Bounding box and collider

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  • Help!

    What do I miss, or not see?

    I made some modifications on some ships as a separate mod file and the problem is, they park badly next to the port.

    Please see the attached images! The bounding box and collider seems to be ok in ME but still not works fine in the game.

    *.mdl is new and renamed, materials and meshes remained and readed from the game. What can be wrong?



  • Hello, I have no idea about modding ships or ports, but as I understand it, you can not control this behavior with these parameters (bounding box, collider). The ships don't use the collision model, so they collide and bump into each other. It looks like the docking point is defined by the port (see screenshot with lanes displayed in game. ALT GR + L with debug mode enabled). So the distance is not dynamic, which means you would have to modify your own port, but it will always be a compromise if the ships are at different distances (as in the screenshot, the larger ship is close to the dock, while the smaller one is quite far from it).

  • You've been right Dunkel

    I really appreciate you took the time and answered to my question. Since then I checked and it seems that I have to make compromise or do different types of docks. Thanks again

