Mods not appears in the latest version

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  • Hi to everyone! I recently bought the TF2 DELUXE Pack not from steam, and try to instal some mods. In the main folder of the game exists a mods folder with a note "This directory is reserved for built-in mods. Please install all mods in your userdata folder (in the mods/ subdirectory)" . I tried to instal the mods in ...AppData.Roaming.TF2.mods path, but not showing in the game. Can anyone help me? What i am doing wrong? Thanks a lot!

  • Okay, so we've uncovered a few things...

    Chris47 has the GOG-Version of the game, hence the User-Directory should be located in

    C:\Users\<current-user>\AppData\Roaming\Transport Fever 2\, which it seemingly is.

    The issue is that mods don't appear in the ingame-mod manager when installed in the User-Mods-Directory.

    Some seem to appear when they're installed into the internal mod directory (where they shouldn't be)...

    I don't own the GOG Version of TpF2 hence I can't really help here, so maybe someone else could give support... :/

    Meine Projekte und ausführliche Modding-Berichte hier im Forum:

    Feluno bastelt
