[MOD] Cost mod (Kosten-Mod)

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  • Win7 64
    No errors, Im remove old cost_mod_config.lua and after insallation of 2.0 new file was created.
    I have cost_mod.zip file and TFMM show 2.0 version after install it.

  • It sounds like the wrong script has been running. If you use TFGM, you don't need the LuaTF.exe anymore. TFGM will run the scripts automatically for you.
    After the mod has been enabled the cost_mod_config.lua should look like this:

    All .mdl files will have a xxxx_Maintenance multiplied with the maintenance cost. xxxx is the name of the group, such as Bus, Train, Tram etc...

  • Hallo,
    bei der Installation werden nun ja ALLE gefundenen Dateien bearbeitet. Dies ist jedoch nicht immer wünschenswert (z.B. bei Fakes).

    Ich würde mir wünschen, dass man Dateien gezielt von der Bearbeitung ausschliessen kann. Zum Beispiel durch eine entsprechende Kennzeichnung am Anfang der jeweiligen Dateien, wie z.B. "no_costmod" oder auch "no_timelessmod".

    @Gwinda, wäre es möglich, dies zu implementieren?

    Liebe Grüße

    Auch ein alter Fuchs schaut gern ein Huhn, selbst wenn er's nicht mehr Reißen kann. ^^


  • I don't speak German and Google translate gave me some weird translation. But I think I know what you mean.
    Technically it's not a problem. The hurdle is how this would be configured in a way that is easy for users with no Lua experience. I do have some interesting ideas to implement in TFGM that would make this more easy to configure, but there is no easy solution right now.

    I will keep this in mind on future development.

    Thank you.

  • OK, thank you for the answer. Sorry, but my english is also not the best. :D

    Now i have the following problem. On run the LuaTFx64.exe or the LuaTFx.exe (both in Version 5.2) i become the Error-Message: ERROR #1 You need the latest Train Fever Extended Lua console or the Train Fever Game Manager to run this script. This is on cost_mod also timeless_mod.

    Have you, @Gwinda, a Solution for that?

    Enno :)

    Auch ein alter Fuchs schaut gern ein Huhn, selbst wenn er's nicht mehr Reißen kann. ^^


  • Ok, now i find the right Version.....i'm so stupid.... :whistling::saint:

    Very Thanks for your help and time. :thumbup:


    PS: I change the code a little bit for my suggestion (No Cost Mod on Fake's etc.)....

    local function isNoCostMod(script)
        return (string.find(script, "__no_cost_mod__") ~= nil)

    ....and it's running good. :thumbsup:

    Auch ein alter Fuchs schaut gern ein Huhn, selbst wenn er's nicht mehr Reißen kann. ^^


  • The problem is that the new version, the old unfortunately can not remove it. :thumbdown:

    Here is a modified version of me that can uninstall the old version and incidentally manipulated no fake files. :thumbsup:


    • Please uninstall the installed cost Mod (with TFMM)
    • Now install the attached cost Mod (with TFMM)
    • Please check the TF-path in the cost_mod.lua
    • Run the Lua Console (LuaTF.exe or LuaTFx64.exe)
    • type require "cost_mod" cost_mod.install ()
    • Have fun :D

    Enno :)

    PS: You need the latest Lua-Console from here.

    PPS: Mein Deutsch ist auch erheblich besser, als mein Englisch. Sorry.


    Auch ein alter Fuchs schaut gern ein Huhn, selbst wenn er's nicht mehr Reißen kann. ^^


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von EAT1963 ()

  • Doesn't work for me :( I downloaded the new TFGM and Cost mod, but when activated (in a normal or legacy mode), there is no possibility to "edit config" when right-clicking as it was possible before.
