Air and land transport combined test. . .

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A preview of some new features:

Helicopter and truck transport.


Based on newly crafted helicopter + factory integrated 4-in-1 modules.

After the release of the mod, players can directly transport supplies needed by the city from this factory warehouse by helicopter.

The top of the warehouse is used to park helicopters for loading/unloading cargo.

The warehouse has 5 truck cargo terminals at the bottom for road cargo transportation.

When the truck approaches the warehouse, the warehouse door will automatically sense and open, and the truck will drive directly into the warehouse to load/unload goods.


The test based on the helicopter's take-off and landing function was successful (after more than 1 year of trials and various code debugging.. finally succeeded... I'm going to UG to find yoshi to treat me to a meal. Laugh.:D..).

Now. . You can place small warehouses with helipads and industrial production chains anywhere in your city. The warehouse is not large, so it does not take up valuable urban land. Convenient and rational planning of your city.


Next, I'll make a separate helipad, 5m x 5m, based on the magnet link code used by @enzojz's sidewalk/subway station.

Players can place it on top of any building, and through the PATH automatic adsorption function, the helipad will form a link with the ground road. . .

This is also the last thing I have to done in the UEP2-heliport module section.


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