[MOD] Dutch Trains

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  • I was starting to make a DB repaint for the NS 1600 mod by oppie, when I discovered this was already made. For this reason, I made a lexicon entry to keep a record of dutch train mods available for download in Train Fever, so in the future people can check what has and what hasn't been already modded.

    The lexicon thread can be found here

    Anyone can edit it, so please add dutch trains/vehicles to it if they aren't included yet.

  • UPDATE 13 November 2014

    Oppie has released a new version with the correct LUA script. It should work now.

    I found out that oppie's DE'3 download lacks the correct LUA script, and without it, the DE 3 model will not appear in game.

    I have already told oppie about it but I think I am not the only one that has done so.

    Here is a hotfix to get the train in game.

    Anyway, to add the required LUA script yourself until oppie has an updated version:

    • Extract the DE3 mod in a folder (e.g. desktop), and then go to "Res/Config/Multiple_Unit"
    • Delete the existing LUA scripts, which are called ns_planT.lua and PlanV.lua
    • In notepad (or preferably notepad ++) make a new document
    • Copy and paste the code below in the new file

    function data()return {    vehicles = {        { name = "vehicle/train/ns_DE3_3.mdl", forward = true },        { name = "vehicle/train/ns_DE3_2.mdl", forward = true },        { name = "vehicle/train/ns_DE3_1.mdl", forward = true },    },    name = _("NS Mat '34 \"DE3\""),    desc = _(    "DE 3 by oppie")}end

    5. Save the text file as 'NS_DE3.lua' in the folder mentioned above.
    6. Place the "Res" folder and "tfmm.ini" file in a compressed ZIP or RAR folder
    7. Use Train Fever Mod manager to enable the mod.

    The mod should work correctly now.


    NOTE: I'm not sure how this affects the Mat 64 mod, it might need reinstalling
    NOTE 2: You are manually adding the LUA file to make the DE3 mod work in game. I am not sure how this affects your savegames after you have uninstalled the hotfix and reinstall using oppies updated version.
    NOTE 3: This tip is provided without warranty, so use caution.
    NOTE 4: If you intend to use the DE3 in your save game permanently, it might be better to wait for oppies fix rather than do it yourself, to ensure compatibility with future versions.

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Yavianice ()

  • Klasse werk Joop evenals je verbeterde VIRM.
    Is er niemand die je kan helpen met deuranimaties??? Oppie bijvoorbeeld????...

    Ik mis alleen de Sprinter uitvoering met tussenwagon.... De Spinters die hier rondrijden bestaan uit 3 delen. 2x stuurstand en een tussenwagon

  • Heh, I'll probably be taking a break soon (I won't have as much time to work on train models), but in the mean time I might as well work on another project. Once again I'm moving a bit further back into the past - this time it's Mat '34, also known as DE3 (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mat_%2734)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://i.imgur.com/LjCW4rU.png]

    Klasse werk weer Oppie!
    Wat is je volgende project??
    Wellicht een idee als je tijd over hebt om met jou hulp de VIRM "Regiorunner" en SGMm "Sprinter" te voorzien van deuraniamties?

  • Klasse werk Joop evenals je verbeterde VIRM.
    Is er niemand die je kan helpen met deuranimaties??? Oppie bijvoorbeeld????...

    Ik mis alleen de Sprinter uitvoering met tussenwagon.... De Spinters die hier rondrijden bestaan uit 3 delen. 2x stuurstand en een tussenwagon

    Thanks Froggy. I am only doing repaints from SpoorObjecten's models. It's not possible to change anything on the model, like door animations, or other type of carriages when repainting. SpoorObjecten also commented earlier that with the way he has currently modelled the trains, it's a lot of work to implement animations, and he didn't really think it was a priority. I kind of agree with him. It's nice to have the animations ofcourse, but not a huge deal when they're missing. The ingame people won't use them anyways...

    My Sprinter repaint should be up in an hour or so. As I said, no extra carriages, but there is an other surprise included. :P

    (PS. I think the forum rules require you to write either German of English... :))

  • Klasse werk weer Oppie!
    Wat is je volgende project??
    Wellicht een idee als je tijd over hebt om met jou hulp de VIRM "Regiorunner" en SGMm "Sprinter" te voorzien van deuraniamties?

    Sadly that is not possible without modifying SpoorObjecten's original models or making my own.

    In the meantime I've been working on another train based on the 'streamline' design; DE2 also known as the "blue angel" (although this is the red livery, I'm also making it in the original blue and the Plan X modernized version)
    [Blockierte Grafik: http://i.imgur.com/RG3PlXA.jpg]

  • i did this. but i use this train now and i don't want to loose my map need i to update or not?

  • i did this. but i use this train now and i don't want to loose my map need i to update or not?

    @2503victor There is no need to update since oppie has not released a new version of the textures/model, so you can leave it as it is. If you need to reinstall your mods for some reason, it should work, since oppie used the same name for the config file (ns_DE3.lua) I don't foresee any compatibility issues... unless LUA is case sensitive? Back up your RES folder just incase something goes wrong. :)

    @JoopNL Is this an entry for the brick fever mod? :D

  • Yes, something like that Yavianice. ;)

    And thanks jo_vink. It's hard work indeed. I'm using Blender. And while I know it's very powerful I can' t say that it has an easy/discoverable interface. Once you get used to all the keyboard shortcuts, and so on, it starts to get a little better. But it's slow work! :) I'm enjoying it so far in any case. :)

    Spent a lot of time on stuff like getting dimensions right. And watched a lot of tutorials. This is what I have so far.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.train-fever.net/galerie/userImages/8e/951-8ef15c27.png]

    Already someone who can guess what I' m working on? :)
