NSB Stadler Flirt V2

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  • I am getting closer, but not "there" yet.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://puu.sh/nunbg/2551f5359b.jpg]

    In the front .grp I have the front bogie, but not the rear bogie, as that's coming from the carriage behind it.

    In the .mdl file for the front, I have only one child which loads the front .grp (the main model itself, doors and front bogie)
    Looking at the TF-ID viewer the bogie.msh of the front bogie is ID 12. Thus the following code.

    -11.4 is the position the bogie would've had if I had placed a bogie.grp there (which would've overlapped the other bogie from the second carriage)

    configs = {
    	{ axles = {
    		"vehicle/train/flirt/flirt_wheels.msh", },
    		fakeBogies = {
    			{ group = 1, position = 0, offset = 0 },
    			{ group = 12, position = -11.4, offset = 0.0 },

    It looks like it's getting the rotation from the front bogie only. No matter what I type in the group with ID 12, nothing changes in how the front rotates.

    I admit this isn't my strongest point of modding. ;)

  • You have to set TWO contactpoints for each goup ^^ So group 1 is this single group-entry in your mdl, right? Then you have to put two lines for that group, one with the front contact-point (x-coord/position) and one for the back (other back and front - its... egal ^^).

    The next thing is, when i understood you correct, id 12 is the MESH of your bogie? Thats wrong. You need to specify a GROUP! ^^ Not a mesh. So put your bogie in another group (bogie and axles) and refer to that groups id - again with two entries for the fake-bogie. Contactpoints here are the (global) x-positions of your axles.

  • The most important thing is, that your body must be within a group. So your .mdl should only contain:

    children = {
       id = "yourgroup.grp"
       all the coordinates and types here

    within the Lods. All the Meshes (without boogie and axles) must be in yourgroup.grp then. Even if you got only a body.msh, it must be in a group for fakeBoogies to work.

    configs = {
    	{ axles = {
    		"vehicle/train/flirt/flirt_wheels.msh", },
    		fakeBogies = {
    			{ group = 1, position = 0.0, offset = 0.0 },
    			{ group = 1, position = -11.4, offset = 0.0 },

    should work without problems.

  • ust refreshed the page. The last example of yours is what I figured out here too. Too bad real world measurements can't hold up with the smallest curve radius of the tracks in TF. The carriages are intersecting. I wont fix that this time around. After all, I make these curves for the absolute extremes to test.

    Thanks a lot guys!

    You have to set TWO contactpoints for each goup ^^ So group 1 is this single group-entry in your mdl, right? Then you have to put two lines for that group, one with the front contact-point (x-coord/position) and one for the back (other back and front - its... egal ^^).

    The next thing is, when i understood you correct, id 12 is the MESH of your bogie? Thats wrong. You need to specify a GROUP! ^^ Not a mesh. So put your bogie in another group (bogie and axles) and refer to that groups id - again with two entries for the fake-bogie. Contactpoints here are the (global) x-positions of your axles.

    My mistake. I misread the sample as used in the lexicon.

  • The most important thing is, that your body must be within a group. So your .mdl should only contain:

    children = {
       id = "yourgroup.grp"
       all the coordinates and types here

    within the Lods. All the Meshes (without boogie and axles) must be in yourgroup.grp then. Even if you got only a body.msh, it must be in a group for fakeBoogies to work.

    configs = {
    	{ axles = {
    		"vehicle/train/flirt/flirt_wheels.msh", },
    		fakeBogies = {
    			{ group = 1, position = 0.0, offset = 0.0 },
    			{ group = 1, position = -11.4, offset = 0.0 },

    should work without problems.

    There is no need for the body to be within a group, only the bogie that will be used as reference for the fake one need to be in a group.

  • That not right, Anachron.

    You'll have to define two fakeboogies for your body (has to be inside a group!). Both group numbers have to be the same. For right ID you can use a small tool from anton95 (located in the Downloads section under tools). Offset is also 0. Position should be set to one of the boogies for each entry.

    You can send me your files you are working on so I can have a closer look at it.

    Stupid german auto correction always produces big letters at the beginning of english words....

  • @mediziner : well, i may be wrong, but as far as i can tell i got it to work with the SwissCH TGV. It's the same configuration as the FLIRT with a common boggie.

    Edit : my bad, i stand corrected. i didn't notice that it was causing the bogie to not follow properly the track in tight turn. So it was only somewhat working :)

  • Your body seams a little shorter than those of OlaHaldor. When fakeboogies were assigned to a mesh they are not working at all. Your model has one real boogie. Then the middle of the mesh and the real boogie were used as contact (?) points to the tracks. (? means I'm not sure if this word is correct). This results in better track following behavior than with larger vehicles.

  • No, i assigned the fake bogie to the real one actually (which is a group) with a contact point at the opposite of the location of the reel one. It make the body follow the track properly but not the bogie as it was acting like a giant bogie of the length of the wagon. The fakebogie guide in german is a bit cryptic to me even with google translate, so i thought that the fakebogies was just simulating a copy of the reel one on the other side of the waggon.

  • This is the behavior I mentioned earlier. If your ungrouped bogie only has one contact point (your bogie group) it aligns with the bogie. So you set up the bogie wrong, the body aligned with it and looked that why correct.

    You have to set the contact points for the bogie, so that the axis' positions are your values. Well, TF makes this automatically, so you don't need to do it yourself. But you'll have to do it for the body. And to be able to fake that second bogie, to set the second contact point for your body, you need that group ID. So your body needs to be in a group too.

  • Another couple of images. :)

    What's new?
    + Drivers cabin
    + Interior for each unit
    + Windows are transparent, yet shiny
    + New coupling in front, which is more true to the real thing
    + Completely new PBR textures made from the ground up
    + Rough and uneven surface coating to make the specular highlights interesting
    + Color mask to let you switch the red color to a color you pick (as seen here)

  • I'm happy to announce the Flirt v2 have been up and running in Transport Fever for a few weeks already. ;)
    Most passengers sit, some on fold down chairs, others might even be standing during the ride. The mods will of course be available from day one in the Steam Workshop.

    Stadler Flirt - NSB

    • Price: 36 M
    • Running Costs: 4.10 M
    • Passenger capacity: 225
    • Top Speed: 200km/h
    • Weight: 200 t
    • Power: 4500 kW
    • Tractive Effort: 600 kN

    Stadler Flirt - MTR Express

    • Price: 27.5 M
    • Running Costs: 3.45 M
    • Passenger capacity: 125
    • Top Speed: 200km/h
    • Weight: 200 t
    • Power: 6000 kW
    • Tractive Effort: 600 kN