Trolleybuses in Transport Fever 2 (discontinued)

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  • Oh ok, so I may got your questions wrong. You already noticed the brilliant "animation" entry in the lexicon uploaded by DH-106 yesterday (this guy is better than wikipedia!)? Maybe this will help with the animation. Regarding the smoothing part. At least for me I would need a details example of a "worser" part out of blender, because looking at these pictures your bus looks already pretty good. :thumbup:

  • berkhofsolaris

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Trolleybus repaints“ zu „Trolleybuses in Transport Fever 2“ geändert.
  • Now available in the Steam workshop Trolleybus 101.…iledetails/?id=2465392984

    The oldest trolleybus in Arnhem from the only still existing trolleybus network in The Netherlands.

    Fun fact: it's also the oldest trolleybus in the Steam Workshop:-)

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with my meshes and that is there is a blue/green glow on some parts of the bus.

    Is only there when you look from a large distance, when you look upclose the glow is gone.

    Anyone knows what causes this?

    Check the Pantograph which should be black


    • 20210529_123016_img-0.jpg
  • Nope I also didn't use any multiple lods.

    I think I found the problem, but I don't understand why it happend.

    The colormap is the same color and when I enlarge it, the problem is gone. Think a problem with the UV map, but why does it only show from a large distance, I don't understand...

    Als got some problem with the .ani files for the doors.

    I have 6 doors and 5 are working and 1 is working but the doors is getting a dark haze because of the .ani file.

    Tried multiple things with it, but couldn't get it to work.

    Now I am entering the same script in the .mdl en no problem at all, what am I doing wrong?

  • Is it possible add a line and destination text in the construction file?

    I want to have some simple options in the asset menu for the trolleybus assets and not just a blankscreen.

    For Example:

    1 Geen Dienst

    1 Garage

    1 Centraal station

    I could add this to the texture (dds file) however than will need multiple files and the total file would get too big.

  • Thanks, I already found this. However what is it saying in plane text?
    Where do I need to change what?

    I now have, but this ain't working.

    Also where do I put the location, size etc.. of the text?

    local constructionutil = require "constructionutil"

    function data()

    return {

    type = "ASSET_DEFAULT",

    description = {

    name = _("Trolleybus 101"),

    description = _("Museum trolleybus 101 from Arnhem (The Netherlands)"),


    availability = {yearFrom = 1944, yearTo = 1959},

    buildMode = "MULTI",

    categories = { "Trolleybus" },

    order = 31368,

    skipCollision = true,

    autoRemovable = false,

    params = {


    key = "Pantographs",

    name = _("Type"),

    values = { _("Pantographs up"), _("Pantographs down") }



    updateFn = function(params)

    local result = { }

    result.models = { }

    if params.Pantographs == 0 then

    result.models[#result.models+1] = {id = "asset/bus/Trolleybus 101 asset.mdl", transf = constructionutil.rotateTransf(params, {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, }), }

    elseif params.Pantographs == 1 then

    result.models[#result.models+1] = {id = "asset/bus/Trolleybus 101 asset low.mdl", transf = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, }, }


    result.terrainAlignmentLists = { {

    type = "EQUAL",

    faces = { }

    } }

    result.labelText = {

    [3] = { "1 Geen Dienst", "1 Garage", "1 Centraal Station"}


    return result




  • I think you want something like this:

    I deleted some of the extra line breaks so the changes I made would stand out a little:

    I put your line choices in a table at the top.

    I added a menu option to allow the user to choose which one they want.

    At the bottom, I pass the chosen value in the label.Text table. You only have one model in the construction, so the index needs to be 1

    In the labelList in the model file, you will then change the label type to 'CUSTOM' to retrieve the value that you have passed in from the construction.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von doug ()

  • Hello Doug,

    Thanks for your help, but this aint working:(.

    I already changed all labeltypes in the mdl file to CUSTOM and looks like this is working.

    Only the numbers are not working, but this is because the filter in the MDL, when I change that to NONE it also shows Custom.

    However the construction file is not working, the model doesn't show any text in the game.

    Also I believe I have two models:

    Trolleybus 101 asset.mdl

    Trolleybus 101 asset low.mdl

    But changed [1] = {labelOptions[params.Line+1]} to [2] = {labelOptions[params.Line+1]} without any luck.

    Also tried several other scripts, but frankly don't really know what I'm doing...

    Also I don't understand this:

    :?:Label List:?:
    For models with “CUSTOM” typed labels, the content can be provided here:

    result.labelText = {    
        [12] = { "Label", "SomeText"}  

    The labelText list contains a mapping of keys to value lists. The key number equals the id of the model in result.models that should be provided with some custom label texts:?:

    The ID = id = "asset/bus/Trolleybus 101 asset.mdl" right?

    The list contains the strings. The first string is for the first label of the model, the second for the second label of this model and so on.:?:

    The bus has 5 destination/line signs/(label?), does this means that every sign/label could have it's own costum text or are they al the same and you can only define one label at the time?

  • The ID = id = "asset/bus/Trolleybus 101 asset.mdl" right?

    no, the index in the table result.models.

    The bus has 5 destination/line signs/(label?), does this means that every sign/label could have it's own costum text or are they al the same and you can only define one label at the time?

    It means that every sign/label could have it's own costum text.
