Nordisches DLC für TPF / Nordic DLC for TPF

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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  • naja das Hauptproblem bleibt ja, dass es zu wenige Leute mit zu wenig Motivation für das Konvertieren und anpassen an TPF gibt (Innenräume bauen, Texturen, etc...)

    Daher denke ich eher nicht.

    Aber es ist natürlich alles möglich und ich will das auch gar nicht schlechtreden.

    Die Möglichkeiten wie etwa Skizzen und Pläne findet man aus dem Norden erstaunlich gut…Tegninger/HS4326/4326.jpg

    MfG, die Licaon

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Licaon ()

  • Nico Semsrott würde jetzt noch anfügen: "...aber sie stirbt".

    Das würde aber dem bisherigen Bemühen und Aufwand der Beteiligten nicht gerecht werden. Aus dem TF-DLC-Entwicklerteam sind einfach (zu?) viele nicht mehr aktiv, was das ganze sehr zäh macht. Und man merkt eben doch, dass die Interessenschwerpunkte sehr unterschiedlich sind.

    Einige der Modelle findest du aber z.B. auf Steam als einzelne Mods.

  • was das ganze sehr zäh macht.

    Leider eine der Sachen die mich (evtl auch andere?) abschreckt, ich könnte schon Mods beisteuern. Aber es ist halt nun so das man gar nicht sagen kann wann denn das ganze DLC fertig ist. Da ich aber nicht für ein release "irgendwann mal" arbeite, werde ich fertige Mods lieber einfach selber veröffentlichen.
    Mit Hilfe an anderen Mods ist es halt schwierig, an Mods von anderen arbeite ich sehr ungerne da ich andere Arbeitsweisen und Ansprüche habe, aber trotzdem :D welche kämen da überhaupt in Frage? Die Nordic TF Mods meshmäßig wenigstens auf "Vanilla standard" zu bringen wäre ja keine große Herausforderung. Da kommt es halt auf die Ansprüche an.

    Wie wäre es wenn man sich auf ein "Grund-DLC" beschränkt wo Landschaft, Gebäude etc. drin sind und einige (fertige) Fahrzeuge und dann in der Web-Disk eine Kategorie Nordic-DLC einrichtet wo man Fahrzeuge hochladen kann. Das hätte den Charme das man (evtl?) eine überschaubarere Restarbeit hat, also ein schaffbares Ziel. "Einmal alles fertig" sehe ich als unrealistisch an.
    Ein späteres Update mit weiteren Fahrzeugen wäre ja ebenfalls möglich.

  • I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask, but I tried to "import" the Danish TMZ locomotive from Train Fever Nordic DLC into Transport Fever but no matter how I try I can't get it to show up in the depots.
    After comparing the files of this mod with other mods from the Nordic DLC I have found out that this locomotive does not have any group folder which all the other locomotives seem to have, so I suppose that is why it refuses to show up.
    What does the group files do and can I create the appropriate files in an easy way without coding?

  • @Swesim So, just that I'm sure that I understand you right: You are trying to get the MZ from the TF Nordic DLC into TpF, but you don't have any .grp?
    Why don't you just copy the folders from the nordic DLC into a mod of Transport Fever, and then delete everything that you don't want. You should see which Locomotive the files belong to in their names.
    If this is want you mean.
    I did that with all the vehicles from the Nordic DLC, so if you have further questions or need help, you can just write me a PM.


  • mit diversen TPF-Mods bzw Einstellungen in der Settings.lua sind schon jetzt stark bewaldete Landschaften möglich, das war in TF nicht so möglich, also wird das obsolet.

    Heightmaps mit Fjorden gab es glaub ich in TF schon, die könnte man ja übernehmen.

    eigene Nordic-Gebäude gab es afaik nie wirklich, es existierten zwar Pläne, hat aber soweit ich weiß nie wer gemacht. Korrigiert mich, wenn ich da falsch liege.

    Dito bei Bahnhöfen, oder Tram Haltestellen.

    Infrastruktur? Glaub es gab eine eigene Brücke, wenn ich mich nicht irre. Eigene Signale. Bahnübergänge.

    dh unterm Strich bleiben großteilig eh nur die Fahrzeuge übrig?

    Und fairerweise muss ich auch mal anmerken, dass das DLC wohl aufgrund persönlicher Vorlieben eher dänisch angehaucht war. Aus Schweden/Norwegen gab es recht wenig....

    was für TPF noch komplett fehlt, sind Schiffe, Flugzeuge. Speziell in Schweden und Norwegen sind ja zB Inlandsflüge doch auch ein unverzichtbarer Teil des Verkehrs, mit dem Zug ist man ja zB von Stockholm nach Kiruna 15 Stunden unterwegs - die Zeit haben nicht alle...

    MfG, die Licaon

  • Unfortunately, I do not know which locomotive but if the groups are missing, I assume that has no bogies. Open the mdl and look there for which grp are used.

    Thanks, I didn't think of that.

    @Swesim So, just that I'm sure that I understand you right: You are trying to get the MZ from the TF Nordic DLC into TpF, but you don't have any .grp?
    Why don't you just copy the folders from the nordic DLC into a mod of Transport Fever, and then delete everything that you don't want. You should see which Locomotive the files belong to in their names.
    If this is want you mean.
    I did that with all the vehicles from the Nordic DLC, so if you have further questions or need help, you can just write me a PM.


    Yes, i want the Trainfever MZ locomotive in TpF and copied all files I could find that was related to it, so I have everything but the groupfile.
    I will have a look in the model file when I get home and see which file is used there.

  • As I have understood it there will not be any release in the near future of a Nordic DLC, partly due to lack of modders.
    I do remember the Nordic DLC in Train Fever didn't contain much vehicles in the beginning, but over the releases of new versions more vehicles were added from interested modders.

    As You can see from my pictures in the gallery there are several Swedish vehicles available, most of them made by AntonTorstensson who modded most of the Swedish trains in the DLC.
    Unfortunately he didn't release everything he made since he wanted to make his own pack if I understood him right.
    He has a great number of Swedish vehicles that are playable in Train Fever but never released and hence should be able to be converted for TpF if he is interested.
    Unfortunately I haven't heard of him for a long time, so I suppose he is preoccupied with other things now.
    Still I believe it could be worth asking him if he might be interested in contributing with his TF vehicles to start with.

    As for planes Sweden and the other Nordic countries aren't very different from the rest of the world, it is basically the same aircraft types that are used here as in the rest of Europe.
    This means that it is "just" a matter of repaints of existing models.
    Boeing 727, 737, 757 and 767, DHC Dash 8, Douglas MD-11, Fokker 70 and BAE 146/ARJ100 already exist as models for TpF but in other liveries (the A320 has already been released in SAS livery).
    The DC-3, DC-4, DC-6 and Electra has also been used widely, primarily by SAS and possibly also by Finnair.
    Fokker 70 was never used, but its predecessor F28 were widely used on domestic routes in Sweden by Linjeflyg and the longer version F100 were used by Transwede, primarily on domestic routes.

    Modern buses are generally also rather generic, repaints are optional in my opinion.
    Older buses might need somewhat more modding though as they were usually built specifically for each country although there has been some cooperation, mainly between Sweden and Finland.

    Ships however is a completely different matter as they are usually built specifically for their task and therefore differs greatly between the countries.
    In the Nordic region river ships are rarely seen since the waterways are usually open and therefore requires bigger ships.

    Buildings and stops in Nordic style would of course be nice, but i don't see any need to include those from the beginning.
    Bridges and depots could also be added at a later stage.

    What I really feel is lacking in TpF is Nordic vehicles, so that would be nice to start with.

    I realize that this a very big project so I don't see any point in rushing the modders although it seems alarming that according to Yoshi some of the modders that were involved in the project has left this community.
    It might be wise to lower the bar so to speak and aim at releasing vehicles separately as they are finished and then concentrate on buildings and infrastructure as a complete DLC later on, but this is just my personal oppinion.
    One has to be aware that the people who are doing this are doing it of their own free will in their spare time without any pay, so I wish to express my gratitude and admiration for them and look forward to seeing the results at some point in the future.

  • I frequently use TF vehicles via the converter without any problems.
    However You must have all the vehicles dependancyfiles (model, texture, material and so on) in the Transport Fever folder, but I assume You already have this.
    What I did was to manually copy all the files for the vehicles I wanted from the respective folder in TF folder to the corresponding subfolder in the TpF folder, that has worked for me.
    Others say that it works just as well to just copy the whole vehicle folder including subfolders from the TF folder to the Tpf Mods folder.

    If the game crashes when You try to use TF-vehicles it is likely that You are missing at least one of its dependencies.
