[TFGM] Train Fever Game Manager

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Da mein Englisch nicht das beste ist, schreib ich es mal auf Deutsch.

    Also ich als Modder finde die Lösung von Stepke voll in Ordnung. Denn ich hätte es schon ganz gerne wenn jemand zum ersten mal mein Modell herunterlädt, er die Beschreibung durchlesen kann und oder einen Daumen da lassen kann. Denn sein wir mal ehrlich, wenn man die Möglichkeit hat einfach per Klick das Objekt der Begierde herunter zu laden, geht man danach bestimmt nich noch mal auf die Seite für die Beschreibung oder sonstiges.
    Ich bin auch der Meinung das man den Moddern wenigstens beim ersten Herunterladen soweit entgegen kommen kann sich die Download Beschreibung mal anzusehen.
    Die ganzen Mods aktuell zu halten ist da schon schwieriger, da sagt ja auch keiner was gegen. Das anzeigen und automatische herunterladen von Updates ist ja nicht untersagt worden.
    Nur der erste Download und dafür hat Stepke mein vollstes Verständnis und meine Zustimmung, muss bzw soll über die HP Laufen.



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Grimes ()

  • If I change the storage folder, the program saves the new path in the Preferences.lua but the files are still stored in the default folder.
    After restarting the program the Preferences menu shows the default path.

    I'm using Windows 10.


  • Da mein Englisch nicht das beste ist, schreib ich es mal auf Deutsch.

    But there is a button to both the mod's page AND the Author's page. A non German speaking person (as myself) don't get any benefits from looking at a mod page in 100% German. About 50% of TFGM's active user base are non German speaking. I wanted to show the mod's description, but the API doesn't give me that information.

    I do believe that the majority actually are looking at the mod page's description before adding it to the download queue. I'm not tracking how my users are using TFGM, but maybe I need to start doing that...

    I have suggested many solutions of how we can improve this but Stepke hasn't commented a single one of my suggestions. It is very hard to be constructive and try to work things out for all parties if no one is willing to answer/discuss.

    I would love to get the thumbs up info with each mod and paypal links so they can be presented together with the mod. For this we need to discuss the API but so far no one has been willing. TFGM has from the very beginning always prioritized to expose and credit the mod author(s).

    This was my last answer to Stepke:

    Another convenient feature is that after download, TFGM automatically moves the archive to the library and register the mod in TFGM. No need to manually find the downloaded file, move it and add it to a mod manager.

    In the last TFGM update I removed the queue and as a result, almost no one has updated to the new version.
    I really want to discuss a solution, but it seems like no one is willing discuss it with me.

  • Hello,

    I also think that the majority don't download blindly without looking at the download page first. But indead, a lot of mods only have a german description which can be quite hard to understand to non german speaker, even with google translate as it mess up the layout, making things even more difficult to read in addition to the approximative translation.
    If the goal is to promote the community, encourage more English translated content (it is not my native language either but i think a lot more people can read it than german) would probably be more effective than forcing people to go through german pages.

    I think that a solution like the nexusmods one would be nice (a "download with modmanager" link, which would use your default mod manager between TFGM or TFMM, or something like that) but it would indeed require some dialogs.

    Anyway, i hope a middle ground will be found because the TF community is not that big and tearing it apart would not do it any good.

  • The language barrier is real, there is no denying. I personally have no problem communicating everything on this forum on English.
    However, (I know this is not a good argument,) this site is still a German fan page. Unfortunately, the multilanguage capabilities of the forum software is highly limited- if not to say it is bad.
    having a unified layout like in TFGM can be pretty helpful for serving a multicultural audience. However, and this is the main point here: The downloads are hosted on this website, and it the right of the administration to ask for Gwinda to stop enabling users to use a download queue without ever having to visit this site even once.
    The community can only live on, if people know about it. Of course, train-fever.net is pretty well known in the train fever community - still this does not change anything about the general statement.
    The arguments Gwinda is posting here may be right, but there was never any discussion about the arguments in the first place. Gwinda, you are well known for wanting to justify his actions with a load of arguments - even when there is no discussion in the first place. The main reason that I can see here is: People should know, where all these fine mods come from.
    And to be honest: A "homepage" button inside TFGM pointing to the website of the mod does not really replace the necessity to visit the page before starting the download.
    It is very important to the community page, that TFGM does not handle the page as only a "cloud storage in the background", but emphasizes that the mods really come from this site. Therefore it should be necessary to visit the site at least once when downloading a mod. I am sure there are multiple possible solutions here. (Just an idea: TFGM could implement the website inside the program itself, so nobody has to leave TFGM and TFGM can also modify the HTML if needed but everyone can see where the mod is coming from)

    With all this said - I really do not want to interfere here. This topic is something that has to be discusses between Gwinda and the forum administration. Also, it is really bad manners to publish parts of internal conversations - even given that Gwinda did not publish what Stepke wrote. As the police would say: No information about ongoing investigations ;)
    I am 100% sure that some solution will be found between the involved parties, and that we will all happily live ever after.

  • I don't want this to get out of proportions and there has not been a discussion internally because no one has actually commented my answers and arguments. All I ask for is a dialogue, but it is a little bit difficult if no one answer.

    There is no other places to download mods than from train-fever.net (with one or two exceptions, a russian and maybee a chinese? what I know of). I think every one knows by now that 99.99% of all mods comes from Train-Fever.net, no doubt. I always promote Train-Fever.Net as THEE mod site for TF, and even TFGM download links goes to Train-Fever.Net (except for automatic TFGM updates, that comes from my servers).

    One of my suggestions was that in order to open the catalog at all, the Train-Fever.net terms and condition window is shown. That is a perfect place to show where the catalog comes from, with big letters and links. If you send me a translation of thee German text I would be happy to make this arrangement. I can even have the Train-Fever.net page open in the browser at the same time.

    The catalog function is designed to be capable of handling "catalogues" from different web sites. It just happened to be that Train-Fever.Net is the only one right now because I'm having trouble to understand how to contact the russians and chinese sites. I had planned to show what site each mod comes from and I could simply add that info in the mod information right now.

    To show the page in an embedded Web browser would need to be opened in a separate window because of GUI space reserved for the selected mod is to small fot hosting the web page. So in that case, the home button does exactly this, opens the mod page in a separate web browser.

    To keep track of what mods has been looked at and not is possible but it would require some better mod identification system so an installed mod can be paired with the correct mod in the catalogue or in a catalogue from another site. I try to Keep TFGM as general as possible, therefore the names "Home" and "Author".

    In the last update the queue was disabled, so only one mod at a time can be downloaded - this has repelled many users from actually updating TFGM to the latest version.
    The "internal" conversation wasn't meant to display the "conversation", I posted that single post because it captured the concerns and my answer/suggestions to them. If Stepke wants to publish all of it, that is fine with me.
    If I had only published excerpts, the I had probably been accused for censoring :)

    Gwinda, you are well known for wanting to justify his actions with a load of arguments - even when there is no discussion in the first place.

    I'm not sure what you are referring to. I have always tried to have a dialogue and invited people to participate in conversations. If they chose to not take part in it, it is not much I can do, but at least I tried to start a discussion.
    I'm glad that we finally started to discuss these things :thumbsup:

    So my proposal to start with are (what I can do right now):
    1. Show the Terms and Condition (you sen me an English translation) with links and/or open the Tf.net page in the browser everytime the catalog is opened. I could also place a donation button in the same dialogue.
    2. Add the site origin as a link to the mod information area (in this case Train-Fever.net).
    3. Rename the "Home" button to "Mod info" ??

    I really would like to discuss how we can improve the Web API and I'm still willing to help you out with some PHP coding if you would like that.
    I would love to put up a donation button with all mods (providing a donation link).

    So what is the "Administration" saying about this so far? :thumbup:
    For keeping track of what mods that has been visited or not we need to find a better way to identify each file. The tfnetID in each mod is not related to a single file but to the mod page itself.

  • One of my suggestions was that in order to open the catalog at all, the Train-Fever.net terms and condition window is shown.

    Without responding to everything you just wrote I just want to point out that accepting the terms and conditions is a prerequisite to accessing the database at all. So your suggestion of showing this when downloading files from the database using TFGM for the first time is not an accommodation but your obligation.

  • Without responding to everything you just wrote I just want to point out that accepting the terms and conditions is a prerequisite to accessing the database at all. So your suggestion of showing this when downloading files from the database using TFGM for the first time is not an accommodation but your obligation.

    It sounds like I have somehow hacked myself into the file database and just done whatever I did without any form consent from Train-Fever.Net.
    No, I didn't! I implemented the whole thing in dialogue with Train-Fever.Net and no one complained about it then.

    Now when I have to remove all the neat catalog features, the "terms & condition" becomes irrelevant to TFGM anyway.
    But, maybe someone should update this terms & condition to English as well, so the rest of the world would understand what they really agree too. :)

    All there is in English is "Uploading to other sites is prohibited!" but what does it really mean?
    My guess is that I'm not allowed to download mods from Train-Fever.Net and then upload them somewhere else.
    But since the Author isn't giving exclusive rights to Train-Fever.Net when uploading a mod, it would also mean that I can upload a mod to other sites as long I have the Author's permission to do so, right? ;)

  • Again, you are completely missing the topic and discussing about something else. This is exactly what I meant here early on. (To clerify: I never that or suggested that you "hacked into". It is not about how you gain access but how you give accesss to your users).

  • No, I didn't! I implemented the whole thing in dialogue with Train-Fever.Net and no one complained about it then.

    If my informations are correct, the database you're accessing for your catalog was only meant to support mod updates directly inside the mod managers and nobody tells you to remove this feature. If the user only updates a mod, he or she normaly already saw and accepted the terms and conditions when downloading it the first time, so in this case one could argue that showing them again isn't necessary (I don't know what tfmm does in this case).
    But if you enable users to download new mods without even visiting this site, you have to show them the terms and conditions, because otherwise they don't even know they exist. However, in some cases this may not be enough, because some mods have additional terms and conditions, that have to be accepted before downloading the mod (or are automatically accepted when downloading it). The only way to make users aware of that, is to show the download page before they can download the files.
    I currently only see two possibilities to do that:

    • Open the download page inside TFGM and start the download after the user clicked the download button on the page (what @Xanos proposed). This is probably the most convenient option for the user.
    • Open the download page in the browser every time a new mod is downloaded from the catalog and don't automatically start the download. Maybe we could add some kind of code on the download page the users have to enter in TFGM to actually start the download, in order to make sure they really looked at the page (just a personal idea so far, but I would prefer idea 1, because it's much easier for the user).

    All there is in English is "Uploading to other sites is prohibited!" but what does it really mean?

    It means uploading to other sites is prohibited, unless the author said something else (e.g. on the download page or in a personal conversation). ;)

  • Stepke has already given me the final answer in a PM.

    It sounds like I have done things that Train-Fever.Net wasn't aware of, but they were aware of everything, including the "terms & condition" not being displayed or the queueing of mods. The catalog has been in TFGM since August 2015 and no one has complained about its implementation until now. The initial concerns was about the cost for traffic, then it shifted to donation and credits and now it is about terms and conditions... I'm not quite sure what the exact reason really i since it has shifted forth and back a few times.

    Since this matter has been final there is no point in discussing further solutions more than to brain storm for future changes in the Train-Fever.Net policies/web API. For that I think a new thread would be appropiate, dedicated to Web API and Mod manager integration.

    To display the webpage in a separate window would mean the use of an Active X component for the Internet web browser and that is not really a problem. The suggestion that TFGM would sense if the download button is pressed requires interaction from a event fired in html running inside an Active X object and C++ Code outside of the Active X object. It is possible but would require a lot of work, hours I'm not willing to spend if there is no guarantees that this solution wouldn't be accepted anymore at some point in the future.

    To display it in the default web browser would make it impossible to know if the agreement was accepted, or if the download link was pressed.

    It would also require to block the actual download started by the HTML events so not two copies would be downloaded in parallel. If it is done by the HTML only, TFGM can not follow the progress and/or detect faults.
    All together this would also be an artificial solution to get around problems that could be solved very easy if the Web API was updated with additional functions.

    When TFGM does it on its own, the whole download process can be monitored and controlled. Errors are detected and a successful download can automatically be registered and installed in TFGM's Database, without having to manually move or point out the downloaded file.

    Now when the final decision has been made, let us leave this subject and move on or take it to a new thread. I need to figure out what to do with the remaining catalogue functions in the next update...

  • Hello, I just installed TFGM for the second time and I must say that I am very please with the function that it offers. Truly a good program.

    - Question: Is it desired that the program does not support line breaks in strings? I just recieved the following message when starting the vehicle manager (version: - 1464, mod: Baureihe 53)


    "Wenn größere Fußballspiele oder gar Weihnachtseinkäufe im KaDeWe als hochgradig riskant eingestuft werden, haben die Terroristen schon gewonnen, ohne einen einzigen Sprengstoffgürtel gezündet zu haben."

    Frank Jansen, Der Tagespiegel, Berlin, 15.11.15

  • Code
    description = {
    			name = _("VanHool AGG300"),
    			description = _("Der VanHool AGG 300 ist ein Doppelgelenkbus des belgischen Herstellers \n" .. 
    							"Van Hool. Mit 25m Länge ist er nichts für schmale Gassen, dafür aber als \n" .. 
    							"viertüriger Niederflurbus bestens für die Großstadt geeignet. Eingesetzt \n" .. 
    							"wird er beispielsweise in Aachen oder Hamburg. Die Hamburger Hochbahn-\n" .. 
    							"Linie ist dabei mit ca. 60.000 Fahrgästen/Tag die am stärksten frequentierte \n" .. 
    							"Buslinie Europas.")

    Hier bspw vom AGG. Kannst den Linebreak angeben wie du willst, im Spiel hast du keinen Zeilenumbruch :/

  • Question: Is it desired that the program does not support line breaks in strings? I just recieved the following message when starting the vehicle manager (version: - 1464, mod: Baureihe 53)

    As BR146 pointed out, the first attempt was a Lua syntax error.

    Second, I think TFGM is stripping away linebreaks in the vehicle view for reasons I don't remember right now :) I will check to see what the reason was.

  • @RobbiZ
    The reason why TFGM is stripping away all line breaks in a vehicle description is this. In the vanilla and USA DLC models, the descriptions are defined in the language file (.po file). The description text in these .mdl files are merely identifiers in the .po file. Most of the actual text doesn't have line breaks in their final translation.

    TFGM is not reading the .po file and only displaying the identifier (default description text). Some of these identifier do have line formatting for legacy reasons. In TFGM it looks very strange with these line breaks, so to make it look more like the in-game formatting, TFGM is stripping away all line breaks.

    I have changed so the line breaks only are stripped for vanilla and USA DLC models, other mods will keep their formatting. This will be in the next update.

    PS. You really don't need to put in line breaks, TF will automatically insert line breaks (word wrap) unless you want to create paragraphs (put in two consecutive line breaks).

    P.P.S. This only applies to TFGM's vehicle view. The originals are always used when installing the mod into TF.

  • Release - 1466

    * Added Mod bundle error report.
    * Added Catalog name (site).
    * Added AutoInstall Parameter to Preferences.
    * Added Autoinstall on register mods.
    * Added scrollbar to description in vehicle manager.
    * Added range limit checks to mod configuration UI.

    * Change. Only direct download for mods already in library.
    * Change. Removed baseline reminder on updates. You need to keep track of this yourself if used.
    * Change. Line breaks is only stripped for Vanilla and USA DLC in Vehicle Manager.
    * Change. Direct download can only be initiated for mods already present in the library (on Train-Fever.Net's request).

    * Fix. TFGM generates a lot of errors if a mod fails.
    * Fix. TFGM crash on failed archive extraction.
    * Fix. TFGM crash if cache image can't be created.
    * Fix. Mod config UI element height miscalculated.

    Please add comments and vote for new features on Trello.

    Localized tags can be downloaded from Train-Fever.net.
    Train Fever Game Manager

    If you have translated something, please share it with me :)
