Catenary Pole Distance

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  • How does the CatenartPoleDistance in the track settings actually work?

    The wiki states:

    t.catenaryPoleDistance = 25.0                  -- [m] target distance between poles
    t.catenaryMaxPoleDistanceFactor = 2.0          -- factor for maximum pole distance
    t.catenaryMinPoleDistanceFactor = 0.8          -- factor for minimal pole distance (in curves)

    I am trying to make a distance of 70m between the poles.

    I have tried to set distance to 35 with factor 2. I have also tried to set distance to 70 with factor 1.

    However, in both cases, when i measure the distance ingame (on new straight sections), it generally maxes out at 63m with some distances being 48m.

    Is there any way to get a consistent 70 distance on straight lines?

  • Set t.catenaryPoleDistance = 70.0, that's the default distance between poles for straight track, the other values only modify this under specific conditions. So thats the value you actually want to set if you want a default distance of 70 m.

    t.catenaryMaxPoleDistanceFactor = 2.0 Is how far over the default the poles will be placed when something is in the way, for example when there's a diverging track. In this case upto 2x the default distance, but it's highly unlikely that a junction will force the poles that far apart.

    t.catenaryMinPoleDistanceFactor = 0.8 Is how much closer they'll get on curves to keep the wires over the track centre, since you're setting the default so high, you'll probably want to lower this otherwise the wires won't be over the tracks on even moderate curves.

  • I am not sure in what case there is "something in the way". If there is a junction, the area before and behind are probably just handeled seperately. If there are a lot of switches, there is just no pole.

    It it not possible to achieve an exact distance every time because poles are always at the beginning and end of the track you build (and distributed regularly in between). If the pole distance gets to large, one pole is added and the distance is shorter. Maybe this is what max and min means.
