Game Crashes after 2 minutes.

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  • Code
    WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "mods/sm1_kleinlieferwagen_epoche2_1/res/audio/effects/klw/fahren.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205)
    WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/cash_account_2.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205)

    Last Message in the stdout is something that called: sm1_kleinlieferwagen_epoche2_1. You can try to remove it.

  • As most times sadly no clear error message. Some entries in the stdout.txt may be worth to look at and maybe you used some of this mods before the problem occured?

    For me this looks like the most critical. But should only be relevant if you use this mod or have added it recently.

    [RESOURCE ERROR] Wrong configuration for track type (this will be an hard error in the future):
    Exception type: Configuration error
    This error is usually caused by modding. Some game resources contain semantically incorrect data.
    Error message: The track type 'tom_deadendtrack.lua' is wrongly configured, please provide 4 entries to `trackStraightModel`.
    File name: mods/kanshi_hbf_modern_1/res/config/track/tom_deadendtrack.lua
    Minidump: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/235002046/1066780/local/crash_dump/3f9d8f6c-5a65-4171-9940-aa8cef4974fa.dmp
    Mod: "Kanshi's modern main station" (kanshi_hbf_modern, 1) (consider removing this mod and contacting the mod author)
    In file: ..\..\src\Game\game_verify.cpp:401
    In function: auto __cdecl game_verify::VerifyTrackTypeRep::<lambda_f14c4ed4f8e06370d18e4f6a3003347f>::operator ()(int,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &,const struct TrackType &) const

    When eis_os labels it with warning I guess it not critical. But you seem to use his streepackage without commonapi2 or not enabled FlexStreets (see prerequirements on the download page).

    WARNING: eis_os_streetpackage: Failback mode active, is commonapi2 not loaded or FlexStreets disabled?

    The mentioned wrong IDs are not a problem. But if wrong IDs are used in some other parameters (e.g. lights) this will cause a crash. Anyway only relevant if you have some of this vehicles on your map (some example lines out of the stdout.txt).

    No idea what this means exactly and where it comes from but it looks like corrupt data in the savegame or a mod file.

    Error, wrong parcel order at 259908 and 259902

    This mod provides some texture files that can't be read (same on my PC), but I don't have crashes. But if you recently added it maybe worth a look.

    LTGA: there was an error reading E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2719334189/res/textures/terrain/bh_metrolink_station/
  • Some info for eis_os_streetpackage:

    - You can load a savegame with streetpackage without CommonAPI2. (Vehicles may be on the wrong street)

    - It's not possible to load a savegame without streetpackage if a street was build (you get Valid(result.laneConfigs) error )

    - You can technical load a savegame with streetpackage and without CommonAPI2 -> a save then should replace the laneConfigs and later loading should work without streetpackage and CommonAPI2. (Please use a new savegame name, I did never test this)

    Parcels if I remember well are used in towns to do townbuilding bounding box calc.

    UGs API doc says: A parcel is a region of space near a road where a town building can be built.


    Maybe temporary disable street fine tuning:…iledetails/?id=2021038808
