My ModelEditor.exe can't run

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  • These are from translated

    After update, An error occurred in the ModelEditor.exe program

    These are screenshots captured when the program crashes

    A at the earlier, B on possible updates



  • Do you have mods in your staging_area folder? Have you tried to start the ME without mods in the staging area?

    Would be also a good idea to check your TPF2 installation on errors (Steam Client>Transport Fever 2>Properties>Local Files>Verfify integrity of game files).

  • Do you have mods in your staging_area folder? Have you tried to start the ME without mods in the staging area?

    Would be also a good idea to check your TPF2 installation on errors (Steam Client>Transport Fever 2>Properties>Local Files>Verfify integrity of game files).

    Sorry for the late reply, finally I changed the rendering mode to OpenGL to solve

    Yes, I delete all files (staging_area shader_cache and c:/ texture_cache), when the program is running, a folder can be created according to the set directory, followed by the interface in the screenshot, and then automatically exit

    If it refers to the STEAM integrity check, I have performed it twice

    But now, .exe use INTER GPU, before it is NVIDA GPU, and some models cannot be opened (it was possible before), but works fine in game......................................

  • As I understand the ME is now running again and that good news. I assume your game is running on VULKAN? Then it's strange that the ME does not. You may check if there are newer driver for your grafic card (looks like the installed one is not the latest one).

    and some models cannot be opened

    With the new release UG put more files in zip folders (e.g. the legacy vehicles). Looks like the ME won't extract this files automatically (at least for now). So if mods use those vanilla-files the mod won't open in the ME as long as you extract the need files (I have this "problem" with my trailer set, with the old release it was possible).

  • I found out i was totally wrong, the game also runs in OpenGL (GPUs can be changed forcefully through the console........)

    Yes! Steam Mods needs to modify the directory

    But there is no directory problem in another mod (download from Internet), and it still cannot be opened (no warning, then exit), can be opened before confirmation

    This is a screenshot before the crash

    As I understand the ME is now running again and that good news. I assume your game is running on VULKAN? Then it's strange that the ME does not. You may check if there are newer driver for your grafic card (looks like the installed one is not the latest one).

    With the new release UG put more files in zip folders (e.g. the legacy vehicles). Looks like the ME won't extract this files automatically (at least for now). So if mods use those vanilla-files the mod won't open in the ME as long as you extract the need files (I have this "problem" with my trailer set, with the old release it was possible).

  • Weird. Feluno is right. In your screenshots the window title says ModelEditor.exe but it should show ModelEditor.bat. On the other hand MaikC is also right, if you start the ModelEditor.exe it does not show the cmd window at all.

    1) Just to be save, you have started the ModelEditor.bat?

    2) Have you checked that your "model_editor_settings.lua" is ok? You can upload it here so that we can compare it to ours.

    3) If you want, you can show us where to get the mod us tried to open in the screenshot, so that we can try it on our systems.

  • I did not start the .bat, maybe I only captured the crash interface and caused misunderstanding

    11111.png is the complete opening interface

    model_editor_settings.lua is settings file is part of the error file (res\models\model\railroad\CR_tracks\3A_1_2m.mdl, it is part of the track mod), the full file cannot be uploaded due to restrictions

  • Please wait..................while I upload to Google Drive (deleted)

    In the game,it is called "中國鐵路基本軌道包"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LLCC ()

  • Hi, hahaha, no idea why your model editor ever worked starting the modeleditor.exe directly. The "normal" way is to start the Model Editor (ME) over the ModelEditor.bat (see here:…hp?id=modding:modeleditor).

    But anyway, it starts. Your model_editor_settings.lua seems ok. I can start the ME and I can load the Mod...BUT...i can not oben all mdls. Some mdls cause an error like you posted above (...m_fileChangeTracker != nullptr...). For example when I try to open the file "3A_4_8m.mdl". This error is caused because in the related material file "rail_2.mtl" the parameter for the normal map is set wrong. Currently in some mtl files you will find:

    map_normal = {
    fileName = " ",
    type = "TWOD",
    wrapS = "REPEAT",
    wrapT = "REPEAT",

    The fileName is set to " " but it should be "" (without the blank). If you correct that error in all *.mtl files you should be able to all *.mdls. Anyway, if the modder does not plan to used normals it would make more sense to use the material type "PHYSICAL" instead of "PHYSICAL_NRML_MAP" (then you don't have the normal parameters at all).

    BTW.: Maybe better remove the link to the mod, as I think it's not ok to make mods available apart you are the author or you have permission.
