour. Both personally and in the interest of the modding community on this page.

    We all have realized by now that you'd really like the Regina and Øresundståg trains, but they will take the time they need, and continually asking for news doesn't help in the slightest.

