Railway in the city ~

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Debugging UEP2 - CR / CRH DEPOT / new track MOD

Under test ~

Kommentare 2

  • Are you going to release that CRH depot MOD someday?

    • Currently making UEP2-<parking building, fire station, police station, hospital> several large series of MODs.

      The track MOD and the locomotive depot / CRH depot MOD were debugged last night, I am studying COMMON API2 ~

      And next month I will continue to model the ballastless rail model. .after the completion of the above several large MOD series, I will continue making the new tracks / locomotive depot / CRH depot / high-speed rail series MOD.

      All UEP2-MODs series will be released as planned in recent months.

      Gefällt mir 1
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