Beiträge von Gwinda

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Okey I will look into this later.

    No I saw your post and I only have one Steam Account The path is fine till here D:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\38713915 and frome there I am totaly lost. I cant even find the settings.lua in the 38713915 folder

    EDIT:Ah ok I see the problem right now.. my Steam is install under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\ Train Fever is installed under D:\Program Files\Steam\ the required files cann be found under C but nut in D ..

    Okay, problem solved I guess? TF is creating the Settings.lua in the Steam folder it is run from. So If you have two TF install and only find the Setting.lua in one of them, that it the one it runs from.

    In this program, i can edit time speed?

    If you mean the game speed at which speed the days are passing, I have to say no. This is hardcoded into the game and can't be changed.

    If you mean the speed of vehicles age, there is a mod called "Timeless_mod" that allows you to set this to 0 so no vehicles will ever be to old.

    Download here

    Scroll down for German translation.

    The Train Fever Game Manager (TFGM) doesn't only manage your mods, it also allows you to edit the Train Fever settings without reading any Lua code at all. It allows you to bind keys not usually available by simple ASCII codes, such as your multimedia keys or numpad keys.

    • Install mods easily with a simple drag and drop of a single or multiple mod archives. Supports TFGM.lua, TFMM.ini or bare mod archives.
    • Create backups of your res folder for quick and easy rollback.
    • Open the music-, screenshot-, game saves- and Train Fever folders with an easy click of a button.
    • Launch, restart and terminate Train Fever from TFGM.
    • Built in Lua script engine with extended Lua commands.
    • Categorize mods.
    • A 40 page PDF user manual accessible from TFGM.
    • Direct links to Train Fevers Steam groups.
    • Mod description in multiple languages
    • Built in machine translation of description text
    • A restore point is automatically created when a mod is enabled.
    • Vehicle browser with vehicle data.
    • Vehicle timeline view.

    Modders can create rich mod support for TFGM such as...

    • Link the mod to their Steam profile.
    • Providing a screenshot to be displayed in with the mod.
    • A mod can have several authors and profiles displayed (good for collaborative mods).
    • TFGM event handlers can be written in Lua and included in the mod to be executed automatically when a mod is enabled/disabled.
    • Add items to a mod's context menu (popup menu) to call a Lua function or start the default program for a file type.

    There are still a lot more on the wishlist to implement but first we need to fix some minor issues.

    The TF Launch function might not work on Windows 8 (one case reported)
    Script execution generates runtime error on some installations (one case reported)

    I'm not expecting things to run flawless so please report problems to me by using this thread. Please write in English if possible.

    German translation by Gax
    Der Train Fever Game Manager (TFGM) verwaltet nicht nur Deine Mods, er erlaubt Dir auch, die Train Fever Einstellungen zu verändern, ohne dabei Lua Code zu lesen.
    Er erlaubt es Dir, Tasten zuzuweisen, die normalerweise nicht mit einfachen ASCII Codes verfügbar sind, wie z.B. Multimedia oder Numpad Tasten.

    • Einfaches Installieren von Mods mittels Drag & Drop von einem oder mehreren Mod Archiven. Unterstützung von TFGM.lua, TFMM.ini oder "blanken" Mod Archiven.
    • Erstelle Back Ups (Sicherungskopien) von Deinem "res" Ordner für schnelles und einfaches Wiederherstellen.
    • Öffne die Musik-, Screenshot-, Speicherstand- und Train Fever Ordner mit einem Mausklick.
    • Starte, restarte und beende Train Fever mit dem TFGM.
    • Eingebautes Lua Script Programm mit erweiterten Lua Befehlen.
    • Kategorisiere Mods.
    • Ein 40 Seiten PDF Handbuch im TFGM.
    • Direkte Verknüpfung zu Train Fever Steam Gruppen.- Integrierte Maschinenübersetzung der Beschreibung.
    • Automatisches Erstellen von Wiederherstellungspunkten bei Modaktivierungen.

    Modder können vielfältige Mod Unterstützung für TFGM erstellen, z.B.:

    • Verknüpfung des Mod mit ihrem Steam Profil.
    • Bereitstellen eines Screenshots, welcher mit dem Mod angezeigt wird.
    • Ein Mod kann mehrere Authoren und Profile anzeigen (bei Gemeinschaftsmods).
    • TFGM Ereignis Verwaltung kann in Lua erstellt und in den Mod integriert werden, zum automatischen Ausführen beim Aktivieren/Deaktivieren von Mods.
    • Hinzufügen von Objekten zum Kontext Menü (Pop up) des Mod´s, z.B. das Aufrufen von Lua Funktionen or das Starten des Standardprogrammes von Dateitypen.

    Für die Zukunft geplante Features sind unter u.a.:- Unterstützung für andere Archive als Zip.

    • Umwandlung von MP3 zu ogg.
    • Ein komplettes GUI Interface für Mod Scripts.
    • ein Programm zum Packen von Mods.
    • eine Auto Update FunktionMomentan sind noch diverse kleine Fehler und Probleme zu beheben. Bitte wendet Euch bei solchen an mich.

    This mod pack adds more signals and signs to TF.
    This first version only have one signal but more are to come.

    - Dwarf signal (path signal function).

    Install manually or with with TFMM.

    This isn't possible at this stage, there are no way to run custom Lua code during game play. Params for inflation are not available in any of the configuration files. Maybe URban Games will add such params in the future...

    I just downloaded the English Cargo mod v1.2b (you can see the 1.2b in the TF logo when started).
    I created a map from 1900 and bought a train with the "Verbandswagen", no problem at all...

    Are you sure the mod got reinstalled on a fresh Steam copy of TF?

    sobald ich Timeless und Costmod installiert habe crasht das Game sofort beim starten mit dem Fehler am Bild.

    Edit: GELÖST: Beim kopeiren ins Forum habe ich den Fehler gesehen: Es wurde folgender Wert geschrieben: function data()
    Was auch immer das sein soll -> gelöscht -> Game startet.


    If you edit the Lua scripts, be sure to save them in UTF8 format.

    Tonight Build 4363 was released. This build breaks the Cargo mod due to an update in the open waggons. I'm working on an update to incorporate the new "features" into the mod.

    As I mention in the instructions you have to choose 1950 as the start year if you want a all tracks an poles available.
    These are hardcoded into the game and can't be controlled through scripts.

    Because the timeless mod enables everything it really doesn't matter, game wise, what year you start. So start 1950 to truly enable everything.

    Sure, just remember to give credit where credit should be given so people can see what parts are yours and what parts are from another source.

    So finally I got to create a thread for the Lua console tool.

    The lua console tool has no connection with the Train Fever internal Lua core, it is a stand alone tool to run Lua scripts. Some mods have Lua installer/uninstallers and needs a Lua console to run.

    The current console "Train Fever Extended Lua Console" (replacing the previous "Lua Console") includes the standard Lua and has been extended with new Lua commands to aid in the process of installing/uninstalling. This console should support UTF8 (unicode) to have languages such as Korean, Russian etc displayed correctly. However I have no possibility to test this myself.
    If you have a Windows installation running on an UTF8 language (Unicode), such as mentioned above and would like to test, please contact me.

    Use the mod manager or drop the res folder, found inside the zip archive, into your trainfever folder.
    The console can be found in the TrainFever/res/scripts/ folder.

    There are two versions:

    • LuaTF.exe - 32bit Windows
    • LuaTFx64.exe - 64bit Windows

    Hey nice news..... arg too bad that i was spending 1 hour to edit custom mdl data by hand. :P

    Good to hear that your updating your mod.

    You need to use the new "Train Fever Extended Lua Console" to install the updated cost_mod, but the script will tell you that if you are using the wrong Lua console :)

    Hallo Leute, bei mir funktioniert das irgendwie nicht.

    Will nur den cost mod installieren, Pfad in der Datei ist gewechselt.
    & Alles nach "Anleitung" getan, wo liegt das Problem? :rolleyes:

    Line 16 looks like this local Build = "4136" but I suspect it is something to do with your local rootdir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Train Fever/res/"

    Can yo post that line here?