Pennsylvania Railroad MP54 EMU

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  • Hi

    have a few old models lying around, and train fever seems easy enough to import into.

    This is an MP54. It was used for commuter service in NYC, Philly, Washington DC, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh. They were introduced in 1908, and because of the unique way public transportation is funded in America, they weren't withdrawn from service until 1981.

    EDIT: stupid beta released.
    insert restrictive license for no reason here

    To do: details, LODs, a couple paint schemes, stats, etc.

    German: ich spreche kein deutsche?

  • Looks really nice! I like these old trains which always look a bit experimental, like if Werner Siemens had still assembled them personally.
    One question: Were there also unmotorised cars for these trains or did every car have a cab, panto and motor?

    "Wenn größere Fußballspiele oder gar Weihnachtseinkäufe im KaDeWe als hochgradig riskant eingestuft werden, haben die Terroristen schon gewonnen, ohne einen einzigen Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet zu haben."

    Frank Jansen, Der Tagespiegel, Berlin, 15.11.15

  • There were unpowered cars classified "P54" (the P is for "passenger", the 54 indicating the length in feet). They still had driving cabs to my knowledge. There were also parlor and combination car variations, though they were produced in very small numbers.

    Anyone know what I'm doing wrong with my bogies? they aren't turning on curves, just remaining rigid to the body. I'm not even sure how they're defined, apart from something about these lines about axles...

    bogie definition:

    axle config:

    configs = {
                        axles = {

    bogie group:

  • There was an extra pair of brackets on the line right before the axle config. :\

    is there any way to neatly package these files up for distribution? as far as I can tell I'm expected to recreate the directory structure from hell in a .zip file in order to send this out

    EDIT: sucked it up and just made the file structure. have a beta and tell me if I've done something terribly wrong.

    P54 coach introduced 1908, MP54 multiple unit introduced 1915. currently no expiration date for testing purposes.

    known issues:

    -smoothing on the doors is bad fixed
    -might be too high-poly
    -it's a little heavy and underpowered, but the real thing was, too

  • Love it! Even though I'm not American, I found a certain fascination in Pennsylvania Railroad.

    Personally, I don't care if it is a bit heavy and slow. It just makes the game more fun and challenging. It's going to be great when proper modding for station comes, so that we can make smaller stations, which this would probably be very useful for. In terms of poly count, I'd keep it under 20k when it's not organically shaped. That train is still somewhat big and got a lot of axles, so you should have some excuse to keep it a bit over 12k, which small small locos are.

  • Fantastic work! I really like your train :) It will be a must for the new USA DLC.

    may I have some comments
    -When the doors are open you can see through the walls on the other side
    -Pantograph should be a tinybit lowered
    -Maybe couplers should be bigger, I think they are too small, not markant enough
    -If you make passanger carriages (I mean not only EMU trailers) please remove the headlights, seems funny behind other locos
    -Aren't they a bit small and narrow? I mean I thought american vehicles are a bit larger than european. I think they look like small coaches after a T1, they are fitting now for the european locomotives

    Keep the good work! ^^

  • LacaTall: these were built to (what is now) AAR plate "B" clearances, owing to the small diameter of the Hudson River tunnels. (also they're like, really old) They do actually seem to line up with the end of the T1's tender, which was designed to mesh well with most of the Pennsy's coaches (also built to Plate "B")

    Got the doors working; fixed the see-through parts, altered the pantograph height, removed those headlights on the coach (didn't realize that they didn't exist on the coach version) gonna release on the download section later today.

    here is a train of five MP54s working on my questionably-planned urban circulator line

    EDIT: anyone know the best way to make the UI icon? (I just took a picture of the model side-on in the model viewer...)

    EDIT2: uploaded to filebase; awaiting approval...
