Stopping AI Building over Assets and land

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  • Anyone used any mods that stop the Ai of the game building over assets and areas where you dont want the ai to build?,

    was reading on a youtube video there is one you can mark out areas,then someone replied in the comments and said, easier way is to use mad hatters fences mod which does the same thing

    but they didnt say how, is it just make a square fence around area you dont want the ai to build? anyone know ?

    Im building a custom map with 2 big Eurotunnel type depots, but when i start playing the game the Ai then descidess to stick a factory bang in the middle of the area i want to develope the depots later and they cant be removed

    Many thanks for any suggestions, pointers :)

  • I use the collision plates from Relozu (…iledetails/?id=2014570720) for larger areas. In addition (like BahnBraunschweig-TV) the fences mod (äune/) and there is/was a mod from "Spanky McGilligan (Cornbane)" that provides you the vanilla trees and rocks as assets with collision (but I can't find a downloadable version anymore). I never tested the mad hatter fences by now.

  • I use the collision plates from Relozu (…iledetails/?id=2014570720 ) for larger areas. In addition (like BahnBraunschweig-TV) the fences mod (äune/ ) and there is/was a mod from "Spanky McGilligan (Cornbane)" that provides you the vanilla trees and rocks as assets with collision (but I can't find a downloadable version anymore). I never tested the mad hatter fences by now.

    cheers for the links the collision plates look like it will do the job i want :) with the fences link you provided how does that work? is it just a case of creating a bok of fences then the AI wont build anything in it?

  • Yes. The AI always connects buildings to streets. You can block these building connections with the fences, like in this example (bushes-fence):

    Thanks for the info :) one final question i have read all about the collision plates, but where to locate them in the game ? :)

  • The Collision plate from Relozu can be found in the last entry for "Assets", the one with the geometric shapes icon.

    Spanky's mod can be found here: Invisible Collision Tool. He had an older mod but it's no longer recommended for use as the features there are added in the newer one.

    I typically use the asset to "lock down" hand-made city quarters (usually buildings with no collision box enabled such as many of the asset mods available here and on Steam) or around transport hubs like train stations/stops and bus/truck stations, as I usually don't want houses or stores to be built near these areas.

    Of course the Build with Collision mod by VacuumTube is also enabled to allow manual placement of collision-enabled assets and other entities.

  • many thanks now got the collision plates in place :)
