Bogies for Stadler Wink

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  • Hello all,

    I've been trying to get the Stadler Wink in Transport Fever 2 for several weeks now. However, I run into a problem, I use Blender to model, what should the bogies be called, so that the model editor classifies this further in terms of name.

    I'd like to hear
    Yours sincerely,


  • Hi Jesporo01, I hope I got you question right. If you want to use "fake bogies" (like selected in the screenshot) you will have to define them manually in the model editor or directly in the mdl. Ich you are looking for "(regular) bogies" the model editor/game will recognize them automatically for each node that contains axles (bogie name will be the node name). You will allways have to define axles in the model editor or manually in the mdl. I don't know if it is possible export nodes (child/parent) with the fbx file (never done this but maybe someone found out to do this?).

    Since your mod is already very far developed I assume you know the info from Urban games but to be sure here is the link to the topic in the modding wiki:[]=fake&s[]=bogies#fake_bogies

  • Now i have the following problem. The Wink consists of 2 head carriages and a power pack (middle). I checked everything that belongs to a Multiple Unit. all metadata such as year of manufacture and emissions are all equal. However, it is not visible when I activate the mod and start playing in the correct year. What could be the problem?

  • Take a look in the stdout and look for something like "stadlerwink.mdl is removed" mostly with a decsrciption about a error. Sometimes the models are visible in the model editor but the game throws them out because something is wrong.

  • I looked at the "descriptions". That's not the point. I have set the "Multiple unit" option to "No". Now the train in wagons is visible in the game. However, I now have this problem, is it possible to move the axes to the correct value, and to hook them together because of the jacobsbogies?

  • also a problem, the bogies are not on the train itself. there as big as a city. Is that a problem with blender, exporting or scaling? also they rotate if there a helicopter

  • Likely these two phenomenas (scale and rotation axis) are both related to the issues that are common when importing blender fbx.

    Did you check this guide for the export parameters?…tion=guides&appid=1066780

  • Vandaag ben ik verder gaan werken aan de Stadler Wink. Ik heb het probleem van de crashende Modeleditor kunnen achterhalen. Ik heb een FBX-bestand geexporteerd zonder de draaistellen. Nu kan ik het model opslaan en gaat alles goed. Kan het zijn dat de parenting in Blender fout is? Kijk hiervoor het plaatje. Graag hoor ik van jullie.

    Today I continued working on the Stadler Wink. I was able to figure out the problem of Model Editor crashing. I exported an FBX file without the bogies. Now I can save the model and everything is fine. Could it be that the parenting in Blender is wrong? Look at the picture for this. I would like to hear from you.

  • EMP, you did it!. The empty axes helped, and i made a mistake in the naming, it turns out you can't use symbols. so i named them: BogieBPP for the bogies and WHEEL1bpp and WHEEL2bpp for the axes!

  • Im getting there slowly

    butt it still thinks it's an helicopter, still going to fix that....

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MaikC () aus folgendem Grund: Ein Beitrag von Jesporo01 mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • Are the axles deffined?

    I am not sure but i think the bogie is deffined as axle.

  • That was the trick, again thanks! now only the axles rotate like an helicopter. but thats another thing. I think it has to do something with blender, and i have read something about it, turning it 90 degrees in edit mode and then in objectmode

  • EMP the interior, as far as i found it detailed enough for the game

    The bogie helicopter problem is solved. I rotated the axels in Blender on the x axes to 90 degrees, then in editmode rotated it back, so it would look how it should. Now thats solved! Now the lights of one of the carriages doesn't work.

    The lights in the modeleditor work, and their defined in the metadata.

    But in the actual game, they don't work, in both directions. The carriage in the back (with one door) works fine in both directions...

    This is the carriage with the problem, the light work in the Modeleditor. But in the game they aren't visible. I defined them in the metadata as Backward End Lights (23 and 24) and the frontlights as Forward lights (25, 26 and 27)

    Moderator Edit: Triplepost merged. Please note the forum rules.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Jesporo01 () aus folgendem Grund: 2 Beiträge von Jesporo01 mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.
