Unerwartete Absturz

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  • Hallo TF2-er,

    ich habe gerade in einem unerwarteten Absturz eingelaufen. Fehlerursache sollte anhand stdout. txt:

    "CRASHDB_CRASH__ struct AssertException: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\1BJoMpBZ\0\ug\urban_games\train_fever\src\Lib\renderer\model\StaticBuffer.cpp:90: void __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::Transform(const class ITechnique *,const struct CMat4f &,const struct Mesh *,int,class std::vector<struct `anonymous namespace'::MaterialBuffer,class std::allocator<struct `anonymous namespace'::MaterialBuffer> > &,float): Assertion `src.numComp > 0' failed.

    Exception type: Fatal error


    Assertion Failure: Assertion `src.numComp > 0' failed.

    Minidump: H:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/26859903/1066780/local/crash_dump/afee7255-b71e-4a1d-971a-7c2a406d5178.dmp

    In file: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\1BJoMpBZ\0\ug\urban_games\train_fever\src\Lib\renderer\model\StaticBuffer.cpp:90

    In function: void __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::Transform(const class ITechnique *,const struct CMat4f &,const struct Mesh *,int,class std::vector<struct `anonymous namespace'::MaterialBuffer,class std::allocator<struct `anonymous namespace'::MaterialBuffer> > &,float)

    Was sollte das bedeuten und wie ein solcher Fehler zu erheben ist?

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen:

    Andreas aus Budapest

    Es lebe die Donaurepublik! :)<3

  • Hi, I'm having the same problem and I have no idea what is making this error but I believe it is some mod that updated. I have 251 mod enabled so it is very difficult to know which of these which is what is causing the error, could you pass me the mods you are using? so I could know what mods you have that I also have, so the list of mods decreases and I can find out more easily what is causing the error.

    P.S. I have a slight suspicion that it might be the "Early Start" mod but I'm not sure yet.

  • Hi Miguel,

    I am using more than 1.000 mods, so the list would be quite long. Actually the stdout.txt should point exactly to the mod which causes the crash, but not in this case. BTW I am able to open my crash-save (which is generated automatically), the game starts without problems, but when my train reaches a certain point after a river, the game stops, waits for 15 seconds and crashes.

    Hmmm, it is a really interesting problem and seen from number of the responses (a single response so far), it is not an obvious error.

    Luckily and driven by experience I make saves every day, so I try to go back in time to see, which was the last version running without problems. Everything I built after the date is suspicious. Last mod I installed were the asset versions of the Austrian Form-signals, I try to remove them tomorrow, but I hardly believe they are the sources of the trouble.

    If I have any results, I will let You know about it.

    Es lebe die Donaurepublik! :)<3

  • Hi again Andra,

    I found the mod that was giving this crash to me and are two mods (Flowering Tree Assets 1.7 and H0 Waldbronn Station 1.15).

    These two mods are the latest updated i had and that were activated in my savegame and when i deactivated the same my game stopped crashing.

    Well, if you have these two mods, disable them and test if they are the same ones that are giving this error to me are probably the same for you.

    I hope I was helpfull.

  • MaikC

    Hat das Label ungelöst hinzugefügt
  • Hola Miguel,

    Thanks for the info. One of those mods is on my route also in use: Flowering Tree Assets. I will test what happens, if I deactivate this mod and let You know the result.



    Es lebe die Donaurepublik! :)<3

  • die gesamte Datei ist meist hilfreicher als nur der Auszug,
    eventuell mal die gesamte beim nächsten Absturz hochladen.

  • Hola Miguel,

    You nailed it. After deleting all beautiful flowering chestnut-trees from my layout and deactivating Flowering Tree Assets 1.7 there are no more crashes. So, for all other customers: please be aware of that using Flowering Tree Assets 1.7 may lead to crashes.The other mod Waldbronn Station is active, but I did not use it on my layout, so I cannot say if it makes any harm.

    For me this very case is solved.

    Hallo Miguel,

    Ein Volltreffer. Nach ich alle wundeschöne blühende Kastanienbäume gelöscht habe, und den Mod Flowering Tree Assets 1.7 deaktivierte, es geben keine Abstürze mehr. Also für alle anderen Anwender: bitte berücksichtigen, dass die Nutzung des Mod Flowering Tree Assets 1.7 kann zu Abstürze führen. Das Mod Waldbronn Station ist bei mir aktive, aber habe es nicht an meinem Layout genutzt, so ich kann nicht sagen, das es irgendwelche Problemen verursachen kann.

    Für mich dieses Problem ist gelöst.





    Es lebe die Donaurepublik! :)<3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von andrassuranyi ()

  • MaikC

    Hat das Label von ungelöst auf gelöst geändert