The mod The discovery of the health of the industry

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  • Good afternoon!

    is it possible to create a mod of the following character

    at the beginning of the game, all industries generated on the map are frozen (i.e. they do not produce products)

    To start working capacity, it is necessary to deliver either a certain number of workers, or to ensure a constant influx of workers.

    if we ensure a constant influx of workers, then with each level of the industry - an increase in the number of jobs!

    This mod will certainly complicate the game, but it would also add interest in planning and using industries closest to the city and much more.

    of course, there are a couple of already created mods on this topic!I studied them.

    the main task here is to freeze industries before the arrival of jobs.

    No workers - no production ! :)

  • have you tried this one? There you need workers to produce....but there´s some more interesting things in this mod......

    Read description carefully

    logistic challenge / logistische Herausforderung (Teil des Economy Modding Pack)

    Wenns einem nicht passt, einfach mal Kopf zu und Leine ziehen !!!

    Win7 Pro, Amd FX 8150 (Bulldozer), Mainboard Gigabyte 970A-DS3P, 32gb Corsair Ram DDR3-1666, AMD Radeon Rx 5700x (8gb VRam, Treibervers. 21.5.2)

  • and I have studied this mod, but it is not completely clear to me and I want and create my own production chain. therefore, I wanted to find out about the possibility of creating a separate mod or script for frozen production)

    Is it possible to introduce this script into some industry, for example a farm, and apply it separately to each created object of the industry based on vanilla versions.

    therefore, I want to clarify whether it is possible to paint a separate part, which can then be inserted into the structure of the vanilla industry in each separately!

    It would be interesting to start the game with the transportation of passengers both in the city and in the industry, first mastering the structure closest to the city and, as it develops further and further, far distant industries of the industry!
