Beiträge von Gwinda

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Can not install the script still. Have de current TfGM and timeless_mod 2.2.
    Get this errors.

    The latest TFGM v0.7.8.21 should work fine with the script.
    However, you reminded me that I had forgot to publish the latest "Train Fever Extended Lua console". It is now published.

    Just like there are many flavors of Ice Cream, not every one fancy them all. TFGM is developed from my personal taste and needs, it is more than just another mod manager.
    If we were to implement the same functions, in the same way, all the ice cream would taste the same. We are also making the ice cream from different ingredients and manufacturing methods.

    You don't have one flavor of ice cream anymore, you can pick the flavor you like best.

    Sorry for my absence here but I have been very busy with the TFGM updates lately.

    I have released cost_mod v1.31 which works fine with TFGM and its event system.
    Install the mod, enable it within TFGM and all scripts will be run automatically. When enabled, right click on the mod and select "Edit" to open up the config file.

    Ich habe zuerst then costmod mit dem TFGM installiert, um dann vergeblich das script in der internen Konsole auszuführen(siehe Foto links unten). Danach habe ich de Konsole nochmal extra in den Ordner "scripts" platziert, nebst etc. im Hauptordner(Resultat Foto links oben). Ok, hier ist meine Frage(es geht nicht darum, ob ich zu blöd bin, das ist schon geklärt): Was muss ich tun, um das Teil zum laufen zu bringen? MfG Matthias

    With the 1.31 version you don't need to do anything other than drag n drop the mod to TFGM Listview, then select it and press Enable, Done! Play TF as usual :)

    There is an issue with the Lua compiler and compatibility with Unicode, UTF8 and ANSI formats causing a lot of problems. I'm soon about to release a new version where these issues has been fixed.

    Let us wait and see if my next release will solve your problems.

    It seems like TFGM now runs for the majority of the users and it is time to move on.
    From the issue list, what is the most important feature you would like to have fixed as the next development stage?

    Poll is closed. "RAR archive without ZIP conversion." has been implemented.

    TFGameManager v0.7.4.18 can now launch again. It is however not able to find the settings.lua. The UserID is not populated.

    The debug version still work fine. :-) You're doing a great job and everyone is appreciating it.

    The debug version is obsolete and not updated. The log feature in the debug version is now a part of the standard version, go to preferences and check the "Generate log file" checkbox..
    You will find the log file in the same folder as you started TFGM from after you have exited TFGM.

    Can you please start TFGM with log enabled, exit and send me the log file?

    Internally update function would be very nice :D

    I'm planning to add this later on.

    The only thing changed was how TFGM reads the Stem Client information. Do you have TF installed in a different location than the Client?

    New version with a minor update for RAR support and logfiles.

    It imports all files from TFGM mod folder in one go.
    When installing mods, you can select multiple mods at the same time (CTRL or SHIFT click), mixed zip and rar.
    You can drag n Drop multiple mixed files RAR and ZIP files.