Asset Mega Pack - the size of Goods

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  • I have a strong feeling that "goods" from this mod are too big. Strange thing - I can enlarge them up to "2.25" but can't make them smaller. I tried direct comparison with other in-game goods and 0.8 seems to be the max size from what I get by default. Pallets with these goods are so big that barely fit the width of any car.
    Maybe I'm wrong and don't understand something?

  • So... everybody use it "as is"? Even pallets with giant bricks? Is it possible that for all the time nobody mentioned that "goods" are soooo big that I can't even put them on forklift - it looks funny with such oversized load :)

  • Well... Honestly I was expecting something like - "you are wrong, such giant pallets of goods are really used". Or - "yes, the correct size would be about 0.75 from the default".
    Just for you to be sure I'm not crazy and too picky - try to put any person and a palette of food side-by side = you'll see that boxes are extremely big.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Energo ()

  • Es würde mehr Sinn machen, den Autor dieser Mod anzuschreiben, als das Forum hier voll zu spammen und sich darüber zu echauffieren, dass dir keiner zustimmt - es gibt Menschen, die gehen auch arbeiten und treiben sich den ganzen Tag online im Forum herum...!

    Der Mensch ist nicht das, was er vorgibt zu sein - er ist das, was er verbirgt!

  • Ich bin überhaupt nicht beleidigt und wollte nicht so klingen. Es ist nur so, dass ich sowohl oben als auch in diesem Beitrag eine Sprache verwende, die nicht meine Muttersprache ist - daher die Nuancen in der Wahrnehmung :)

    Ich habe drei Beiträge statt einem, denn wenn ich versuche, ihn zu bearbeiten, funktioniert die Website die Hälfte der Zeit nicht richtig. Ich habe schon einmal versehentlich 2 identische Themen mit einem Klick gepostet.

  • Okay, for those who are interested:
    I've spent some time comparing the size of in-ga,e 20ft container (the length is 6m*2m) and food palette from the mod. Having in mind that standard dimensions of the box for fruits which is used there is 0.4m*0.6m the whole palette must be a square with 1.2m side. This gives us 2*4 palettes by the sides of container. The correct digit appears to be for goods is 0.65 of the default size.
    Sorry for disturbing.

  • It would be fairly easy to solve the problem with only a minor attack at the respective mod files.

    If You are building the offending objects as assets, look up the .con file in (main directory)\res\construction\asset. In there, You will find various lines looking like this:

    result.models[#result.models+1] = {id = "vehicle/asset/MAN415-Deko.mdl", transf = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, }, }

    The model ID is of course depending on what You are building. Of importance is the transformation matrix in "transf =...". In there, change the first 3 occurences of "1" to ".65" or whatever scale You like to have for the models - if it looks different with less zeroes inside, the digits at position 1, 6 and 11 will remain those that need Your attention.

    If we are talking about a moving vehicle or the like, You´ll need to visit the respective .mdl in (main directory)\res\models\model\(probably vehicle)\(kind of vehicle). A bit down that file, there are (model depending) at least one, but possibly multiple instances of:

    name = "RootNode",

    transf = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, },


    static = false,

    visibleFrom = 100,

    visibleTo = 500,

    ...where You find the mentioned transformation matrix again. Caution: there are other matrices as well that may look the same superficially, for you those that are accompagnied with "RootNode" and the other quoted lines are relevant. The others are best left alone. The same medicine I mentioned above will be effective here as well.

    Do try Your hand, if it does not work, come here for help :)

  • Thank you, DH-106
    In that case I've found a very easy way - as there is already a part of the code to enlarge all models in the .con files I've added just one value here
    values = { _("-35"), _("0"), _("10"), _("25"), _("50"), _("75"), _("100"), _("125") }

    and three similar lines to updateFn = function(params)

    Now I have a "0.65" option for scaling goods.

  • That´s a more elegant method indeed. I obviously do not know Your experience with those files, this is why I initially offered the easiest but crudest method.

    Of course, such an amendment to the menu will need to be properly picked up further down the file - if this is neglected, you just shuffle the menu buttons and may well end up with an unceremonial CTD when clicking on the last option "125".
