Bhaals Question Thread - Updating/Mod/Texture QandAs

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  • Within the section "seatProvider" of your model .mdl you can enter a reference for the meshes that should be used for your crew (parameter "crewModels")

            seatProvider = {
                crewModels = { "characters/era_c_wom_02.mdl", },
                drivingLicense = "BUS",
                seats = {

    This examples references to a vanilla "normal" person but this should be also possible with individual/repainted person .mdls (if you want). I think dview has done this with some of his mods.

    Be aware: At least for me the exchanged driver .mdl is not shown in the model editor, but it works in game.

  • It is a fairly simple trick to change the driver character, I do comment out the driving licence and if the character is tailored I set that to be available only from 1848 to 1849 and have a WATER driving license, that prevents the characters to be triggered by the game KI.

    A limitation is that you can only assign one character mdl, i.o.w. all crew members on board will be identical. You can bypass that by creating your own character mdl in which you simply combine various persons. Position your persons respective to the master/driver position and .

    Reply in German if you want, but allow me to stick to English.

  • Ahh thank you all again! :) I have pretty much everything I want to figure out sorted for now.

    Bar this;

    Can the game make this mesh spin? Or do have I have to learn to animate it in Blender? I noticed in some tutorials the game is capable of handling rotation with just code? Or am I misunderstanding, can anyone elaborate?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out as well. The object origin was the issue, now spins quite handily. :)

    Most issues I have are caused by a lack of experience, I overlook something tiny and then can't remember what I forgot to do hahaha

  • Greetings all,

    Long time no questions! :)

    In todays episode, I'm trying to get the text in the LabelList to a very specific colour. R: 231 G: 190 B: 111, but I'm not exactly sure which value (If any, I could be barking up the wrong tree) corresponds to RGB in the code;

    color = {231 / 190, 111 / 150, 0 /0},

    I've been randomly fiddling with it and have it close but it's not quite right so I'm probably missing something. The wiki is a bit.. .vague on which does what.

    What's the correct entry here?

    Cheers all,

    Thanks as always! :)

  • Those RGB values are between 0 and 1 each for the mentioned function. Some prefer to use an 8 bit value; it is possible to write ( R/256, G/256, B/256) as well to have those automatically scaled down from 0 to 1. I´d not be surprised if Your quoted entries were related to this method.

    So in Your case, the correct entry would be (231/256, 111/256, 0/256} to achieve Your desired colour.

  • Interestingly, it comes out rather orange. Its the same RGB value as the 'D' after it, the D is on the texture, the numbers are LabelList. Is that just how the game handles shaders/colour?

  • Next rando question,

    I posted this on the discord as well but I suspect the forum gets some other foot traffic as well. :)

    I'm not real good with Lua so why is this spitting out a 'Then' expected near 2300 error on line 9?

    shouldn't the line;

    if params.2300 == 0 then

    be fine? This code was copied from my earlier CLC wagon con file where it worked just fine?

  • I do indeed.

    That's the whole set, it's fairly simple and hasn't had anything changed from my last mod except the names and directories... :/

  • The params.2300 looks wierd to me.

    I've never seen parameters that only consisted of numbers

    Edit: if i remove the numbers the error jumps to the next params.2300, so I'm certain that is the error

  • Thank you so much! :)

    That's going to save a headache in the future. I can go back and patch my other static con files to use the neat Lua menu now as well.

    I like tidy menus when I can have them.

    Thanks again.
