Well, the special railway line of the shipyard is officially opened~

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

Okay, update the progress of tonight's mod before the break.

(Uep2-04a) Shipyard MOD~~ (WIP ~ 90%)

At present, shipyard, road depot, train depot, cargo station, bus station have been perfectly integrated together~~ 5-in-1 ~ lol


Introduction of MOD:

1. MOD is in the water / shipyard option.

2. MOD integrates shipyard, road depot, train depot, cargo station, bus station.

3. MOD has 1 ship exit, 2 roads, and 2 railways.

4. If you want to set the MOD, you only need to click the mouse in the dry dock to open the setting page.

5. Click the different Depot Icon on the MOD, you can open the interface for purchasing ships, vehicles, and trains respectively.

6. Click the bus stop / freight station icon on the MOD, you can view the MOD's road vehicle transportation route and settings.

7. Through the MOD menu, you can choose 6 kinds of water surface foam according to the map environment.

8. Through the MOD menu, you can turn on/off the road depot / train depot.

9. Through the MOD menu, you can switch between passenger/freight attributes.

10. Through the MOD menu, you can open the new ship launch celebration module and language.

(A. This part contains 6 languages: Chinese, German, English, French, Japanese, Russian.)

(B. This part is also the passenger waiting area of the bus station~lol)

11. Through the MOD menu, you can turn on or off the naming function of the shipyard. After opening, you can name your shipyard yourself. (Refer to Introduction 4, open the settings page and modify the name.)

12. The railway part of MOD is non-electrified by default, after all, it is a dedicated railway line. You can modify it to electrified railway through the MOD menu. (The MOD supports COMMONAPI_2, and it will automatically switch to your own COMMONAPI compatible railway MOD.)

13. Through the MOD menu, you can turn on/off walls in different locations to match your game map scene design.

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