model editor won't start

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  • Hello.

    After a long time I wanted to get back to making mods for TF2. However, I ran into a problem with the Model Editor. It stopped working for me and after a week of constantly trying to figure out what's wrong, I have no idea what's wrong.

    My problem is that as soon as I put any mod into the "staging_area" folder in the userdata in the Steam folder, the model editor doesn't start at all and the cmd won't even start the process for me.

    As soon as there is only the default folder "example_mod_1" in the "staging_area", the model editor starts as it should.

    If anyone knows how to fix this error, I would be very happy. :)

  • Could You show Your model_editor_settings.lua please? That file is often critical to a successful start or failure of the ME. On top, the game occasionally tends to eat up the file and leave it all empty, leading to various startup issues.

    Of special interest is where the line "userDataPath = "..."," points to. It ought to show the directory that contains the "staging_area" directory, ending one layer above said staging area. If it reads drive:/directory structure/staging_area instead, the game will look for a directory drive://directory structure/staging_area/staging_area instead, which is obviously unwanted.

  • Sure

    userDataPath points to the userdata folder of Steam.

  • hm... this looks rather normal overall.

    I note that Your startup attempt seems to be nipped in the bud without throwing any error. Let me look through the startup protocol my ME displays, maybe something is to be gained from there. Mine is not the Steam version but GOG, but I trust that the versions are comparable enough for all purposes.

    One thing that might be worth a try though is to change the renderer from "VULKAN" to "OPEN_GL".

    Also, check whether those archives are present on Your hard disk, as ME seems to load them during startup.

    And, just to make sure (although it is a moot point probably, seeing that You have built mods already) - the mods You add into the staging_area do work in the game without crashing it or throwing errors?
