Statischen Personen

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  • hugedragonyk hat in seinen Mods ja hin und wieder mal statische Personen mit bestimmten Körperhaltungen. Auch gibt es im Beach Pack im Workshop Schwimmer und Strandpersonen mit verschiedenen Körperhaltungen.

    Von den statischen Figuren würde ich mir viel mehr wünschen, um mehr Situationen umsetzen zu können. Die beweglichen Zombies können ja auch nix außer stehen und mit den Armen wedeln oder sitzen und auf einem nicht vorhandenen Gerät zu swipen. Die bringen nix, wenn man zahlreiche unterschiedliche Situationen nachstellen, wie es z.B. mit den Figuren von Preiser und Noch etc. möglich ist.…r-preiser-63056,art-18096…-15031-187-a28~15031.html

    Klar, die bewegen sich nicht, aber dann lieber bewegungslos, aber aussdrucksstark, anstelle der immer gleich langweilig rumstehenden Figuren mit hängenden Armen.

    Umsetzungstechnisch sollte das doch nicht so schwierig sein, im Gegensatz zu den animierten Pendants oder?

  • Yes, by using FBX format files with skeletal animation. We can convert it into TPF2 game.

    The software used by UG for various models and animations of TPF2 games is modo, and I generally use 3DSMAX and MAYA. . Of course, their modeling principles are basically the same.

    But for me, 3D modeling doesn't take much time. What really takes time is the preliminary framework planning and design of MOD, as well as the writing and debugging of various functional codes. This content takes up 2/3 of the mod production time..

    If you open a character/animal MDL file that comes with the game, you can see the use of ANI animations for each joint in the file. The combination is a continuous skeleton. .

    After I import the FBX file with animations into TPF2, I also need to check all the ANI animation files converted into the game. And re-set each ANI animation with the animation commands "walk" "idle" "forever" "sitting" that TPF2 can understand...

    Assuming that there are a total of 300 skeleton ANI animations from lod0-lod3, even if I use the batch modification and replacement of the VSC software, it takes a lot of time to debug and manually solve the possible errors of the ANI. Because the animation composed of the whole skeleton is too huge. .

    For the time-consuming and efficient consideration of MOD making, in addition to some running animations of machinery and equipment, I will adjust the bones and joints of the character model in the 3D modeling software to give them a fixed pose. This way the character will remain in a still pose. But it will save subsequent code debugging time.




  • If you have downloaded and used the MOD I have released: [uep2]_20b_<Zoomlion_Concrete_pump_truck>, the entire movement process of the concrete filling boom is actually a set of animation files with parent and child objects set in 3DSMAX. You can also think of it as a limb animation with multiple joints.

    That's why I made the characters in the MOD as static scene models. Because it takes too much time and effort to debug the animation of each joint and assign different animation commands. After all, we don't have all kinds of special software and tools that UG uses for TPF2 development. . .:S

  • I use your mod with the little Chinese transport vehicles with persons unloading melons from, for example. And the Coal Mine mod with static workers waving a flag etc. .
    And that's what I meant. Modelling animated people seems to be hard work or even impossible. But I, personally, just like to have static persons with static positions - like the ones for a railway model. :)
    Since they are not based on the UG figures, from what I saw, it should be way less work than trying to model animated UG like people, right?
