modern vehicles showing up in 1850

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  • Up until yesterday i have never experienced the before I went o start a new game in 1850 and to my amazement I found all the vehicles we were the latest vehicles like trucks from 1970 onward first of i uninstalled the game it made no difference I'm still getting modern vehicles./ I 'm trying to avoid removing the train fever folder to repair the issue because it would mean i have to reinstall all the good mods I use. I never use mods such as timeless, about all I use is the one that allows me break a main road son i'm not constantly have build temporary roads to work around problem areas when laying track. other than that Use mod for vehicle depots and stations, occasionally when test an idea I'll use no costs but then once i have the idea worked I turn that off also, but not being able to get back to horse transport is frustrating. :cursing:

  • Simple as that, there has to be an mod active that makes all vehicles available. There simply is no other explanation.
    I cannot fully understand your frustration since with all vehicles available you should also be free to use horse transport ;)

    However, I would first suggest that you start a new game without any mods activated.
    If the behavious persists (still modern vehicles in 1850), remove res/ and mods/ directories manually and reinstall the game.
    If you have no modern vehicles when starting a game without mods, your installation is fine.
    Then, you have to check all activated mods when startin / loading a game. One of them will be responsible.

  • the problem really is that no transport prior to the 1950's is showing up at all.
    I can get horse transport providing i have no mods at all, but there some mods i prefer to have such some train & buses plus trucks

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von G_Pilcher ()

  • As already said: sounds like this great mod New 40t Trucks & Trailers
    Get the update and rid of this crap or delete the main.lua from his mod-folder. We have to add a "Mod of the year" award... :rolleyet
    You were right on the money i just delete all his mods, I'm a little tired of mods that get up loaded and for some reason will cause the game to crash and do really stupid things right when you have something working great. It still hasn't put me off it. It took me a while o work out which mod was which but i got there thanks for all your help, those were looking great but unless they work properly they are a pain in the butt. Just waiting for transport fever now
