Folgediskussion nach Missverständnissen etc.

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Hallo Traffic Hamburg

    danke für deine Antwort. Dass du keine Lust hast, was Neues zu machen, ist traurig, das muss ich jedoch akzeptieren.

    Dass du meine Ausführungen nicht verstanden hast, glaube ich dir nicht. Dafür bist du viel zu intelligent. Deine eigenen Teilnahmebedingungen kannst du ja verstehen. Und die sind extrem komplizierter als mein kurzer Text. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du nicht verstehen willst, weil du keine Lust hast.

    Was den Zeitaufwand betrifft, da machst du dir selber unnötige Arbeit. Ich würde es anders machen:

    * Je Monat ein neues Thema eröffnen.

    * Dort können die Teilnehmer ihre Bilder mit Bildnamen und einer kurzen Beschreibung einstellen. - Der Umweg über die Galerie entfällt und damit die ewigen Streitereien um den richtigen Tag.

    * Während der Laufzeit des SSC sind keine weiteren Kommentare erlaubt. Diese würden konsequent gelöscht. Letzteres braucht nicht täglich gemacht zu werden.

    * Nach Ablauf der Bewerbungszeit wird eine einfache Abstimmung mit Namen des Teilnehmers und dem Bildnamen erstellt. - Die Bilder können sich die Bewerter durch Scrollen ansehen.

    * Wenn der Sieger feststeht, sind auch weitere Kommentare wie z. B. Glückwünsche zugelassen.

    * Für den nächsten Monat wird ein neues Thema eröffnet: s. o.

    Wenn ich dafür jetzt mal den gesamten monatlichen Zeitaufwand mit einer Stunde schätze, liege ich sicher richtig.

    Bei einem vereinfachten Ablauf würde vielleicht auch Remi Gio wieder teilnehmen, der durch die unnötigen Debatten leider vergrault wurde. Im Februar hatte ich meinen Beitrag auch wegen dieser Debatten zurückgezogen. Die März-Teilnahme war nur dem interessanten Thema geschuldet. Und ich glaube nicht, dass ich nach deiner Antwort noch mal teilnehmen werde.

    Hallo Feluno

    ich danke dir für dein Angebot, als "Wettbewerbshüter" außerhalb dieses Forums tätig werden zu wollen. Ich befürchte, dass ein noch kleinerer Kreis teilnehmen wird. Gerade dieses Forum hier mit seinen vielen Mod-Erstellern, Spielern und Schönbauer ist prädestiniert für solche Wettbewerbe. Außerdem habe ich riesige Bedenken wegen des fehlenden Datenschutzes bei Discord.

    Genießt jetzt noch den letzten Osterfeiertag, Günter


    Hello Traffic Hamburg

    thank you for your answer. That you don't feel like doing something new is sad, but I have to accept that.

    I don't believe that you didn't understand what I said. You are much too intelligent for that. You can understand your own conditions of participation. And they are extremely more complicated than my short text. I am sure that you don't want to understand because you don't want to.

    As far as the time is concerned, you are making unnecessary work for yourself. I would do it differently:

    * Open a new topic each month.

    * There the participants can put their pictures with picture name and a short description. - The detour over the gallery is omitted and with it the eternal quarrels about the right day.

    * During the term of the SSC no further comments are allowed. These would be consequently deleted. The latter need not be done daily.

    * After the application time has expired, a simple vote with the name of the participant and the picture name is created. - The pictures can be viewed by the evaluators by scrolling.

    * When the winner is determined, other comments such as congratulations are also allowed.

    * For the next month a new topic will be opened: see above.

    If I now estimate the total monthly time expenditure with one hour, I am surely right.

    With a simplified procedure perhaps also Remi Gio would participate again, who was frightened away unfortunately by the unnecessary debates. In February I had withdrawn my contribution also because of these debates. March participation was only due to the interesting topic. And I don't think I will participate again after your reply.

    Hello Feluno

    thank you for your offer to act as a "competition guardian" outside this forum. I am afraid that an even smaller circle will participate. Especially this forum here with its many mod creators, players and beau builders is predestined for such competitions. Also, I have huge concerns about the lack of privacy on Discord.

    Enjoy now still the last Easter holiday, Günter

    Translated with (free version)

    Ab hier wurde abgetrennt aus dem Diskussionsstrang zu den Regularien des Screenshot-Wettbewerbs. /Yoshi

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yoshi ()

  • Na dann muss ich dich jetzt mal aufklären:

    Ich bin mir sicher, dass du nicht verstehen willst, weil du keine Lust hast.

    Eine ziemlich freche Behauptung die du mir hier unterstellst. Ich habe den Text sehr wohl verstanden, den Sinn nur eher weniger. Wozu einen neuen SSWB, wenn der jetzige schon wenig genutzt wird.

    Je Monat ein neues Thema eröffnen.

    Das Forenteam wird sich bedanken und auch die User, die jeden Monat das aktuelle Thema suchen müssen. Du unterschätzt offensichtlich, dass dieses Forum nicht nur ein Wettbewerbsforum ist.

    Der Umweg über die Galerie entfällt und damit die ewigen Streitereien um den richtigen Tag.

    Der Umweg ist gar kein Umweg, sondern eine Schnellstraße zu einem leichten und konsequenten Erfolg. Es ist leicht mit einem Tag die Bilder zu Filtern und in einem Tab alle vor sich zu haben, als ständig durch ein Thema zu scrollen. Die Streitereien waren keine Streitereien, einige User waren nur nicht gewollt, einen Fehler, den sie selbst begangen hatten, einzusehen.

    Diese würden konsequent gelöscht.

    In einer Diktatur könnte man Kommentare, die nicht erwünscht sind löschen. Dass dieses Forum sowas aber, seit ich hier bin (2015), nicht getan hat zeigt, dass es sich hierbei nicht um Diktaturforum handelt, sondern um ein solches, welches auf den gesunden Menschenverstand vertraut. Außerdem fehlt mir die Fähigkeit, Kommentare zu löschen, das Forenteam müsste mich erst zum Moderator machen oder sie selbst müssten sich doch wieder um den Wettbewerb kümmern.

    eine einfache Abstimmung mit Namen des Teilnehmers und dem Bildnamen erstellt

    Wie viel einfacher soll die Abstimmung denn noch werden. Sie ist bereits so simpel mit Name des Teilnehmers und Name des Bildes, somit verstehe ich den Fortschritt, den du dir durch diese Maßnahme erhoffst, nicht.

    Für den nächsten Monat wird ein neues Thema eröffnet

    Und wieder wird das Forum zugemüllt, wir hatten dieses Thema schon weiter vorne in diesem Thread.

    monatlichen Zeitaufwand mit einer Stunde schätze, liege ich sicher richtig.

    Dann glaube ich nicht, dass du kompetent im Schätzen bist. Alleine das Bilderzusammensuchen durch "Scrollen", wie du es so schön nanntest, würde bei einer einigermaßen hohen Beteiligung schon mehr als 30 Minuten dauern. Und das nur an einem Tag. Wie du da im Monat nur auf 60 Minuten kommen willst, bleibt mir schleierhaft.

    unnötigen Debatten leider vergrault wurde

    Die Debatte war nicht unnötig, er hat nur wieder seinen eigenen Fehler nicht einsehen wollen und hat sich dann in den Schmollwinkel zurückgezogen. Dafür können weder die Regeln noch ich etwas, wenn ein User ein schwaches Gemüt hat.

    Und ich glaube nicht, dass ich nach deiner Antwort noch mal teilnehmen werde.

    Da bin ich dann aber froh, somit erspar ich mir weitere 5 Minuten beim Einfügen deines Bildes in die Abstimmung.


    Ich hoffe du siehst meine Punkte ein und schreibst nicht einfach nur wieder:

    weil du keine Lust hast.

    Damit wäre allen geholfen.

    Und wenn du wirklich alle diese Punkte widerlegen kannst, frag doch mal bei Yoshi und Co an, ob sie aus dir den "Wettbewerbshüter 2.0" machen wollen. Aber ehrlich gesagt würde ich vermuten, dass du dazu zu wenig Erfahrung hast. Da du den Zugriff auf dein Profil vollständig eingeschränkt hast, kann ich das nicht prüfen, aber ich meine, du bist erst mit Transport Fever 2 gekommen. Ich bin hier seit 2015 und verfolge seitdem Tag für Tag das Forengeschehen. Das soll kein Angriff auf dich sein, aber ich würde vermuten, dass du dir die Arbeit als Wettbewerbshüter einfacher vorstellst als sie ist.

  • Traffic Hamburg

    I have withdrawn from screenshot competition because you are very UNFRIENDLY and even though I haven't broken any rules -you insisted (in a rude manner) that I should do things 'your way', upload to the gallery when YOU want and instead of helping because the tag didn't work for us English speakers - you started criticizing. The only person that was helpful and friendly was Feluno

    And now you dare to say I have made a mistake and I have a weak mind? (what is this alternative history you are trying to write?)

    Seriously dude?

    Who exactly do you think you ARE?

    It just shows your level of treating people. We are diverse crowd of creative people here - maybe you should pay more attention to your manners as competition guardian then this would not have happened. But then again I've been to Hamburg and know that attitude first hand so am not surprised.

    P8_2401_Coeln - Interesting concept! ;)

  • I haven't broken any rules

    When I wrote you that the Tag was missing, you hadn't uploaded the picture yet. How should I know that you would upload the picture at some point?

    in a rude manner

    I apologize for that, that was not my intention, it is simply because I know almost no English and have to speak to whatever I see in the world.

    tag didn't work for us English speakers

    I never said that, it was another member's guess. I know this problem exists, so I was paying attention to it.

    The only person that was helpful and friendly was Feluno

    Same topic as above. I asked him by PM that he should translate the text into friendly English for me. So he was acting on my behalf, only that he could speak English.

    Who exactly do you think you ARE?

    Even if that may sound selfish: I believe that I am the competition guardian and that is why I try to make people aware of the rules.

  • Traffic Hamburg

    If users are interested in what exactly happened here's the link where it shows your dryness and unfriendliness for someone who enters the CONTEST FORUM for the first time:


    I actually didn't want to revisit this but I will spell it out AGAIN because you are lying about what happened:

    No HELLO from you, just reminder of the rules for me ... (NOT THAT THE TAG WAS MISSING) again ...alternative history?

    Not cool but ok... :!:

    I consulted the rules again as you requested and was trying to figure out the TAG thing (which didn't work) and Feluno told me it was a forum software limitation from non-German keyboards. Then you complain I uploaded and tagged the picture 1 hour later in the GALLERY as if you were the manager of my time and didn't read I was already being helped by someone else because of a TAG problem.

    Instead of being cool and welcome new screenshot you act like a bad policeman because you cannot be bothered to help anyone. Just complain. Then you say you see no logic in my upload as file attachment and later to GALLERY because that's not what you would do. Just to be clear: there is NO RULE that says you have to upload in that order or even tag the same day.

    There is a date until which you can upload to gallery and TAG.

    STOP saying that I have broken some rules because I DIDN'T and it is completely FALSE.

    I was so annoyed at that situation that I voluntarily asked you not to consider my entry. ;)

    ALL THAT because of your BAD ATTITUDE and then blaming it on the 'language barrier' and misunderstanding: only when I pointed out your rudeness then you asked Feluno to take over the conversation - after you made all the mess already.

    TIP: I am using in-browser translator to translate the whole website page as I know most topics here are in German - it is automatic and most useful! <3

    In the end this whole situation could have been avoided if you did not insert your unfriendly 3 cents while I was already being helped by others but ... you just couldn't help yourself.

    LAST THING: I asked who do you think you are in a sense - what gives you the RIGHT to accuse someone of not reading or not observing rules, being not logical, writing that my screenshot has no personality and YOUR latest that I have a weak mind: huh:?

    Obviously you have NO RIGHT to say or imply any of those things because you have no way of knowing ... You are only trying to ASSUME things to fit your worldview.

    TIP: do not try to assume because you will make and ASS of U and ME 8o

    YOU ARE indeed a competition guardian but also from our brief interaction very RUDE PERSON with BAD ATTITUDE (to me in this whole situation).

    BONUS QUESTION: Why are you a competition GUARDIAN if you can't be bothered to be NICE to contestants and always EXPLAIN the rules in a friendly manner?

    Isn't that the whole point?

    I wish you all the best with your screenshot contest and I hope you can reflect on how to handle those kind of situations better in the future.


  • Instead of being cool and welcome new screenshot you act like a bad policeman because you cannot be bothered to help anyone. Just complain.

    I dont want to get inbetween your fight, but I guess thats a general problem with Germans and their german 'correctness' ....
    Germans are known for their keenness on following strict plans, rules and orders.... so maybe this isn't a problem of him as a person but a problem of the country's common attitude itself.

    @Germans: you'll probably hate me for sayin' that, but I'm afraid that's how you are reflected by foreigners.... ;)

    I wish you all the best with your screenshot contest and I hope you can reflect on how to handle those kind of situations better in the future.

    Peace-offering solution for both of you:

    Traffic Hamburg I dont assume you meant your answers in a rude or offensive way. Just like I said, maybe you aren't to blame after all but the way you were raised.
    But it was misunderstood as rude and offensive. So maybe you just could say a 'SORRY' (in your own words, from your heart) for that alleged mistake of yours. Shouldn't be that hard?

    Remi Gio I hope you understand what I m trying to say here. This shouldn't be an excuse for any texts and actions of anybody. But I try to explain what I guess happened here.
    So please be so kind and accept it and try to live down this problem.
    And when you feel like it please enter more pictures in the contest - now that you know what things you should do.... ;)

    Enjoy the day. There's too much heat between you and I would be glad if we keep this forum a peaceful quiet place to forget all this other sh*t going on at the moment :)

    MfG, die Licaon

  • Since I do know Traffic Hamburg personally (in Real life, that is), I can confirm that he does not intend to starting a fight like this. He usually tries to help, but as he stated, his english is very rudimentary only. This, and the fact that he is of course annoyed having to say the same thing again and again may have led to your perception that he treats the participants that are not doing right in a rude way.

    Afterall, I think you are both correct though. The image was uploaded later, and until that point you were not playing after the rules. Why should he wait until the deadline to tell you then, if he can already do it right away?

    But also, of course, you can clearly tell that he is annoyed. But as Licaon said, there are differences between the people of different nations: while an american might still be overly friendly the german is already furious ;-)

    My opinion as a german (who did spend three years abroad): Traffic Hamburg did nothing wrong in pointing out the rules. He could have been more friendly, of course, but why should he. He has got other things to do, as well as you do, and being friendly can be quite challenging, especially if you are on the leave, but still wanting to help.

    It is a way of the internet to overreact, which both (Traffic Hamburg and Remi Gio) of you did. If you are angry at him, all right, but I don't see any reason to be leaving the contest just because of someone doing his job and nothing further. Would you expect the cashier to be friendly and ask about your day? No.

    In the hope that this forum will return to its peaceful state that it once was in,

    Greetings from Schleswig-Holstein

  • Licaon , mit der deutschen Korrektheit hast du vollkommen Recht. Ich mit meinen 71 Jahren, immer in Deutschland wohnhaft geblieben, kann dem nur zustimmen.

    Gib einem Deutschen ein Pöstchen und er fühlt sich als Herr der Welt.

    Das sieht man doch auch in der Politik: In der Ministerpräsidentenrunde werden Vereinbarungen getroffen und jeder Landesfürst schmeißt sie um, wenn er zu Hause in seinem Reich angekommen ist.

    Ich bin nach wie vor der Meinung, dass der Ablauf des SSC vereinfacht werden muss! Egal in welcher Form. Der ist genau so überorganisiert wie mein heutiger notwendiger Ablauf zur Anmeldung zur Covid-Impfung: Für meinen Hausarzt musste ich sechs(!) Seiten Papier ausdrucken und ausfüllen. Mehrere Einverständniserklärungen sind notwendig. Auch das ist eine deutsche Spezialität.

    Remi Gio , es lohnt sich nicht, mit dem "Wettbewerbshüter" weiter zu diskutieren. Er wird es nie einsehen, dass man auch anders handeln kann.

    Mehr will ich zu dem Thema nicht mehr sagen.


    Licaon , with the German correctness you are absolutely right. I with my 71 years, always in Germany resident remained, can only agree with that.

    Give a German a small post and he feels like the master of the world.

    You can see that in politics, too: agreements are made in the round of prime ministers and every sovereign throws them over when he arrives home in his realm.

    I am still of the opinion that the SSC process must be simplified! No matter what form it takes. It's just as over-organized as my current required process for signing up for Covid vaccination: for my primary care physician, I had to print out and fill out six(!) pages of paper. Several consent forms are necessary. This is another German specialty.

    Remi Gio , it is not worth to discuss further with the "competition guardian". He will never realize that it is possible to act differently.

    I will say no more on the subject.

    Translated with (free version)

  • Ich schreibe das jetzt auf Deutsch, weil Remi Gio ja gesagt hat, er habe ein Übersetzungstool.

    Ich habe alles jetzt sehr aufmerksam gelesen, werde auch nicht mehr auf Einzelheiten eingehen, da alles gesagt wurde. Ich danke Licaon für die schönen und schlichten, aber doch wirksamen Sätze, das schaffst du irgendwie jedes Mal in diesen Diskussionen ;) Auch Eisenbahnfreund danke ich, wir kennen uns ja sehr sehr gut (:D) und ich glaube er weiß wie ich ticke. Daher kann ich nur sagen:

    Remi Gio Es tut mir wirklich leid, entweder haben wir uns nicht verstanden oder jemand von uns hat wirklich einen Fehler gemacht. Hätten wir uns auf unserer Muttersprache in echt getroffen, wäre es soweit vermutlich nicht gekommen. Ich glaube das Internet ist hierbei ein echtes Problem. Also, verstehe mich bitte nicht falsch, reiche weiter Bilder ein und zeige uns deine Bilder. Auf eine gute weitere Kooperation :):thumbup:

    An dieser Stelle hätte alles vorbei sein können. Ich war froh, dass sich alles geklärt hat, oft hilft das Eingreifen von anderen Personen (die man kennt) sehr viel.


    Aber dann kam P8_2401_Coeln s letzter Satz :cursing:

    Alles war gesagt, er selbst spricht davon, er würde nichts mehr zum Thema sagen, aber er hinterlässt einen Angriff auf mich als Person, den ich nicht nur frech und "rude" finde, sondern auch sehr unpassend. Es war alles gesagt und dann kommt nur ein solcher Satz, der einem die ganze positive Laune wieder wegnimmt:

    mit dem "Wettbewerbshüter" weiter zu diskutieren. Er wird es nie einsehen, dass man auch anders handeln kann.

    Eigentlich wollte ich das nie machen, weil es auch gegen die Forenregeln verstößt, aber jetzt fällt mir kein anderer Weg mehr ein:

    Ich bin immer kooperativ gewesen, habe mich in endlosen Diskussionen auf andere eingelassen, habe Neuankömmlingen im Forum geholfen und habe die schwere Aufgabe vom überlasteten Yoshi übernommen. Dabei kennt mich keiner der Forenleitung und trotzdem vertrauen sie auf mich. Irgendwo muss dieses Vertrauen ja her kommen.

    Ich vermute jetzt einfach mal, dass du mit mir grollst, weil ich nicht gejubelt habe, als du einen Vorschlag aufgebracht hast. Vielleicht solltest auch du lernen, dass man selbst auch mal anders handeln kann.

    Ich hoffe hier sind genügend andere Benutzer, die mich verstehen, aber so einfach nehme ich diese Aussage nicht hin.

    Damit schließe ich diesen Post von Roman und wünsche allen noch einen schönen Mittwoch.

  • I try to move the focus or the point of view to a slightly different angle. Germans are not all "strict and following all rules" *, it's more like many americans complain that germans are more direct in their talking and not putting every sentence they say in a wrap of cotton-wool and in a roundabout way and even around the bush. ?( They say what they think and the other party is socially conditioned by the own culture/family/society that people have to use 1000 smooth words instead of 20 harsh words to say the same thing... well.

    Then the political correctness snowflake culture plays a big role.

    On the one hand people are different. They're individuals. Not everybody fits to everybody. Not everybody likes one another. We're not all the same. Some people claim that, but are we all wearing the same uniform and obeying the same big brother? Not yet. Well. Some kind of.

    One the other hand there are social-cultural conditions that play a role.

    Often the interpretation of the slightest sarcasm is like not taking every word with a pinch of salt.

    And of course the mood - let it be the day's, the week's or the year's general mood - plays a role.

    * but yeah, the "deutscher Michel" is a common stereotype and it fits to many, but not to all of us. As not every woman with green hair and nose ring is dumb. But many women with green hair and nose ring learn that a lot of them are dumb, so they stop coloring their hair to green and stop wearing nose rings. Well...

  • Hey guys,

    Thank you very much for your input!

    Licaon One of my best friends is actually German so even if I don't live in your country I understand the German way of doing things and I am quite used to it. :)

    For the whole situation - I am glad it's in the open and resolved. I don't mind being reminded about rules in a friendly manner or pointed to the right person for clearer communication, I welcome it.

    I realize that there is a lot of ways to be misunderstood across cultures and languages. Verbal vs. written communication is indeed very different therefore it's important to keep that in mind while communicating.

    I don't agree with Gordon Dry who tries to drop it into political correctness category and he clearly forgets that when we use 100 words to describe something while Germans use 20 it is only because in German you glue your words together ( like: Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän) ;) That sentence about women with green hair and nose earing being dumb would explain why there are so few women on this site... go figure. Finally it costs nothing to be nice and it goes a really long way.

    It can mean the difference between someone contributing to the community or completely withdrawing from it and taking an observer position. If you scroll through forums here you will see that young modders quit after presenting their first mod to community because they are put down by older modders who point out their mistakes instead of helping and encouraging development. Same goes for contests and general forum etiquette. There's nothing wrong with speaking up either - even if I am fairly new here. I mean well to all and always start with good intentions.

    I know it's cliché but always truth in those sayings : It's nice to be important and it's important to be nice.

    P8_2401_Coeln I find it interesting how when I complain about harsh words it's the cultural misunderstanding but when you also offer same harsh words in German it's offensive. The only explanation: there is a fine line to walk for all our feelings here!

    My whole point is that sometimes it's good to overreact or put somebody on the other end of the stick. That way we are all mindful of each other and see through our differences. If we are lucky in the end something good should come out of it ;)

    Eisenbahnfreund My cashier smiles and asks how I am quite often - I guess not every shop has robot cashiers:saint: It is not expected but brightens my shopping and I come back to my local supermarket as a result - even though I have 3 different ones to choose from.

    As for Traffic Hamburg - I said my brief interaction with you online wasn't great so I based my observation/criticism on those exchanges only - I am sure in real life you're a different person and I am glad we cleared this up. Also thumbs up for giving your time to the community for free, it's awesome and admirable! I know you're doing your job - I was disappointed and surprised about your taste for personal insults towards me as a way of venting your frustration with other users.

    I accept your half- not direct- not really - 'one of us' - 'it's the internet' - vague apology and offer you mine in return.

    I am sorry for overreacting and calling you names - I was only responding to your insults and attitude. I will be more understanding and calmer from now on ;) There... I feel lighter already! Let's put this behind us. I have no hard feelings and I hope you don't either! I will happily participate in a screenshot contest in a category I like next time! 8)

    Habt alle einen schönen Abend!

  • Gordon Dry Reading too fast I thought that sentence says more about the male culture than anything else. Now I realize it's a metaphor - then again what is your point though? Should we be stubborn and keep our way of acting even when offending others or change / conform and evolve to fit the ever changing society and consider other ways? The balance is hard to find and guess it requires compromises from both sides..? We are only as fast as the slowest member of our team and some are more likely to compromise or find a solution than others. So...

  • Remi Gio

    What is my point? Does it matter? Well...

    The dream of many transhumansists is that we all are the same, be the same and look the same. So we also think the same and feel the same. We all have the same way of talking and way of interpreting. The one-world-government citizen.

    I reject that.

    I do not adapt to a "trendy globalized" way of how to talk. And I also do not adapt to be on the same level as the weakest piece of chain of compromises.

    Somebody says "this is the new normal" - I say "well, have fun with that and obey as much as you want".

    Or as those famous and wise words say: "1 billion flies cannot be in error - let's all eat shit."

  • Gordon Dry So you are anti-globalist and proud to be ... and I dream of being treated as I treat others, simple. If you are disrespectful to me it's only natural that I protest or give back the same.

    Actually as human race we are only as fast as the slowest of us. Plenty of evidence around ... You don't need to look further than the pandemic. Or do you honestly think this mess will go away when only your country is vaccinated? Wishful thinking ... being anti-globalist in ever more connected world will be ... challenging.

    Compromise in your worldview is weak? Compromise is not about loosing but recognizing that another person has as much right to be happy with the outcome as you. If you see yourself as superior then of course you have no regard for others and you don't compromise out of principle ... or because of fear of appearing weak ... even if you know you might not be right.

    Nobody in this situation we were discussing is talking about globalism, transhumanism or conformity. It's a simple question of being nice and have respect for others.

    I don't agree either that we should feel the same or think the same - that would be boring. That said being anti-globalist is not an excuse for putting someone down or treat them poorly - it's called basic education or in this case online etiquette. Nothing to adapt to, nothing revolutionary, nothing new really. Or if there's a miscommunication - to work it out even by aggressive conversation.

    That crude metaphor at the end doesn't make any sense, you are comparing treating other people with respect to flies eating shit? Wow...

    It's a perfect example of false equivalency between things to make a point, which it doesn't. Maybe not the best choice of words? I am not here to change your mind about anything - you believe and think whatever you think is right and I respect your beliefs even if I don't agree with them ... but don't spit on me and expect I will pretend it what somehow raindrops;)


  • Remi Gio

    Well, first you failed in properly interpreting or let's call it deciphering. You want to see me sitting in a bad corner. Too much of a hassle.

    The "flies" have nothing to do with "respect". That's your interpretation.

    btw "respect" means "look again" or "look again and again and ..." - this means respecting someone does not mean "thinking that person is nice to be with", it means "that person was watched and is known".

    But that is something we all have to deal with - many words lost their real meaning over the eons. Euphemisms and misinterpretation are the norm.

  • Gordon Dry

    That's not the etymology of that word and neither is your interpretation. Want to imply something? Can you write what you mean and mean what you write? I wasn't aware standing up for yourself is unwelcome?

    It's so easy to speak in riddles and metaphors and when misunderstood you put the blame on the one who misunderstood. It's very convenient to wash any responsibility and create atmosphere of confusion.. and not providing any explanation afterwards. So thank you for this exchange - but it is pointless.

    Too much of a hassle. I said what I had to say - in a clear manner and without riddles or attaching new meaning to the words.

    I just finished texturing another building, it's late.. so now watch me say goodnight ;)

  • would explain why there are so few women on this site... go figure.

    believe me, as a woman in an environment like this, where 95% of all the others are male and train/plane/bus-nerds.... you got to be thick-skinned :D

    There are some very creepy dudes in the scene.... :D
    Luckily NONE of you is one. :)

    but thats off-topic :D

    MfG, die Licaon
